Animalism, Earthism

Man that is concerning that capitalism is juxtoposed with necessity and equated with luxury.

The only possible unique definition of capitalism is exploitation of workers. That’s it. Capitalization on X is the exploitation of X. “I capitalized on this situation. I exploited this situation to my benefit.”

A worker co-op where workers are co-owners of the means of production can peddle the goods they produce in a 100% free market.

A worker co-op can make a profit and invest those profits with the expectation of making more profit.

The ONLY thing that doesn’t exist in a worker co-op is the exploitation (capitalization) of the worker by the capitalistic owner of the means of production.

Therefore, capitalism = exploitation. Period. Full stop.

“But but but…” No buts! Don’t believe the propaganda.

What? You thought the most refined propaganda system in the history of the world wanted you believe socialism is good? Why do you think it’s such a bad word? How can they remain in control if they can no long exploit people for profit? How can wealth be concentrated in a free society without propaganda demonizing your very salvation? :confusion-shrug:

Champions of capitalism are cows defending the slaughterhouse.

If any of the many millions of apparent Socialist sympathizers really wanted a the sort of equal distribution of profit as advocated by promethean, then they could just go about and do that. Nothing stands in the way of people founding companies that distribute the profits equally among the workers.

We can ask why does this not happen?
I see three reasons immediately

  1. once push comes to shove they decide against sharing the profits
  2. they’re not capable of creating a company which enough people want to buy from
  3. they think the only proper socialist way is violently taking ownership of other peoples work

As always the only problem capitalism ever faces is that of monopoly.

Monopoly always leads to fascistic tendencies, and in the end to the Socialist Hail-State, which always immediately collapses into a criminal oligarchy, from which a kind of Napoleon, Caesar or Putin can emerge. Usually no such figure emerges, and the nation falls into complete decay, until foreign powers take it apart.

Trump is no such figure, mind you. He is American.
America is writing the future, not basing itself on anything that came before it. It wants none of the dank past, maybe it wants a few of its treasures but not enough that it clutter the view on the road.

Monopoly is what might happened to the Dinosaurs, rather than a meteor.

They had no competition so they could eat too freely, so they at everything and then starved, after first tearing each other apart - the species consumed itself after it had consumed all the rest.

This is btw what islam prohencizes will come as the end of days; a monster that grows by drinking water drinks all of the oceans and then comes ashore and eats everything.

Making something that a lot of people want and getting powerful because of it. Using loans or other peoples money to get there is the usual way.

The rest: (crime, and all other isms)
Taking the invention of another and using it to control people.

Whats gonna happen is a new thing will be invented to make markets on a whole other level.
Its the cornerstone of civilization that still has to be invented.
Xept its been invented.
On paper.

Too costly for its inventor to finance.

Capitalism is right now a caterpillar, treacherous little creeper and yet it harbours the butterfly. Renaissance is the path.

I see there are still people here who have the idiotic insensitivity to be against Trump. How is that possible after the past weeks?

Is this just propaganda or what?
I hope so.

I like the concept of forbidding peeing while standing up.

They should also forbid it for women though. It doesn’t happen much but I saw it once in a fucking public street in Rome. A lady just lifted up her dress and went to work on the cobblestones.
No. I can tell you. No good.