An Atheist Compares Religions

Murder is killing without moral justification. Is that a fair distinction?

If so, then the Koran only allows for killing, not murder. Remember, the Koran is a moral code as is the Bible. The morals laid out are different, but they are morals.

Besides, I don’t have time to cite specific verses, but the Bible (OT, very frequently) has plenty of references to smiting the enemies of god.

God himself destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, the Egyptians, as well as the whole of the world (save Noah’s family). The dead had no trial, no appeal, nothing. They were killed. It is only god’s infalibility and omniscience that proved their guilt. In god’s name, Jericho was destroyed and Caananites were driven from their lands and or killed.

If a man insults my mother, he is probably going to have to stand and defend himself and his insult. Now, imagine if someone insulted my god. I’m not religious myself, but I can empathize with the fury of the devout. All of the Koran verses cited above refer to the enemies of god and to the offense their existence and their lack of faith constitute.

I think it was George Carlin who said that the more devout one is, the more one sees “thou shalt not murder” as negotiable (maybe it was “debatable”).


The hateful Koran says that not only is killing justified but it is required. The hateful Koran commands Muslims to kill all non-Muslims (Kophrim).

If Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf can be considered a “moral code” then I guess I would concede this point.

They are immorals not morals. The immorals are Satanic.

Ever read Mein Kamf Monk? I think you’d find Adolf a kindred spirit.

Wazzup everyone…that was me again

Um no. I am a Zionist Gentile who supports the Jewish people. I am not a Muslim like Hitler.

see that’s what makes you so funny; whenever you branch out and actually say things that have never been said before, you just prove your grade-school intelligence all over again. Hitler wasn’t a muslim you pigbrained dildohead.

“Immorals” is not a word.

It is now.

And again;

By the way Monk, no religion is perfect. Here are some quotes from the Bible


Hitler’s Muslim SS Totenkopfs

Hitler with his Muslim spiritual advisor

The Muslim Mufti of Jerusalem with the Muslim SS

Hitler’s Elite Muslim Jew Killers

Himmler Inspects His Muslim Army

Warrior Monk, where did you get those pictures? They look like fakes.

Monk you are too stupid for words.


Muhammedan Sword & Swastika

That’s it!

A kindred spirit Monk, as I said.

Hitler was a Satanist who allied himself with the Muslims and exterminated Christians and Jews.

Only a fool would buy into his pro-Christian (pro-Jewish) propaganda.

Oh wait I forgot…nevermind.

Hitler’s pro-Jewish propaganda? You really need therapy, Monk.

Point is, he espoused Christianity, not Islam–and his employment of both Muslims and Christians in his military campaigns doesn’t change that fact. What makes you more a Christian than him?

I mean lets take another look at some of the Christ-like things you’ve said:

No Monk, I don’t think Hitler was a true Christian, any more than you are. But that doesn’t make either of you Muslim