coming through the antichrist

is the antichrist like the predicted Matrushka brain, a supercomputer the size of an entire planet? Is this at all possible? in this scenario, immortality will be an affordable assurance. I disagree with pundits who claim that God can not recur, and that humanity will become a cyborg prototype, with no empathy , whatever. I see the coming of my raid levels of reality, understanding, and relationships, where no one will be left behind. There will be a war, but the good will defeat the evil, and then make a pact. It is that. Consisting of both, which will harbor the energy of the Anti-Christ. The worriers about the state of consciousness, will not need to, it has always been a product. it’s both extrinsic and intrinsic. Immortaility need no physical manifestation, and never needed one, the search for physical immortality are missing a point there, because they are still thinking with Cartesian minds.

God. So hard to understand, in the Old Testament, but that’s all He could do at the time. that is why Jesus began to preach in parables, because even as recently as in the time of Augustus, He still had to. But now? It’s a Brave new world, and He has sacrificed Himself through His Son, (He could not sacrifice Himself, because for all tactical purposes He didn’t exist even back then, in that sense only in the benevolent sense. How can an all loving Father exist, when He has died, and was buried? At least let’s not
Desecrate His heritage. he knew that. so He needed a mortal to show His level of love. his sacrifice of His son, defied the myth of He wanting to sacrifice Himself, something the rubble could not understand even today.

but now, that the father has died. Christ has to be nihilized, also, the antichrist is that Being, who thinks he has won this round, but alas, just as in Faust, He is pathetically reducible, to the very nominal view of the complex yet impossible convertibility. There are some who know the secret of this ultimate betrayal.

his reign will be short lived. It can openly be said, that He is too dense not to deny his own shortcomings. His arrogance and pride mowing no limits, the short term, although he is too shrewd not to realize his own fallibility, he kids himself to think,
that when push comes to shove again, he may use himself on a black altar of self sacrifice. he is not of that, there is nothing to sacrifice.

how about it?
will the EU survive? Or, lash out at some thing, i order to save the dynamic within? Will the prophetic warning, of the Last Book, prove true to form, that they will be the first ones to get in to the middle east,
and intervene?

The French differance may prove to be prophetic, Europe Zone has always been at the center of things
especially , in times of pressure. For political expediency, with ramifications spreading into the socio-psychological matrix.

WWI and WW II were the result of an assassination , of a ripe power-inflated hyper reality to be, then just an abrogated confusion of logical dissonance. The hyper reality has arrived, through the surreal manifestation of post analysis, beyond it, as a balancing act to overcome it.

As the Eu is balanced by a gyroscopic center, (Germany), creating a vortex between East and West, through a neo dialectical filler to make up for the lack, partly defensively to shield an East-West collision, at some point, this vortex will turn outward, responsive to internal dynamic limits. At this point,
the psychology will trump the political furor, (i almost said fuhrer, oops) and partly to save the Euro, and partly to save heads, they will take the initiative, to overcome the Wilsonian inertia of an American isolation. (again)

Then, it will begin, and he will rise phoenix like through the ashes.

But, Rome again will be saved, as before in classic times, and then again in 1945.



Now look what it has done. It has turned everyone into a commodity. Objects mean more to people then their own people. In fact, there is no objective, no objectivism, because we ourselves have become our own objects?

Incredible? Pragmatism has resulted in finding meaning in only one thing : How useful can anyone become to ourselves, so we play games, the games people play. The games, in stage 2, like anything else in life, become rote, short cutted, and instinctive. The begin to be spoken in the accepted idiom.

So, how does Mr. So and so think about my project? Step 2 . How does he think about me? Step 3. What does he think about me?

Step 4. Oh yeah? And what does his friend and his frien and so on.

Step 5. The next step is a jump, and it’s Inoccuous.It becomes what I think about me. I become an object of others’thought~I am an object.

A subject of my own objective, an object of my own essential quality. That is the crux of nihilism, the denial of the objectivistion of my own subjective essence.

This essence is the essential quality of the non reducible self, the untraced, priceless gift, which is perpetually created at no cost. It is downgraded by a whim, a combination of weakness and opportunity.

The failure to transact the self is pathology, as a backward back pedaling to gain some lost value.

The pathology is simplified for general consumption as a sour grapes attempt to regain some measure of self decency , if the loss has been catastrophic.
The border shifts the paradigmn southbound, into splitting the difference away from political into economic forces acting within the ID.

The greates political fear is, to push the middle class into the lower classes, therefore blinding by de-differing opinions the criteria by which it can be broadly classified.

This is the true dynamic behind the universalization of the market place, the middle class will be able supposedly to view itself within a broader context, within the view of a relative class consciousness. The focus will shift away from being under the microscope regionally, because of the de-territorialization of the market place. This is a simpler way to understand the ideas of Delueze. He was important to extend the initial ideas underlying the dynamics, and was instrumental to lay the groundwork with Marcuse, to lay the groundwork. However, will the solution work?

Boudrillard: step 6:

Give up, virtually, everything becoming a performance , in line with the pragmatic objectivistion, correlating with an existential facade.
But this dynamic for Baudrillard, is useful, there is meaning building , among the clatter of signs laying around.

When the limit of performance is reached, then the consequential skepticism, reduces even the phenomenon to its limit.

You get caught up in annointation!!

The truth is not annointed, it is not a lord or a king, a lady or a queen…

The truth will always win eventually …

You don’t bow salute or make idols to truth, these are reserved for the false… The truth holds it’s own no matter what someone does, when they try to destroy it, they will rush to rescue it …

The truth always wins …

The truth may not be anointed, especially nowadays, however, it is abbreviated in code and disseminated for easier comprehension. Otherwise, it would create the opposite effect, falsehood.

The shades of difference between possible, probable and certain truth make for worlds of difference.

Juggle the three in any order, and the political juggernauts come in, to fine tune the appropriate interpretation. In their hands it becomes mere relative truth, for the appropriation begs it’s qualifiers.

Everyone then blindly follows.