
Yeah, I get that. But it’s just a matter of clarification. If someone describes himself, or someone else, as “Asian”, I don’t literally think the person is from the entirety of Asia. I’d ask what part or what country if I wanted to get more specific.

If I told someone I was “American” and he asked me to be more specific, I’d oblige. As far as I’m concerned, anyone from any part of the Americas can call themselves “American.” I won’t be bothered. I sense a tinge of cultural resentment underpinning a trivial concern like that, which is what I’m more curious about.

You can call me “Cap’n 'Merica” if makes you feel better, Pezer. The bigotry is coming from your end, not mine.

Interesting. But why should this bother or concern me in the slightest? If the name we are using has more to do with Spanish culture, which you seem to have an affinity for, why would you have a problem with it?

This is all obviously very rational and sophisticated. I beg you aid my feeble understanding.

Usian, I like that. You’re a genius, whoever created that! :banana-dance:

Merican is not so cool.

I have no idea who created but it is definitely web derived. :-k

I don’t know it made me laugh but that’s probably because I aitent merkin.

I’m just going to call myself an Ohioan, then I no longer have to be associated with those from the fucking South. Except Smears, he’s cool, and Slick Willie Clinton, but that’s about it.

I’m a citizen of the United States of America. More specifically, it’s a Federal Republic of United States located on the continent of North America. Does that make me a Frusna? Until the formation of the USSR, the Frusna was unique. Now we’re unique once again. I’m glad to be a Frusna and not a Ussran–At least I can pronounce Frusna!

Really??? Then may I offer a genteel and Ladylike Kiss my grits :smiley:

I’ve said this before but it aint any less true, the South should secede. It’s long overdue, and as I said before, California and a few other states should not be considered South by default. :slight_smile:

Forget that I’m a Union man. We lost 625,000 men over that issue.

I may be a northerner but that doesn’t mean I claim “my region” as superior.

To do so would be to discard the Ideals my forefathers fought for.

California was as Northern as they could be in the Civil War, Calrid. The Union would have been financially insolvent were it not for the gold sent to the Union by California, and any number of men were also sent over to fight with the Union.

Texas is the only State that can secede.

Kriswest, sorry about that, I forgot you are from the South.

Yeah I’ma pretend I already knew that, but thanks for making my case. :slight_smile:

No problem, lol.

Mexico should secede.

Not a prob, Pav :smiley:

It has been my understanding from school days gone way by , that California and Alaska are also Republics that can cecede from the USA. Did things change in 20 years or so?

I don’t believe so. We specifically bought Alaska, so I don’t see how they could secede. I think, Constitutionally, Texas is the only one that can. I’ll look into it.

Constitutionally none of them can, that was proven with afformentioned American Civil War.

Surely though the clue in the word is constitution, if you wanted to secede you would have to break that constitution de facto? I don’t know but it seems a constitution is the sum of its parts by default.

Pav the land was bought but, that does not mean it falls under Federal. It is the people that reside there that decide their law.
All states have their constitution, Each declares its own status in regards to the US constitution.

What is or isn’t Constitutional depends on the Federal Constitution which is the ‘Law of the Land’ and to which every state agreed was the 'Law of the Land" before they were allowed admission into the USofA. Individual states gave up their right to secede when they agreed to be governed by the Federal Constitution. Read Article VI, clause 2.