Celebrating The 2016 American Elections.

freebeacon.com/politics/clintons … -stemware/




Fucking hilarious! How much of a warmonger is Hillary Clinton? Well,…


Maybe it is this one:

Vote rigging and fraud doesn’t exist in the United States?


Good lord the human boredom is never dull, now Michelle is a tranni .

A black tranny has very good prospects for becoming the president of the USA. :wink:

Melanie is no better the way she’s going. She’s getting waay too carried with her plastic surgeries, and now she looks like she’s squinting all the time.

I suspect that she had her undereye bags removed but her surgeon tightened the lower eye lid too much, giving her the predatory Oriental look.

She can pull it off now, but with age, if she still pursues the catlike look through plastic surgery, she may end up looking like Jocelyn Wildenstein.


Melania and her possible future look, thereabouts

She comes from a communistic country. According to her former communistic leaders the THESIS is capitalism and BEFORE, whereas the ANTITHESIS is the dictatorship of the proletariat and AFTER.

Threw up in my mouth a little…

What does that image imply?