All I want to say about my ban….


Since I’m the singularity for teaching the mechanism and the three structural problems of existence, something everyone should know, I can’t see existence as sentient besides me.

This isn’t even about education…

Everyone should just know it innately.

When I discovered women wouldn’t have sex with truth on this scale and magnitude…. I immediately knew all beings in the cosmos weren’t sentient but me.

If it takes at least two to be sentient, then there was never just one.

If everyone should already know it innately, then why do you think you should teach it?

And to repeat the question I keep asking you, why would you want to have sex with people who are not sentient? Regardless of whether or not they are sentient, you perceive them not to be, so why are you so butthurt about the fact that they won’t have sex with you? Either your perception about their sentience is wrong, or your perception that they won’t have sex with you is wrong. Someone who won’t have sex with you is definitely sentient. They have the power to refuse. That is a good indicator of sentience. If they weren’t sentient, you would not have even asked them, right?

You must have asked 15 times with a yes answer (no?)… so. Fess up.

The walls are closing in on you.

4 give inturraption, but let me put in my 2c worth.

The little fellow should stay, since I too solved the structural problem kind’ of.

Having accepted the enigmatic problem of contraction, the self thought man can go on without the nostalgia reoccurring instantly without these myriad solutions.

However, since living in confusious times , in between determining right from wrong, I propose a vote, or/and a poll here, to validate that ILP remains a facility free of bias.

Or do we need confirmation even for this proposal?

You’re gonna need at least 30 votes. And they have to be unanimous. And then we have to flip them off with both middle fingers at some very well-timed point.

I appreciate that, because I believe that you’re sincere in your beliefs about what that means. I take it in the spirit in which it’s intended, and sincerely I appreciate it. Thank you.

And I hope that you believe I am sincere when I say that I care about you and I don’t want to push you away. I object to some of the things you post, because I also care about the other people on the site, and the other people who might visit the site, and the site itself and the reasons it exists. I also disagree with most of your metaphysics, I think you’re mistaken (as I assume you think that I’m mistaken).

But if I wanted you to leave I would say so. You are welcome at ILP.

Just please refrain from gratuitously graphic descriptions of sex and violence.

12 posts were split to a new topic: Moved from “All I want to say about my ban…”

Having been to the deepest pits of hell.

Sometimes I forget that my casual banter hurts people.

I don’t have autism …. I just forget.

You can’t live in this world without protectors.

Like I said before…. I have the accuser in my spirit, I have to use it wisely. I am not the accuser, but I know how it thinks…

You being a lawyer should know this.

They always say, “know your enemy”

But what if your enemy is your actual friend.

What does/do the cosmic courts say about that?

Conflict of interest?

Jesus said love your enemy, and he knew men’s hearts & counts us all friends if we align to what he demonstrated (self=other). He disciplines those he loves w inevitable cognitive dissonance & how we become our own punchline if we don’t resolve it correctly.

I made a frienemy in real life yesterday. Shook their hand. We didn’t die. Two-faced beautiful hypocrite.

Even the Accuser must acknowledge The Good, Beautiful, and True to even have ground from which to launch an accusation. Must be frustrating to have all accusations resolved before even entrapping the first. Moment of silence for the silenced.

@Ecmandu I’m closing this because it went off the rails (I moved a side conversatino to a new topic in NPC) and it seems like you’ve said your piece. If you have more you would like to add here let me know and I will reopen it.

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