Abrahamic religion and the old gods

And yet, we have also evolved to speak 6,000 different languages. These minute differences, which you want to downplay, are important enough. You may disagre, but history repeatedly shows that the moment the unifying communal systems shift or disappear, people, even with minute cultural difference (or ethnicities), even within same families (especially ruling) are at each others’ throats.

And it is not fair to compare Vikings to Eskimos (or Sami), as they do not have the same cultural histories. You tend paint with very broad strokes.

yeah but professor big chom tells us there’s a universal grammar that provides structural rules for all languages. so we ought to be more concerned with the nature and use of the vegetable rather than the fact that you call it a tomato and i call it a tomahto.

that’s not the only thing i do with very broad strokes.

omg i can’t believe i just said that.

Language evolves too, through diversity. We will get to understanding the vegetable but first we must understand how to grow it, nurture it, before taking it to the lab. Due to it not being available in an objective form like what reality is (objective vegetable) (objective reality being easier learning) and what modern day science is based on but instead we may only get there through subjectivity (diversity of words based on unique expression) and our attempt at understanding it.

Mind is the embodiment of nature it is merely the connection between multiple facets of which understanding is lacking, for the masses or common Joe’s.

If someone says a word differently from me and I don’t understand why (environment/culture) and their being shaped by such, it could matter, that’s why it is important to always attempt understanding of semantics from all angles(unique expression).

Semantics and language are tied heavily into symbology and also psyche, should be blatant.

in order to sustain any enduring cooperation between the peoples of the world, the myth that their cultural distinctions are something that make them unique, has to be dispelled once and for all. and to dispel this myth, one doesn’t have to make much effort. one only has to find the foundations that such cultural diversity can be reduced to. call it anthropological reductionalism. what you’ll see is that human beings are physiologically similar enough to propose an underlying and universal form and content to their ‘culture making’ behaviors… so that while specific details of culture are different, the function of the behavior and the understanding of particular concepts (novel or not) serves the same purpose.

so let me give you a crude example. people x invent metaphysics 1 to handle their anxiety of death, and people y invent metaphysics 2 to do the same. metaphysics 1 and 2 each contain distinct features of belief, but the purpose of the metaphysics is the same… to alleviate that anxiety. this anxiety is something hardwired into the mind of man, in the same way the basic rules of grammar are hardwired into our use of language.

now, it means little to say culture x is unique and quite different than culture y, unless by that we mean trivial contingencies. but it’s these very contingencies that people are holding onto so dearly to define themselves and their identities in contradistinction to other cutures doing the same. result: conflict. but not just any ol’ conflict. this conflict is an especially stupid one, because the things each people believe distinguish them from the others are of the most minor significance. am i really going to deny you because you worship the flying spaghetti monster while i worship the flying lasagna monster? or, because you bury your dead in the earth while we dump ours in the ocean? or, because you eat cows while we don’t? or, because you practice polygamy while we practice monogamy?

none of these behaviors are intrinsic to the people and could just as easily not have developed in any specific culture, and you’d change nothing fundamental about the people. in fact, the very notion of ‘culture’ is a kind of hermeneutic vanity… a systematic misinterpretation of what constitutes universal human nature, something that is inherent despite the cultural diversity that might evolve among geographically different peoples.

now none of what i tell you here is very important yet. i am writing from a future that is coming, sooner rather than later. i am to anthropology what green energy is to fossil fuels. in the future, schools will teach about a period that spanned thousands of years in which man, who was still at that time in his metaphysical infancy, got almost everything about what, and why, he was, wrong, and with flying colors. this period will be known as the second and final ape-stage of humanity, and what we today are most proud of will be in the future an embarrassing story told in classrooms of children with IQs of a buck-thirty or more.

This is what I was saying as well, we’re in agreement, just of different words. Semantics become an issue to one who doesn’t seek to understand or perhaps doesn’t have the vocabulary to discuss in which they want, which is unhappiness. I agree a united people will be stronger but not through cultural genocide. Cultural appreciation, people need to be educated and if they do not wish to be educated then they should not be able to have a say in governance. This will create a response hardwired in them to act violently or to learn but ultimately it is up to them but ignorance is bliss but what they do not know may kill them, tyrants get defeated by the hero.

