a thread for mundane ironists

[b]tiny nietzsche

ask your mom if I can come over and be your new dad[/b]

What would yours say?

all the best cowboys have cocaine eyes

Or needles in their veins.

an equinox on both your houses

Twice a year as it were.

me: maybe a planet is responsible for things being fucked up
mercury: hey

Remember when it used to be Pluto?

I’m glad we had this time to forget

Like most of us here.

if the leprechaun sees its shadow, six more weeks of drinking

Or twelve if it doesn’t.

[b]Dorothea Lange

The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera. [/b]

Or not of course.

Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.

Maybe, but it’s a stretch.

One should really use the camera as though tomorrow you’d be stricken blind.

Interesting. What would you choose to photgraph?

Pick a theme and work it to exhaustion… the subject must be something you truly love or truly hate.

Interesting. What would you choose as a theme?

The best way to go into an unknown territory is to go in ignorant, ignorant as possible, with your mind wide open, as wide open as possible and not having to meet anyone else’s requirement but your own.

And then see how long they will let you.

Seeing is more than a physiological phenomenon. We see not only with our eyes but with all that we are and all that our culture is.

No doubt where I’d take that, is there?

[b]Barbara Kingsolver

Memory runs along deep, fixed channels in the brain, like electricity along its conduits; only a cataclysm can make the electrons rear up in shock and slide over into another channel. The human mind seems doomed to believe, as simply as a rooster believes, that where we are now is the only possibility.[/b]

If doomed is the right word.

Everyone should get dirt on his hands each day. Doctors, intellectuals. Politicians, most of all. How can we presume to uplift the life of the working man, if we don’t respect his work?

Right, that will catch on.

Like kids who only ever get socks for Christmas, but still believe with all their hearts in Santa.

What is one to make of that?

When someone mattered like that, you didn’t lose her at death. You lost her as you kept living.

What is one to make of that?

It’s a great freedom to give up on love, and get on with everything else.

That or philosophy.

Sometimes I prayed for Baby Jesus to make me good, but Baby Jesus didn’t.

You know, being just a baby.

[b]tiny nietzsche

jar of bees for president[/b]

A write-in if there ever was one.

me: I need purpose
space: here
time: lol

Of course time always gets the last laugh.

It’s so quiet out that I can hear into the future

So, what’s it say?

just because I work six days a week doesn’t mean I don’t look forward to the death of the sun

A non-sequitur perhaps.

shocked! shocked that rich people buy their kids way into college

At least until Trump drains the swamp.

long story short, i am naked in the woods

Let’s lengthen it.

[b]Jackson Pollock

If people would just look at the paintings, I don’t think they would have any trouble enjoying them. It’s like looking at a bed of flowers, you don’t tear your hair out over what it means.[/b]

Okay, but how deep is that.

Art is coming face to face with yourself.

Unlike, say, philosophy?

Abstract painting is abstract. It confronts you. There was a reviewer a while back who wrote that my pictures didn’t have any beginning or any end. He didn’t mean it as a compliment, but it was.

Artspeak on steroids.

When I am in a painting, I’m not aware of what I’m doing.

“Well, that explains a lot”, some will say.

It doesn’t matter how the paint is put on, as long as something is said.

Drip. Splash. Pour.

I’ve been thinking of death a lot, and I am amazed by its inevitability, frightened, as we all are, of the totally unknown, and yet feel a long sleep is somehow earned by those of us who live on the edge.

Sure, see if that works for you.

[b]Douglas Hofstadter

It is perhaps wrong to say that the enemy of enlightenment is logic; rather, it is dualistic, verbal thinking. In fact, it is even more basic than that: it is perception. [/b]

How the fuck can this be true?!

It is an inherent property of intelligence that it can jump out of a task which it is performing and survey what it has done.

Let’s try that here.

Many people believe that our lives end not when we die but when the very last person who knew us dies. Memory is part of it, yes, but I think it’s much more than memory.

No way I’m one of them.

This sentence contradicts itself - no actually it doesn’t.

You tell me.

It is as if you took a lot of very good food and some dog excrement and blended it all up so that you can’t possibly figure out what’s good or bad. It’s an intimate mixture of rubbish and good ideas, and it’s very hard to disentangle the two, because these are smart people; they’re not stupid.

We’ll need a context of course.

There has to be a common sense cutoff for craziness, and when that threshold is exceeded, then the criteria for publication should get far, far more stringent.

Let’s make that a criterion for posting here.

