The hardest thing to do is nothing. But that is what should be done and what we all should do, simply do nothing, now you can be lazy freely, now you can finally be as lazy as you want without any guilt complexes, protestant work ethic and such, just give up, roll over and die, or do nothing at all, total void, absolutely nothing at all, you better like being bored, watch TV, write some crap on this blog and such but essentially try doing as much nothing as possible, try doing less and less of nothing, try being a total void, try no activity as hard and as much as possible, you can do it, man, go man go, do it. Why ? because there are NO SOLUTIONS to any problems, the fact that there is no cause and effect mechanism that can change the way things play out, they play out anyways, independent of anything you do, no one is in control really, no one, no matter how powerful you think they are (their power is always nearly zero although everyone thinks they have all of this power and even if they have all the cash in the world), their is no action and reaction that they or anyone at all can do that can drive the way things play out in any particular direction (aside from the fact that there are essentially 7 billion different directions, all contrasting, all opposite of each other, that anyone wants for the things to play out as).

What is even more interesting is that no matter how perfect your analysis or decoding of reality, no matter how correct it is in all possible reasons and logic, no matter how scientific and correct and logical your models of economy and cause and effect mechanisms (such as you know that less taxes will surely just kill more jobs, so taxes should increase and we scientifically need free salaries and cheap rents if the desired direction we want for the economy is “more growth” and “less poverty” and such), there is no concrete decision, no concrete choice, nothing that can be done to make the economy go in that desired direction, no matter what. It is as if we have a perfect model of everything, we know everything, we can even imagine all kinds of choices and effects and causes and effects that “should” bring forth a certain result, but nothing will ever work, knowing the causes and effects doesn’t mean we can manipulate it, in fact we can’t manipulate anything at all, we should just learn to give up real fast, end of story. Any choice we make, any direction we try to make the economy go (or anything else for that matter), no matter what, whether right wing or left wing choices, it doesn’t matter, the result will be in no way related to what we wanted, will be completely independent of what we desired, will contradict any and all of our models completely and totally, we are doomed to fail no matter what, the model is totally disconnected from any concrete activity, any concrete manipulation we can imagine, it will go in any direction it wants, all by itself no matter how we push it and try to manipulate it, no matter how we force it, it will be a circus of unintended consequences, a joke on the model, a joke on all of us.

And why is this ? Whether you want to know it or not, whether it is even important to know it or not, and even knowing or not doesn’t change anything, but anywho’s the “why is this ?” is simply because the system we are trying to manipulate (we decoded it in all possible ways, we have thousands of perfect decodings of the system no doubt) is chaotic, random, is full of quirks, is full of conflicts, large and small, is totally random, unpredictable, is saturated with the free wills of individuals which means that what they do and how they act is essentially outside of any rules and nay, even the laws of physics, is just an instantaneous interaction of random forces, some lose, some win, end of story, it is just an extension of the three body problem, it is a problem without any solution, an equation that has no solution, end of story.

So, there are no solutions, there is no effort you can do, no job you can do, and in fact the “jobs” thing is really funny: there has never been an era where jobs are so totally irrelevant and meaningless as today, exactly the moment (and this has been a long moment that started a few decades ago) that the Technological Economy was doing away with the entire concept of jobs, efforts that bring results, meritocracy, you have to deserve it, “hard work” and such by automation, optimization, agriculture mechanization, technology and transportation and electronics bringing forth huge economies of scale, huge amplifications of effects, huge excess productive capacity in all possible endeavors, all of a sudden the myth of “hard work” and “more effort”, and the “workaholics” myth, and the “more education”, the “skill sets” myth, in short the myth of meritocracy and inequality justifying your “job” and such became popular, became the dominant economic model, exactly when all of this was becoming no longer applicable, obsolete, no longer connected or relevant in any way to the economy.

In fact we need, less meritocracy, we need less “you have to deserve it” and more forced equality through free salaries and cheap rents in order to discharge the huge pent up, excess productive capacity manufacturing has worldwide, not the myth of “hard work” and meritocracy, we need the exact opposite.

I heard some banks in the EU and USA want to get rid of a few thousand workers, but those workers are not only an independent variable of what the banks do, they are a totally irrelevant variable, their work was worth zero whether they are in those banks or not, the entire idea of “work being necessary” to get “results”, effort brings results, in this service economy is a joke, those workers weren’t needed in the first place, they were there just as a place holder, just because the dominant economic forces have such a huge amount of cash that they truly don’t know what to do with it so they hire a few slobs just to get rid of some, just because, only to hose them when they feel like it, just for fun, because they are bored.

The effect the bank workers on result today is mostly the same effect that pebble down the street has on your TV set: zero, not related, not connected, irrelevant. The bank and so many other economic entities operate only according to power relationships, only according to some kinds of economic relationships, some kinds of monopoly, or status relationships, just because they are set up to make huge amounts of money automatically, as in automatic for the people, but especially automatic to those lucky enough to gain from some monopolistic type of relationship, like Apple selling like crazy because they are “fashionable” (not because those simple computers that are the iphones and ipads actually do anything new or better), same for Mercedes and BMW, and IBM and so forth and so on. They operate not because of the “effort” of their workers (which is, even when needed a dime a dozen like in the foxconn factories) but mostly because of a certain relationship that guarantees them a steady income just because, because they brainwashed most people through their marketing or because they have relationships amongst strong economic forces that “help each other” etc.

So then why did I write this block of text ? If nothing has any effect, if there is no investment that can give you any return anymore, then why write all of this garbage I wrote ? just because, because writing it or not is the equivalent of doing nothing, has no effect on anything, is useless, nay what I wrote is probably all false, or just to piss off some horny gal on this site (as I am ph*k denied) and such, just to be a creep, I creep myself out constantly, etc.
In fact, often by doing something you get mostly negative results, you lose instead of gaining, actually doing nothing is the most productive thing you can do, an economy with everything exactly dead is the richest possible.

Because the brain - mind can’t get over the fact that it must DO NOTHING, it is too used to, programmed too deeply to put “effort” in something with the hope of some “result” (but we make up all kinds of imaginary results with imaginary rituals and efforts anyways, we will make believe we gain and achieve even when there is no gain anyways (or gaining is arbitrarily defined, it can be assigned infinite just because, so I gained infinitely by writing this block of text, and such all fun and games)), but doing nothing or something is the same, it is all equivalent, the mind brain decides to disjoint them and make them opposites and make them define each other reciprocally, but none of it is true or false (other inventions) it is all a make believe world anyways, and doing nothing is actually doing everything, is achieving infinity constantly, or doing or not doing is equal, or undefined, or make up anything you want.




As in the world without this block of text: is it better or worse, did it go in any desired direction ? or what if the direction it should go is achieved without this text, or with a different text, and how many different texts can be written, and how can they be connected to sensations emotions pain/pleasure ? and so on, but especially was it built up already or is the text building down, is it destroying or constructing, and if you look at 2 items and name them A and B did the start path → effort → result go from A to B or from B to A ? and then how many As and Bs can be seen and invented, is everything a solution or result or start path or problem and the path itself could be C but substitute A with C and make it C to B using A as a path and so on. Then all is already constructed ? Then all is destroyed, but if you change the definition on the fly you get Instant Construction or Instant Destruction or just paths and efforts with no start or result, etc.

Is something a part of something else or disconnected ? what is the aggregate, the delimitation ?

From: … erloo.html