Unique expression is important for evolution, we make more words to describe complex things. Natural selection in a sense, creating stronger language.

You will not get rid of conflict that way. In the world where humans are increasingly dependent on technology for their continued existence, it will be level of technological advancement that will determine between have and have nots. The idea that life-sustaining or saving technology will be shared equally among all is too optimistic. Technological comparison will be the new race science for the new (and newer) versions of humans.

We need a system balanced between nature and technology. Technology is a luxury not a necessity and humanity must come to terms with that and understand it or we will be a glass cannon of a society/species. We must all learn to be on the same page through training the mind to seek inconsistencies in language so one may be able to better understand another, the point after all, is to understand what is heard or what one knows, otherwise one only speaks mere rhetoric.

Technology may be the end of us. I will not sacrifice my humanity to be robotic in the end, I’d rather die and achieve another step closer to immortality.

There is no escaping the contrast which is death unless through ascension of understanding and correlation. Mankind will attempt to deify the ego but not through the methods of which will make them stronger, one through balance and understanding of both sides, not just the physical side of things, the literal. When one becomes too literal, we have what we have today, robotics and “immortality” through technology will not be an evolutionary step for man, merely more delaying of the inevitable. I am proud to be a living fragment and the embodiment of nature, so why seek to be different? Are they not proud to be gods? I don’t think that’s the case but more so, they reject god because they do not comprehend the level of thinking and understanding in order to achieve such thing, they do not want to accept the responsibility of being one and so they reject the premise altogether to try and force it to not exist, even when it does. It’s another form of cognitive dissonance, to reject information without first attempting to learn or understand it further.

Once people accept responsibility of self and begin their first step of evolving as a human, we will make fast progress but man is in a race against the destructive chaos of nature, it is tired of repetition, be it man or abutting for that matter, it wishes to grow and we would do well to heed it’s symbolic warnings through dreams, intuition and the permanent urgency we feel right now that we must change for the better, to seek to understand and evolve.

We must figure out how to dumb down language to the point that everyday man can read and comprehend whilst incorporating psychology, scientific laws, philosophy, history, aspects of the first full vision of spirituality and explain the correlations between religion/mythology and our current understanding of it today. We must blend the ancient gods with the new one, for both are what is. The head of the old gods, Odin, Zeus, etc, was symbolic for subconscious but the monotheistic version from Abrahamic religion as just “god” a single would do better to fit that position of subconscious and the ancient gods would fit the diverse mixing of ego and personalities, the archetypes. I feel both can be incorporated into one to better explain psychology in a way of which can spark curiosity. A seed to be planted in the mind of the ignorant and unknowing, a flame to grow hungry and consume more, the light/knowledge spreading like a plague as did the opposite of it, ignorance and misinformation.

The very idea of “god” and the monotheistic versions that are most often misinterpretations by people whom have adopted a style/model of thought through laziness, biased ego, fear, comfort and authority cannot prove or disprove anything other than a division between the ignorant and the understanding.

This model of thinking does not work in the proving or disproving of what it actually is, it leads one down a path of willful ignorance. The reason why one cannot prove it so in the way of which one believes or thinks it is, is because it /isn’t/ from the beginning, at least it isn’t in the way of which they view it. So the message has been missed and their will and hearts are thrown away towards a literal interpretation that holds no value of existing, only so in the sense of how they perceive it.

So then how can one disprove what one already couldn’t prove what is, when their model based off of misinterpretation/misconceptive thought, isn’t?
The medium between something being a belief or something being known, is an understanding.

Both sides of that argument are futile and lead to no power of/to self, a redundant loop of enslaved will of which is not recognized by the will that has been enslaved unless one has some degree of humility and a willingness to understand others. It is natural selection you see, what one does not know or understand, may kill them and for a lot of them, they already live as death, for living for anyone else except self is death, you cease as your unique ego, which the point is to experience as it and build it justly and through an ever-growing understanding, this-in is where true power/knowledge lies.