[b]so sad today

me: fuck the haters
also me: the haters are definitely right[/b]

Our haters she means.

i don’t understand how people just like live life

Not to worry, they don’t either.

i want sex and to be alone

Don’t we all?

i keep getting older and it’s not good

Not counting when you were a lot younger and it was.

deleting tweets is a basic human right

Let’s amend the Constitution.

the glass may be half full but i don’t like what’s in it

Poison for example.

[b]Wassily Kandinsky

It is essential that the painter should develop not only his eyes, but also his soul, so that it too may be capable of weighing colors in balance. [/b]

You know, if he has one.

All methods are sacred if they are internally necessary. All methods are sins if they are not justified by internal necessity.

How to tell? Try flipping a coin.

I really believe that I am the first and only artist to throw not just the ‘subject’ out of my paintings, but every ‘object’ as well.

You tell me: wassilykandinsky.net/painting1896-1944.php

I applied streaks and blobs of colors onto the canvas with a palette knife, and I made them sing with all the intensity I could.

Anyone here know what that might even possibly mean?

It should not be forgotten that art is not a science where the latest ‘correct’ theory declares the old to be false and erases it.

It’s not a philosophy either.

In the hierarchy of colors, green represents the social middle class, self-satisfied, immovable, narrow.

More like the upper middle class, right?

[b]so sad today

the internet is destroying my mind, body and spirit and i love it[/b]

My guess: she’s not alone.

there are so many amazing reasons not to like people

Let’s list the top ten.

breaking news: no one actually knows why we exist

Of course: Not counting all those [here for example] who claim that they do.

everyone is doing the best they can, which is terrifying

Fortunately, I’m not one of them.

i don’t feel well but i never have

Maybe tomorrow.

you’re damn right i lack self-confidence

I sort of lack it myself.

[b]Angie Thomas

DeVante’s got a point. What makes his name or our names any less normal than yours? Who or what defines ‘normal’ to you? If my pops were here, he’d say you’ve fallen into the trap of the white standard.[/b]

More normal for some than for others.

Slave masters thought they were making a difference in black people’s lives too. Saving them from their “wild African ways.” Same shit, different century. I wish people like them would stop thinking that people like me need saving.

Well, in some ways, all of us need saving.

Don’t fall for that trap. That’s what they want. If you don’t wanna speak out, that’s up to you, but don’t let it be because you’re scared of them. Who do I tell you that you have to fear?
Nobody but God.

Unless, of course, God is the biggest trap of all. For example, by far.

I never know which Starr I should be. I can use some slang, but not too much slang, some attitude, but not too much attitude, so I’m not a ‘sassy black girl.’ I have to watch what I say and how I say it, but I can’t sound ‘white’.

So, do I sound white?

But I realize that being real ain’t got anything to do with where you live.

Being real ain’t got nothing to do with it either.

They act like I’m the official representative of the black race and they owe me an explanation. I think I understand though. If I sit out a protest, I’m making a statement, but if they sit out a protest, they look racist.

Maybe even are racist.

[b]Andre Breton

At the word witch, we imagine the horrible old crones from Macbeth. But the cruel trials witches suffered teach us the opposite. Many perished precisely because they were young and beautiful. [/b]

Wouldn’t surprise me.

There is nothing with which it is so dangerous to take liberties as liberty itself.

Let the lines be drawn!

Humor is the process that allows one to brush reality aside when it gets too distressing.

Let’s see what we can do with the Mueller report.

If surrealism ever comes to adopt a particular line of moral conduct, it has only to accept the discipline that Picasso has accepted and will continue to accept.

Right, like that actually makes any sense. To me, for example.

…with the end of my breath, which is the beginning of yours.

If in fact that’s actually true.

Let us not mince words: the marvelous is always beautiful, anything marvelous is beautiful, in fact only the marvelous is beautiful.

Said Don Trump of the Mueller report. At least the AGs version of it.

[b]Lenny Bruce

Today’s comedian has a cross to bear that he built himself. A comedian of the older generation did an act and he told the audience, This is my act. Today’s comic is not doing an act. The audience assumes he’s telling the truth. What is truth today may be a damn lie next week.[/b]

So? You turn that into a joke too.

You got to pay your dues to get the joke. Besides, laughter is cheap and very portable. If there’s a pogrom, or they’re blaming you for the plague, nothing is easier to pack than a sense of humor.

Well, if they’ll let you unpack it.

All my humor is based upon destruction and despair.

Or: All my philosophy is based upon destruction and despair.

