Absolute Randomness

insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.


(you like those triplets at :04)

washingtonpost.com/nation/2 … x8mdMmYyHX


Jordan Peterson vs. Sam Harris

Ruthless harrisment. None of these knucklheads can handle the saminator.


Been on a Sam Harris spree tonight. Great stuff. Of all the contemporary intellectuals today, I’ve said it before. You’d be hard pressed to find one more level headed than Sam. This one begins with his thoughts on the disappointment he experienced being involved in all the controversial social media… something he’s dramatically slowed down.


Is Trump a liar or a bullshitter, and what is the difference? Find out @ 39:50

sam harris greatest hits, volume one…


oh nice one. rare that you’ll find a scientifically minded skeptic dismiss emergent materialism and hold the position of irreducibility without mystifying it. most of the chalmer minded philosophers don’t do this; they suggest without suggesting that old cartesian stuff. harris on the other hand sticks with hume. the self - this qualia of first person experience - is nothing more than a bundle of impressions and perceptions, with no enduring center.

well you guys are seriously fucked then. not only do you have no freewill, but you don’t have a ‘self’, either. whatchu gonna do now, huh? HUH?


harris at the festival of dangerous ideas. viewer discretion is advised.


… waiting at the light I looked to my left and…


Harris vs Shapiro (sheldon on speed)


They drift a bit but it stays pretty good.

Harris vs Craig


Harris goes gangsta on his ass at 58:25

He’s both a liar and bullshitter. He’s basically a zionist and world Jewry political controlled opposition in place to make sure the financial economic national bankruptcy of the United States goes smoothly. Nice seeing you again friend as I was wondering about you as of late.

@ 1:19:17 hitchens blew it. you can see what a slippery bastard craig is when he tries to corner hitchens into unwillingly granting sense to the term ‘god’ if hitchens says ‘atheism denies the existence of god’. if hitchen admits this much, craig then says ‘absence of evidence is not evidence of absence’, and gets away without bearing the burden of proof. this is where hitchens blew it; he should have taken the verificationist’s position and when asked by craig ‘do you believe in god’, he should have answered ‘i’m sorry, i don’t understand the question.’ a verificationist denies any meaning whatsoever to the term ‘god’, and therefore wouldn’t say ‘god does not exist’.

see that? it’s rather subtle. i don’t think either one of these dudes realizes what just went down there. i’m mean they’re both sharp, but c’mon hitchens. i’da eaten craig at that debate.


but ya know what’s so terrible about guys like craig? he’s what happens when a christian sophist evangelist is well rounded and familiar enough with various formal philosophical arguments (though flawed) to be able to manipulate his audience into being persuaded.

some smooooth Sunday morning R&B with DJ Promethean75…


I can’t listen to that music.

well as you know the pop music industry and especially the ‘love song’ genre belonging to it has gotten entirely out of hand in the last twenty or so years. and nothing expresses the depraved mediocrity of modern music more than this. cRap, country rock and that angry white people music you bang your head to, isn’t even this bad. that being said, when nothing can be done to repair the damage this trash has done to the mind and psyche of millions of typical consumers, the only thing one can do is use it as material for détournement (parody) and hope to draw some nuanced attention to the joke that it truly is. but the history of how and why this kind of music has become such a popular commodity has some interesting sociological content to it, which we might discuss at a later date. meanwhile, i turn the mic over to the maestro…

(video title should read: ‘i’m in you’)

and be advised: after hearing the introduction to the song, you ought to find the studio version of it, which is cleaner and much better than this live version.


this was very well done, too…


I hate rap, pop, and modern hipster music with a passion.

Always some rich assholes talking about their pain, suffering, or life experiences like it actually means anything. :laughing:

Most people truly have never experienced soul crushing agony, suffering, or hopelessness.

I always get a laugh in when suburbanites or those from gated communities talking and singing about human suffering.

Slingin’ rocks on the south side… fittin’ ta get my stacks right…


Becoming a stone mason now? I’m currently stuck in study hall at school bored out of my mind wanting a cigarette. [Stupid non-smoking campus bullshit.]

I’m so below the poverty line and they’re still trying to charge me a couple hundred dollars for next semester. Unbelievable!

Tried socializing earlier, bitches here are stuck up as usual.

no this was something that spontaneously came up. i did a staircase in that house, and in overhearing the builder say something about his mason not wanting the rock work on the porch, i says to the guy ‘i can do cultured and flagstone too, so whaddawe talkin’ about here? gimme some numbers, tough guy.’ he slid me a quote across the table face down on a piece of paper. i looked at the numbers and nodded.

but no, the last time i did stone work was back in 05ish up in the appalachians. and i only got into it because it paid so well. real-estate up there is outrageously priced and for the floridiot retirees who build summer homes, money is not a problem.

see the thing was, i didn’t have all the shit i needed to do carpentry work on my own. all the tools and shit. so to do it, i’d have to work by the hour for some company, which is what i normally did. but the second that masonry opportunity presented itself, i grabbed it. i could almost triple in one day as a masonry subcontractor what i was making as a wage worker doing carpentry.

but i much more prefer working with people’s wood instead. i’ve always been very good at handling and playing with the wood… and can usually get it to do anything i want. i’ve turned a lotta raw wood into some magnificent erections… and i’m so good at it, it’s never really a pain in my ass. did i tell ya the time i built the three story gazebo in asheville? lemme tell you something, pal. a free floating center ridge is NOT EASY to set by yourself. shit ain’t nothing like building an a-frame.

so you’re back in college again? wtf man. i told you years ago you were wasting your time with that stuff. i’ll tell ya what’s gonna happen. you’re gonna wind up workin’ in a gas station.

Manny de Camper vants to buy some vi-hi-hi-ite…