I try to help the ignorant only for my hand to be bitten and chunks of my sanity chiseled away by a mass of rhetoric and lack of will stemming from enslavement of the fool, bred ignorance to manifest as egos incarnate.

One must choose to help themself by understanding how evolution works and understanding themself. The only path of power is that of being humble, for one cannot accept this power without this humility.

It is simple to understand if one takes off their glasses of which blinds the will to see and of understanding properly.

any idea of ‘god’ is as ridiculous as it is unverifiable/unfalsifiable… but that’s the very reason why the idea still persists in the form; 'well, you can’t prove ‘god’ doesn’t exist, so…"

however, insofar as the idea does still persist, the monotheistic logic is far more consistent, more mature, than the polytheistic logic. which is to say, a monotheistic religion is a little less ridiculous than a polytheistic religion… though certainly not as cool. this is why the new infidels are the pagans; they’d rather adhere to a cooler version of nonsense than a more rational version of nonsense.

in any event, there were several logical problems in the lines of reasoning that led to the belief in many gods… problems the philosophers worked out quite thoroughly. dudes like aristotle, augustine, ghazali, averroes, aquinas, anslem, maimoniDEES NUTS, spinoza, leibniz… these guys looked critically at what kind of mess would result if there were several ‘gods’ running the universe, and so allocated power to one boss. it was the logical conclusion. but this was already intuited by the bronze age arabs and the jews long before… only they didn’t produce any formal ‘philosophical’ arguments for such a belief. that had to wait until the period preceding the medieval era and the period directly thereafter.

The ‘god’ that is spoken of is only symbolic of man’s consciousness of subconsciousness, it’s an evolved state of duality. The power we seek through understanding is the same power that demands a /just/ obligation. Do you see? The power is the very “god” you reject as being false… It’s a matter of semantics, they had no language for subconsciousness back then, no psychological terminology, they made due with what they had. It is mans misinterpretation of the tool (religion) offered, in which damage to reality occurs.

These aren’t meant to be taken literally, only as aspects to, of and for mankind. It’s psyche, to become enlightened one must willingly seek light, one must truly care and not just for him/herself. But understanding of such may have /literal/ effects.

The intellect isn’t sufficient to address the gods.
It can at best discover its limits, and identify what it can’t control or explain. From thereon out the heart can take charge and lead us where the mind, eternal bystander, can’t navigate; our actual being.

No godless man ever knew himself.

I agree, the terminology doesn’t matter, there is something observing reality, the proof of that is the subconscious and how it is externally giving us feedback, through a sort of correlating method of consciousness/perception and body.

The only way to understand and know god is to know yourself, it is simple yet complex. We experience and interpret things subjectively, this is the reason why.

The intellect is evolving. That’s what is going on here. We reveal more grand imagery the more we teach and as generations progress. It’s a matter of helping others understand themselves by peaking of curiosity. It is why it’s important not to get lost in language.

Diversity brings evolution. New eyes on old issues bring solutions or new correlated subconscious ideas, one must remain balanced between mind, heart and stomach to the best of their abilities.

yes, but the big pitfall of the New Age is that it would have you believe Gods are merely forms of your own self.
Thats like thinking your parents are merely forms of your own self, your imagination, your mind. Its dangerous solipsism, causes people to lost the most valuable connections to themselves that they have.

Not everything is just us. Were not THAT great. We can be pretty great, but not so great as to encompass the Gods.
Its just not the case.

Gods are as real as us, and many have been around for a lot longer.

The silly New Age aunties can’t bear the idea that there are things greater than them, things they don’t have control or authority over. With people like me, the Gods rebel agains the New Age aunties.

Scientifically, it is pretty obvious that most of the gravity in the known universe is not from EM giving stuff, it is thus from stuff that “doesn’t exist”, in terms of how things are supposed to behave according to godless “scientists”.