When you’re eight years old, nothing is any of your business.

That’s now down to five.

Sex and obscenity are not synonymous.

Unless of course you believe they are.

I’ll die young, but it’s like kissing God.

He was 40.
Dope of course.

[b]Philosophy Tweets

“Sometimes the truth is too simple for intellectuals.” Jean-Paul Sartre[/b]

Or simply not abstract enough.

“It is impossible, or not easy, to alter by argument what has long been absorbed by habit." Aristotle

Let’s call it next to impossible.

“There is that great proverb — that until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter.” Chinua Achebe

I wonder if that is applicable to our species?

“History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.” Winston Churchill

Him and all his detractors.

“The vice lies not in entering the bordello but in not coming out.” Aristippus

Who doesn’t come out?

“Authentic happiness is always independent of external conditions.” Epictetus

How idiotic is that?!!

[b]Leonora Carrington

There are things that are not sayable. That’s why we have art.[/b]

And not, for example, philosophy.

Art is a magic which makes the hours melt away and even days dissolve into seconds.

I must have the wrong art then, he thought.

People under seventy and over seven are very unreliable if they are not cats.

Of course that practically goes without saying. Though they’re far more likely to be dogs.

You may not believe in magic but something very strange is happening at this very moment. Your head has dissolved into thin air and I can see the rhododendrons through your stomach. It’s not that you are dead or anything dramatic like that, it is simply that you are fading away and I can’t even remember your name.

Sounds very much like a personal problem.

The task of the right eye is to peer into the telescope, while the left eye peers into the microscope.

No doubt more so for women than for men. Whatever that means.

There are places I’d like to return to. But not as I was then but as I am now. 'Cause I’m trying to understand. And I’ve understood nothing.

Like that will actually help.

[b]Ray Brassier

Correlationism rejects metaphysical realism understood as the claim that the way the world is does not depend on how we take things to be. It also rejects the Cartesian corollary, i.e., the claim that the way the mind is does not depend on the way the world is. [/b]

We’ll need a context, right?

Nihilism is not an existential quandary but a speculative opportunity.

Even though we all know that it is both.

I am a nihilist because I still believe in truth.

He means “truth” of course.

Philosophy ought to be able to give an account of rationality that is not wholly detached from science’s account of nature, even if it is not straightforwardly reducible to it.

Let’s asign ourselves this task.

Psychoanalytic categories such as “neurosis”, “psychosis”, “mania”, and “fixation” have become part of our everyday psychological vocabulary and we now routinely interpret states of anxiety, excitement, or depression in terms of physiological factors involving levels of serotonin, adrenalin, or blood sugar. To say that the characterization of thinking has a normative function that is irreducible to neurophysiological processing is not to say that our extant classification of the forms of thinking is incorrigible.

Sometimes though it’s close enough.

Sellars’s “myth of Jones” is deployed against what Sellars calls “the myth of the categorial Given”: the idea that to be aware of something is to be aware of it as something. This short circuit between “awareness of” and “awareness as” inhibits the project of self-understanding because it perpetuates the assumption that there is a point where being and knowing coincide.

This thing: theeveningrednessinthewest.word … cal-fable/

[b]Nikola Tesla

I do not think you can name many great inventions that have been made by married men.[/b]

I can only think of 17 myself.

What we now want is closer contact and better understanding between individuals and communities all over the earth, and the elimination of egoism and pride which is always prone to plunge the world into primeval barbarism and strife… Peace can only come as a natural consequence of universal enlightenment…

Well, at least he was a great engineer.

I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success . . . Such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything.

Would that there could be the equivalent of that for philosophers.

One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane.

He wondered if he was living proof of that.

Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine.

Unless of course you’re dead and gone.

Fights between individuals, as well as governments and nations, invariably result from misunderstandings in the broadest interpretation of this term. Misunderstandings are always caused by the inability of appreciating one another’s point of view. This again is due to the ignorance of those concerned, not so much in their own, as in their mutual fields. The peril of a clash is aggravated by a more or less predominant sense of combativeness, posed by every human being. To resist this inherent fighting tendency the best way is to dispel ignorance of the doings of others by a systematic spread of general knowledge. With this object in view, it is most important to aid exchange of thought and intercourse.

Point taken. On the other hand, two words: conflicting goods.

