Corona Virus Outbreak from Turd

Yeah ol’ Copeland’ll do that. I dunno if he bested the great virus beast, but he sure scared the shit outta me. I think I oughta clean up my act.

Well, that explains…nothing.

Whoever believes in Jesus gets miraculously saved and for everybody else they die miserably from the Coronavirus only to wake up standing in hell. It’s a part of God’s plan, trust the plan Biggie. :sunglasses: :laughing:

The righteous will be saved and spared… :sunglasses: [-o<


This is going to be one of my last updates given the curve seems to be flattening in most parts of the US except NYC, due to Mayor De Blaise not taking it seriously. I’ve been focusing more on the economic impact long term last few updates here.

For Tab or any other at risk members:
Hospitals have been paying people on their stomachs because apparently this helps widen the chest air capacity. If you can’t access a hospital this is a alternative way of laying in bed. It is similar in concept to carrying a load such as a backpack with shoulders raised, that gives you a 10% lung capacity increase. That’s why I discourage the use of rucksack belts when backpacking, free hanging puts pressure on the muscles to keep it upright.

MedCram on YouTube (he is working ICU isolation in LA county as of late so only a video per day as of late) followed up two days in a row on fever treatments used prior to antibiotics. Turns out we used to up till the 1950s from classical times do combination hot and cold Hydrothermal Immersion treatments for those with respiratory illnesses. The hot water treatment would immerse the body into water till the body hit fever levels around 103 degrees. This would help break down the virus, but would also create the conditions for pneumonia ironically, so they would then remove the individuals and immerse them into cold water- which obviously has potential to produce cardio and nervous shock to the body, so has to be done gradually. What it does is trigger a counterintuitive response in the lungs to stop secreting (per the theory MedCram was exploring) allowing people to breathe.

I’m going through the measures with combination hot showers and cold afterwards. Anyone who knows about Wim Hoff (The Iceman, he has Ted Lectures and documentaries dedicated to him) does combination cold water and deep breathing exercises. That’s part of the method that allows him to be exposed to extreme cold temperatures. I only recommend this course of action if you find yourself unable to gain entry into a hospital, and both of my recommendations come from which is a resource offering course material to doctors which well predates this pandemic.

I’ve also noticed certain members of this forum, predominately Zero Sum bad statistics. Gloominary is also a bad apple but is getting called out on it. Two others also to a lesser extent, Meno’s new stories tend to be absolute crap info and Iambigious insists on never checking the validity of his statistics- it is all crap on his part for vengeance/boredom at the expense of anything else, especially at the expense of accuracy and reason.

Reason why it is important to check and recheck if your news stories are accurate is political bias. You may remember I used to read dozens of international news sites a month, and a forum member even asked for Iraqi News coverage during the Obama administration and I aggressively followed multiple sites daily not just doing a chronical but also a evaluation of the strategies being used. It wasn’t based on ideology of party like Meno and Iambigious but rather strategic formulaic norms in logic that have laid at the foundation of statecraft for thousands of years. It rests neither on qualitative or quantitive analysis but more akin to geometric calculations that lend to calculus. I can pretty much calculate the formulas months in advance, and tweak them. As I pointed out with Aeneas the Tactician (not Tacitus like one forum moron here thought), locking down a city from a economic standpoint as well as in terms of controlling threat and hysteria has been done for thousands of years, and both communistic as well as oligarchical leaning societies have done this equally- they had no choice. I’m not too worried about the “threat” of military law or the constitutionality, I knew the answer long before the outbreak even happened. The confusion mostly lays in the lap of others, and by others I mean the stupid people here.

The biggest issue with Meno and Iambigious:
The need to predict a accurate mortality number is crucial in knowing what techniques work, through “How” and “Why” analysis. You have to filter out variables. A example, Taiwan is chronically exposed to China’s propaganda and knows it is absolutely bullshit satanism and does everything is can to figure out sane and responsible public policy in response to CCP actions. Most countries are not under CCP threats as much as Taiwan- so very early movements on Taiwanese side to put a stop to the Wuhan virus is a variable a country like Italy with heavy investment from Wuhan, or San Francisco (I can vouch many fashion stores had Italian and French tailors and a room full of illegal Wuhan seamstress upstairs out of sight, I had to guard these places years back when working security) who had less awareness and more dependence upon them economically. Naturally the politics will be on a Pro-Chinese vs Anti-Chinese basis, and the National left vs Right will take these on instinctively without further consideration, like Meno does in his Anti-Trump coverage. Meno considers himself Left, therefore Trump is bad. Had Trump done everything the same but ran for the left he would champion him, but would show articles proving from left sources Trump is bad. These sources share statistics and cherry-pick them, oftentimes using wildly inaccurate sources. Example US being the top nation infected. Simply not true- this may happen down the road but this hasn’t occurred yet. China went out of it’s way to obscure results. It’s tests came out very early (bewildering early) and now only have a 30% accuracy rate, and a individual funeral home in Wuhan has recieved a shipment of 10,000 urns. A single funeral home, not all of them, just one. A compounding issue is more than one form of Corona Virus hit China, one was aggressively spreading at a even higher rate. Chinese government did everything it could to cover this up, and did a very terribly job in this. Likewise to a lesser extent Iran.

