Are white people bullied and silenced?

It shouldn’t be. It’s time to rethink your ideology if that seemed serious.

I lol’ed. And that is rare.

Trump is such a far right extremist that lots of former Democrats voted for him.
By the way, it’s not just angry white men, it’s also angry white women who voted majority Trump.

Trump is so sexist…

How sexist is he?

He’s so sexist more white women voted for him than Hillary Clinton!


A lot of what we value, we owe to dead racist, sexist white guys. :open_mouth:

That is [as always] you telling others what you think I mean.

That I don’t think I mean that at all is…irrelevant? :wink:

There are historical facts to the extent that events in history can be demonstrated to in fact have occured. It is a fact that Trump won the Electorial College vote. And it appears to be a fact that Hillary Clinton won the actual popular vote.

But it is a fact that the candidate who wins the Electorial College in America gets to be president.

Now, President elect Trump has particular views on White Male Privilege.

And many here seem gleeful that his views overlap with theirs and that “we” won. Why? Because he is “one of us”.

But 50 years from now when this election is “history”, there will still be conflicting conflagrations regarding how we ought to think about gender roles and race; and whether Clinton ought to have won instead.

Unless, of course, you are an objectivist. In that case history [actual history before and the present as history later] is ever made to be in sync only with whatever ideological or religious agenda you subscribe to here and now.

And it is that frame of mind that my own frame of mind disturbs the most.

It’s just a matter of, well, finally being able to admit it.

Unless of course I’m wrong. Right, Mr. Objectivist? :wink:

In order to comprehend western politics, you have to understand this -

Both the left and the right are equally racist, sexist, classist, creedist and so on, the difference is the former is ingroup hating and/or outgroup loving, where as the latter is ingroup loving and/or outgroup hating.

The center is neutral, and is capitalist, individualist, libertarian, or antigroupthink.

What I call the down is anarchist.

Biggy, you gotta enlighten some leftists with your stick, eh shtick.
You know, those lefty-objectivists.
Be a good sport and improve their lives by pointing out your enlightened position to them.
Tell them how their “white privilege” talk is just their objectivism and imply that it’s wrong to think of it in that way.
You shouldn’t bring all this social improvement talk only to the right side, it would be unfair to those on the left.

I started this thread without any consideration of Trump. It was simply an account of events in Toronto.

Even by your weird definition of ‘objectist’, I don’t deny that I am one. Yeah, I believe that there is a right and a wrong, based on biology. I’m not ashamed of it.

I’m not ashamed of being white. I’m not ashamed of being male.

I don’t think that my daughters should be ashamed of being white females. I think that they should grind the white men, black men, white women, and black women into the ground. :smiley:

You are an objectivist [my own rendition of it] if and only if you believe that your own moral and political values reflect that which all reasonable/rational/virtuous human beings are obligated to believe.

And if you gain political power and embrace that frame of mind why would you continue to allow those who reject it a chance to tear down all that you have accomplished?

Now, sure, there are objectivists who do abide by the rule of law. If the opposition wins, so be it. We’ll win next time because in the end our agenda is the optimal agenda.

But [historically] there have been folks like Hitler who twisted the “democratic process” into a device to gain power. And then once in power it became his way or the highway. Or, for some, the death camps.

All of this unfolding within the context of political economy.

But, as I noted on another thread, I don’t believe that Trump really is “another Hitler”. I believe that when push comes to shove the powers that be – the ruling class that nudge things from “behind the curtain” – will shape and mold him [as they did Obama before him] into pursuing the sort of polices where nothing really substantial changes at all.

But maybe that’s not the case at all.

But then it’s still over 2 months before he actually is the president. And in the interim you and I an everyone else will be looking for the “signs”.

There can be no absolute right or wrong with regard to moral issues because morality is basically
inter subjective and is not some thing set in stone. I am therefore not a moral objectivist as such

Obama was already such a right leaning centrist.
Let’s hope Trump isn’t even more right wing, otherwise it’s Hitler territory.


Obviously, I am an objectivist because what I believe is what ought to be believed.

Maybe I think that disagreement is valuable in itself. Maybe I think that challenges move the arguments forward. Maybe I think that it’s better to engage in conflict than to be safe and secure.

The Russian bastards and the Nazi bastards are just like me.

Probably because the only thing that can be safely secured is the concept that we will always be questioned, never granted more than a moments rest, have you catch our rest on the run and will never have an actual true peace and the largest topic of debate in existence is how to break the news to the people who need peace so desperately. Especially when those that have told the who, what, when, how, where and why of it have largely been marked as evil and carrying the weight of eternity and the universes forbidden knowledge on their backs in humility as what is truly evil runs rampant without thought to consequences and believes itself to be good.

Don’t you know? Letting people vote and permitting a (semi) free press are right-wing now.

Well, speaking of all this, Ben Shapiro was just threatened with arrest for coming to speak at DePaul University.

Uccisore, fix your lack of an avatar man. It’s a bit of an eyesore.

If you raise points one would assume you believe in them otherwise there would be no point in bringing them up for discussion. It doesn’t really sound like you’ve abandoned Marxism whatsoever. Yes, I’m an anarchist nihilist but I’ve never described my beliefs as being objective but instead only as a subjective reflection in how I view reality and the world around me. I remain steadfast in my assertion that ultimately all beliefs are subjective mental manifestations. The universe is absent of values, beliefs, and assertions as all of that is purely a human form of mental phenomena. My beliefs are certainly optimal for me but I by far know better that they aren’t so for everybody else. I acknowledge and understand this.

In a world of egoists everybody thinks and believes themselves to be right.

The middle ground is anarchism and self rule. :wink: