
I’ve mentioned this years ago, about Christianity and Abrahamism in general…

These slave-religions, Slave-Dialectic, steals from the masses their Freedom, and then “gives it back” through their Dogmas.

This is its monolithic/monotheistic element.

This was all refuted by the Protestants and European Enlightenment period, and the French Libertines.

Jews despise Catholicism and Orthodoxy because of the Hellenic remnants…even if in a corrupted form.
Judaism and Hellenism do not mix. They are polar opposite world-views.

Jews are closest to Protestants…for obvious reasons…and this is why they dominated the US.

The synthesis between them essentially created “Christianity” over time.

For example, a lot of Italians, Albanians, Frenchmen, even Greeks, intermarried with Jews across the Centuries. The merger was bound through marriage.

The real division was between Patriarchy and Matriarchy. European Patriarchs refused that their sons would inherit ‘Jewish’ names/customs/culture etc. While the Jewish Matriarchs would have their children inherit their wealth, and names, through the Mother.

That conflict has been ongoing for thousands of years now. The "Judæo-Christian’ synthesis is representation of those intermarriages. The Antithesis and Antipathy still exists as a conflict between supremacy of the father, versus supremacy of the mother. This is why Jews gain their genetic heritage through the mother, not the father. It is a mechanism that disputes and refutes European culture, along with Hellenism.

So, yes, the two are at odds.

The two are at odds because of the masculine and feminine approach to existence.

The masculine wants to dominate; the feminine to be dominated - the masculine wants to own, to control; the feminine to be owned, to belong, to be controlled.

Denial of all earthly authorities is a denial of all biological masculinity, replacing it with an intangible, abstracted masculinity beneath which all are emasculated - feminized.
It’s a form of genital mutilation, dogmatic ideological castration.
Biological males are reduced to proxy females, representing a monopolizing masculine power, god, i.e., idealized masculinity.
Masculinity is abstracted, idealized to the point where no biological male can ever match it, leaving only the option of submitting to it.



When you remain within Abrahamic contexts you remain entrenched within an Afro-Asiatic, Messianic, superstition prophesizing the end of the world.
You remain within the nihilistic paradigm.

We must exit this mental disorder, and reclaim language as a medium of engaging the world, not disengaging or “correcting, healing” and replacing it.

When was Hellenism at the peak of its political, social, cultural power?

Hellenism ended its historical career when Constantine converted to Christianity. I’m not against recalling and reinvigorating European Paganism and Græco-Roman Civilization. However, how pragmatic is its relevance and awareness today?

Essentially, a small numbers of individuals are pitted against a mass of humanity. 1 against 1 million, is bad odds, and worse optics.

It’s not longer enough just to survive in the din of Mediocrity. A resistance must form, or, further ‘Rights’ and standards of living will be lost, in the near future, and for countless generations to come.

Christianity was chosen, in the past, as well as today, as a Compromise. If you are forced to drink sewage, you choose to drink as little as possible.

So it is with Honesty too. So which Lies and Persona, will people choose, to survive Postmodernity?

During the Athenian Golden Age.

Constantine “converted” for political reasons…his people, and army, was already dominated by Christians.

The masses need a comforting lie…

When the US collapses due to its own philosophy being pushed to the end of its own logic, another culture will take over, forcing those that remain back to reality.

This is why I say that when the ideal conflicts with the real, it isn’t the real that is damaged nor adjust to the ideal…the ideal either adapts or is destroyed by its fanatical idiocy.
The lie survives the real only in as much as it contradicts itself - self-deceives.
Nihilism can only survive if it self-cotnradicts its own principles. This is why Christianity survived, it never practiced what it preached…this is why the US dominated because it never practiced what it preached…and now that it is forced to confront its own self-deceptions it is collapsing.

I see the three variants of Abrahamism, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam as the competing factions as those with the ‘Right’ to control and dictate the minds of the Slave-Castes. The variant that proves itself most “popular” (Democratic), is the one that takes Reigns over the ‘Dogma’. It’s about controlling the Voice or Metanarrative of societies. If one variant overtakes another, then it is rewarded among the Upper-Castes and Nobles. But those who Reign from above, have no respect for the masses. They don’t believe what they preach. They do not drink their own kool-aid.

A recent example of this, right now: “Kwanza”, Jews trying to invent a made-up, completely fictional Holiday, as “Black Christmas” or “Christmas/Hanukkah for Africans”.

Ultimately, it’s a fight over control of Culture.

Hellenism was forced to convert, and so it did into Christian-Orthodoxy, or via some preserved Greek Churches today.

And as mentioned before, “Polytheism” is simply perpetuated as the “Marvel Universe” today. It is not given explicit Seriousness, but it’s beside the point. The propaganda and culture still exists. It is still dominant.

Is not “Thor” a representation of Græco-Roman culture ‘updated’ to today, or that of Valhalla?

The factor of necessity - Ananke.
No accessible frontiers, populations increasing necessitating control over limited resources…quantities overwhelming qualities.

This is what forced conversion…in the west the spiritual nihilism was Abrahamism, in the east it was Buddhism.
Individuals self-denying…the collective dominating.
In the east a superior average IQ was sublimated by this nihilistic philosophy into collectivization of identity. It was feminized…never challenging authority, the status quo, never developing individuality, never creating, innovating, exploring possibilities…


Tovia Singer is the founder and director of Outreach Judaism, which was described by J. Gordon Meltonin as an example of “the current state of Jewish counter-cult activity.”