[b]Jim Jarmusch

I prefer to be subcultural rather than mass-cultural. I’m not interested in hitting the vein of the mainstream.[/b]

For some reason this popped into my head: youtu.be/9C4uTEEOJlM

The beauty of ideas is that they are like waves in the ocean and they connect with things that came before them, and I think it is very important to embrace things that interest you and influence you, and incorporate them into what you do, as all artists have always done. The ones that say they don’t, are lying. Or are afraid that their work won’t be seen as being original, somehow.

Works that way for me too. My own ideas go back centuries. Yet there is still this sense that I have reconfigured them in an entirely unique manner.

One of our favorite Joe Strummer quotes was, “No input, no output.” Meaning, we’re going to hear a band, we’re going to go to a museum, or we’re going to go hang out with some writer that we admire. We’re going to get some input, because if we don’t, then we have nothing. It’s a circle. It’s a respiratory thing.

Let’s make it that way here!
Starting tomorrow?

Now in the States if you look at the TV, you see the advertisements, the TV programmes, the pop videos, and the movies, they’re all the same style. I think it’s very condescending to the audience to assume they only have a three second attention span and so they don’t leave anything on the screen for any longer. I don’t understand that.

Really? It certainly seems rather clear to me.

When I hear the word independent I reach for my revolver. At this point, what the hell does that mean? The English Patient is an independent film… Hootie and the Blowfish are alternative music. I’m the Queen of Denmark. I don’t know what it means anymore.

Any truly bona-fide independents here?

It was a really interesting time in New York in the late 70s and early 80s, and the music scene was really, really interesting because you didn’t have to be a virtuoso to make music, it was more about your desire to express things.

So, any place where that is still true?

[b]Philosophy Tweets

“Always go too far, because that’s where you’ll find the truth” Albert Camus[/b]

But, no, not that far.

“You can best reward a liar by believing nothing of what he says.” Aristippus

No collusion!

“Historians are like deaf people who go on answering questions that no one has asked them.” Leo Tolstoy

What’s that make philosophers then?

“How perilous it is to free a people who prefer slavery.” Niccolo Machiavelli

For them and for us as likely as not.

“Politics have no relation to morals.” Niccolo Machiavelli

Not unlike logic.

“It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.” Epictetus

Objectively for example.

[b]Jim Holt

The total absence of humor from the Bible, Alfred North Whitehead once observed, is one of the most singular things in all literature.[/b]

Of course for some the whole thing’s a joke.

I would earnestly warn you against trying to find out the reason for and explanation of everything. . . . To try and find out the reason for everything is very dangerous and leads to nothing but disappointment and dissatisfaction, unsettling your mind and in the end making you miserable.

So, close enough?

Consistency is the virtue of small minds, and Spinoza had a great mind—he was inconsistent all over the place.

Like me, right?

Our mild anxiety about the precariousness of being may give way to confidence in a world that turns out to be coherent, luminous, and intellectually secure. Or it might yield to cosmic terror when we realize that the whole show is a mere ontological soap bubble that could pop into nothingness at any moment, without the slightest warning. And our present sense of the potential reach of human thought may give way to a newfound humility at its limits, or to a newfound wonder at its leaps and bounds—or a bit of both.

Or, sure, something else entirely.

Instead of being an inert object, nothingness would appear to be a dynamic thing, a sort of annihilating force.

Well, it doesn’t appear that way to me. Whatever that means.

It is interesting that the words “cosmos” and “cosmetic” have the same root, the Greek word for “adornment” or “arrangement.

Should that worry us?

[b]Nick Cave

The rock star is dying. And it’s a small tragedy. Rock stars have blogs now. I have no use for that kind of rock star. [/b]

Are there still rock stars around? I thought the last one was Bruce Springsteen.

Most people wait for the muse to turn up. That’s terribly unreliable. I have to sit down and pursue the muse by attempting to work.

How exactly would a muse show up?

Music is storming, driving, relentless, devotional, slinky, subtle, heartbreakingly-beautiful sounds that, lyrically, switch from the cynical to the sanguine, the defeated to the defiant, dealing in love, war, beauty, children, romance, rejection, Pethedine, poetry, panties, God, Auden, Johnny Cash, cold potatoes, too-much-money, not enough money, writer’s block, flowers, animals and more flowers. But maybe I’m projecting here.

Or just making it up as he goes along.

You’re one microscopic cog in his catastrophic plan.

And he doesn’t even exist.

If I’m hanging around too much, my wife and kids say, ‘Hey, why don’t you go downstairs and start a new novel?’

Sounds like paradise to some of us.

I’ve never been interested in being relevant.

Of course they all say that.