Urkkkh, Sorry man. I shouldnt have gotten involved. Theoretical debates over Gods are like theoretical wine tasting.

Well I agree with that too. People are often lost in ego, thinking it is god but god is past the ego, it is a state of understanding and also some aspects of the understood you see, animals and anything with a subconscious but not conscious of their subconscious(instincts) are innocent and the closest thing to god you can see in physical form, we are conscious of the subconscious and so we may communicate with and understand it, consciously.

The issue is that a lot of people take these terms as literal and look externally for god, while missing the entire point of actual understanding of what it is.

God is “omnipotent” because you’re here, aren’t you? Did you ask to be here? No? Then is that not the very omnipotence of which some say doesn’t “exist”? To be bound by something external to us (conscious identity) is the omnipotence of it. To argue for determinism and our being externally bound is to in a sense, argue for omnipotence of god and it’s grand architecture.

God is All knowing because these ideas are not my own, the subconscious controls ideas, dreams, etc, therefore, this knowledge is not my own, this understanding is not fully my own. It is merely my being diverse of which is mine, my unique existing and my ability to be able to correlate in a different way than others and them as well.

We are both the spectator and the spectated but in understanding this, you work for god. The obligation one feels after understanding ‘is’ the god that is worshipped as well as hated.

Ego is the identity of which changes based on environment. It is not being conscious. One can be conscious of the ego, this is the wise man, he knows his environment effects him while also understanding that he can choose his environment, hence, choose his own evolution and the speed of its manifesting.

You very much are welcome to be involved, diversity is how we evolve, criticism is how we learn.

Most often I have seen that certain symbols of mankind are painted as “evil”.

Symbols are symbols, they merely are, expressions of how man came to be and where man should head through “picture of a 1,000 words”, art.

So if one is to deem a symbol “evil” then they are the ones to bring it into reality by association and misinterpretation, a quick assumption out of a lack of knowing or proper correlation. Take the inverted pentagram for example with the goats head, this is often depicted as “evil” but that is not how I view it.
Evil brought by wrongful association of symbolism into reality via “Reality is what you perceive it to be”

Spirit being at the bottom and the elements at the top is to show that spirit traveled upwards to manifest into the elements that brought us to this point, the normal pentagram then depicts the spirit at the top of the elements, which shows the triumph of such spirit through its manifesting through the elements. The inverted pentagram is a symbol that merely depicts a reminder, follow the goat to rise to the top point so that the spirit may guide and wisdom may grow. The inverted pentagram also symbolizes a position of being grounded in spirit. Balance between the two stars is key.

If one does not associate symbolism with evil out of a lack of understanding, whence cometh evil? There would be no manifestation of it. It is created out of assumptions from positions of ignorance.

Genesis 1:1

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth“

In the beginning the unconscious/subconscious facets of reality manifested and reacted with each other over a long period of time of which created the heavens and Earth.

Genesis 1:2

“Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.“

Now the Earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Knowledge/reactions of the subconscious/unconscious facets of Saturn was hovering over the waters.

Genesis 1:3

“And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.”

And the unconscious facets of reality evolved to bring light by the shifting of Saturns position in our sky, and so there was light.

Genesis 1:8

“God called the vault “sky.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the second day”

The unconscious facets changed and The new sun shifted into place along with a new orbiting of Earth, and the vault was sky. And there was evening, and there was morning-the second day.

Genesis 1:11

“Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so.”

Then the unconscious facets, or the new sun, brought about the subconscious aspects of reality(life) plants and creatures of higher instinctual behavior.

Genesis 1:26

“Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

Then the subconscious/unconscious facets of reality became more and more complex, to the point of the coming of consciousness, the string of knowledge/experience had given us the power of creating, the same power of which we manifested from and of, to rule as shepherd, guide and guardian of the Earth and it’s other inhabitants, our brothers and sisters whom are subconscious but treading their own paths.

Genesis 1:27

“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them”

So the unconscious/subconscious aspects continued evolving from and in the very image of which they became one with and of. Male and female, a slight differentiation for the sake of partnership and breeding more life.