Singer also defends Islam against Christianity.

“Do you know that the enemies of Jesus were the Jews of his day and the Roman authorities? That wasn’t 2000 years ago alone. That’s today!” — Saviours’ Day speech (part 2), Mosque Maryam, Chicago, Illinois 3/2/14
Leader of the Nation of Islam (NOI)

It appears Singer’s loyalty is misplaced.

Orthodox Jews worship nothingness…secular Jews worship nothing…Zionists, influenced by Hellenism, have rediscovered their tribal paganism and use Judaism to manipulate the world.
There’s always a whistleblower exposing a secret cult.
You should read their holy books and see what they say about you…goy, and what fate awaits you because you are not a Jew.

Lorikeet wrote:

…and you.

And me…but I do not worship their god…you do.
I know what they are…you don’t.

I thought the word “goy” was a designation for any individual or collective who simply are Not Us. (Jewish).

That is you.

Yes…and you still believe in their god.
I want to be “not them”, with every fiber of my body…you want to be them.

Lorikeet wrote:

The religion of the modern state of Israel is based on Cabalistic and Talmudic traditions and is far removed from the Biblical worship of Yahweh.

Facts are Facts written by Benjamin Freedman, a Jewish man writes about the Jews. He states that the present Jews in Palestine are not the true descendants of the Judeans but descendants of the Khazars.

He claims that the word “Jew” was only introduced into the English language in the 18th century and that Jesus referred to Himself as a “Judean” and not as a “Jew”. Inscribed upon the Cross when Jesus was crucified were the Latin words lesus Nazarenus Rex ludeorum" which means Jesus of Nazareth ruler of the Judeans. The word Judean has a geographical connotation, which doesn’t incorporate religion, it was where he came from.

“What is a Jew” In the article by Rabbi Morris Kertzer, he evaluated the significance of the Talmud to Judaism" today.

"The Talmud consists of 63 books of legal, ethical and historical writings of the ancient rabbis. It was edited five centuries after the birth of Jesus. It is the legal code which forms the basis of Jewish Religious Law and it is the textbook used in the training of Rabbis.

(The Talmud has very little in common with the Bible).

“From the Birth of Jesus until this day there have never been recorded more vicious and vile blasphemies of Jesus, or Christians and the Christian faith by anyone, anywhere or anytime than you will find between the covers of the infamous “63 books” which are the legal code which forms the basis of Jewish religious law as well as the textbook used in the training of Rabbis”.

That is as far as I wish to go into it.

As to the origin of the present “Jews” in Palestine,

"Those Jews derived from Eastern Europe are not descendants of the Judeans or the lost tribes of Israel but rather descendants of the Khazars, a nation most people do not even know of.
"The so called or self styled “Jews” in Eastern Europe in modern history cannot legitimately point to a single ancient ancestor who ever set even a foot on the soil of Palestine in the era of bible history. Research also revealed that the so called or self style “jews” in eastern Europe were never “Semites” are not “Semites” now, nor can they ever be regarded as “Semites” at any future time by any stretch of the imagination.

And the Quran has little in common with the Bible.
Abrahamic superstition is splintered into three…with Abraham the cuckolding child-killer as the centre piece.

All three are corruptions of paganism and believe in a one-god.
I assume one does not mean three.
All three are messianic and each has its own Scripture which is held to be the word of their god.
All three have missions to impose themselves upon either peoples, even if they differ on the method, i.e., seduction, coercion, or bribery.
All three share rituals and holidays.
All three advocate some kind of physical or mental mutilation - two genital and one mental - to mark themselves as worthy of salvation.
All three have salvation myths.
All three are slavish and appeal to feminine minds.
All three do not tolerate other gods…their common god being vindictive and envious.
all three are nihilistic in that they hold as true mental abstraction that only exist in their collective minds and if they were to exist in the world they would negate it.

All three are the opposite of Indo-Euroepan spirituality.

You ain’t no maiden of the shield…more of a damsel in distress.
Now run along and stop following me around.
I’m psychotic, remember?

Lorikeet wrote:

The pagan system of sun worship had three main aspects, the father, mother and the son.

The god Bel
Ninus the son who was also worshiped as Tammuz and
the female goddess Rhea who was also worshiped as “queen of heaven.”

The Bible has quite specific things to say about sun worship, which was common in ancient cultures.
The sun in those times would have been the most powerful source for man and worship of the sun was common, more accurately named, the sun deity, which all nations surrounding Israel practiced, except Israel itself.

I don’t know if you are familiar with the first chapter of Genesis, where it places the sun in it’s proper context as a creation that was made to serve the needs of mankind.

Neither the sun nor the moon nor the stars are deities in the Scriptures.

In Babylonian times, the head of the church was the representative of the god Dagon.
He was considered to be infallible, and was addressed as “Your Holiness” and nations that were brought under control by Babylon had to kiss the ring and slipper of this god-king.

The only link Paganism could have with “christianity” would be with Catholicism as the Pope claims the same powers and titles today of the god Dagon, even wears the same garbs of paganism, the fish mitre and robes of the priests of Dagon.

As long as you continue to represent falsely the truth about Christianity, then I will continue to correct you.

I remember, but you are haunted and excessively preoccupied with it …can’t stop talking about.