Western countries are only now getting accurate mortality to infected rates, and this is going to continue to morph as the CDC and private industry continue to improve the rate of testing. China couldn’t do this. Now in terms of a draconian quarantine yes, that works obviously, but it isn’t full proof and has repercussions- the riots last week on the bridges of Wuhan flipping police vehicles is proof of side effects, the region like Hong Kong is on the verge of revolt and will back any coup attempt against Xi by another faction of the party.

As we continue down the road of getting more accurate testing we can look with 20-20 hindsight what worked. For Iambigious saying Hillary would of stopped this that’s obviously farcical, she was notorious for delaying- Benghazi is a good case. How many times did she have to come out swearing She/ The Administration didn’t know even when everyone was screaming at her what the repercussions would be? It happened a lot. I suspect she like Boris Johnson and Trudeau never would of shut down Chinese travel, and we wouldn’t have a wall to protect against people invading with the disease. Deaths by default must reasonably be assumed to be much higher under her- but I know Iambigious is the only human alive to consistently fail Turing Tests, and might not even be human. If human this belief might give him a reason to continue on living in the face of his humiliating belief system. By all means, but it isn’t right for others who otherwise would survive with better knowledge to be negatively persuaded by him to neglect survival strategies like social distancing (this is a forum of mostly introverts, we all do that without being told) for talks about Dasein, which is the same lame shit talked about well prior to the pandemic. Such discussions do not benefit either individual or small group survival, much less big group survival and so must be put aside as a luxury in a time of crisis.

Given most states including Florida (announced today) are flattening the curve we are moving into a position of deciding if this is something that will die away in warmer weather. It appears no- tropical countries are experiencing outbreaks. The good news is higher unemployment rates and the cheapness of disinfectants, and the ability of most countries to source their own supply means many can be employed to aggressively clean cities. Trump has many programs and companies producing not just vaccines and supplies but also plasma based antibodies and remedial medicines to treat symptoms of the virus and reduce the amount of time it can spread.

Also good is most of these vaccines even if they can’t work on Corona will likely work on a few different classes of Viruses. We are also inheriting the beginnings of a mass home schooling and remote college educational system, and the very beginning of a system able to support a large population off the industrial base of a few employed. Telehealth as I mentioned in a previous post, if quipped with smartphones pimped out with better cameras and able to see in infrared and thermal, and much higher resolution for skin ailments like a dermatological camera, filtered through a AI, can spread healthcare access to most people on the planet in under a few decades. This will make it finally possible to have a socialized system of medics care that actually works and doesn’t cripple the national budget a real possibility, and we have Trump to thank for this.

I may do a post or two more but remember, this thread exists to warn you of the Virus, methods for surviving it. I’m not going to engage in debate about bad and stupid ideas floating around daily, this forum seems mostly a asylum for the mentally deranged and mentally unfit. I do near hourly updates on my own site and Instagram account, and reach a much higher audience then the few thousand views here.

Try to use valid sources like MedCram and don’t be so pitifully ideological and lost in nonsense. You can’t help anyone with most of the bullshit floating around here. Try to figure out the validity of statistics used, and don’t throw around unreliable crackhead liberal statistics. You don’t benefit people doing this shit, only decide and harm people with fake news. Survival outside of luck requires accuracy of information to make informed decisions. Stop the farce.

If somebody here had posted exactly the same text under their own name, you would be all over them with :

“general description”
“existential contraption”
“connect the dots”
“bring it down to earth”

But you posted it and you believe it. So, oddly, it’s applicable to all of us for some reason. :laughing:

Fuck you!! :laughing:

Seriously though, I still have absolutely no idea what your point is. Let alone how it relates to this thread itself.

Note to others…

A little help please. :-k

Bad statistics? Name them Turd Burglar. :sunglasses: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I’m sorry, but how fucking idiotic is this!!!

Anyway, it stopped me from reading further.

So, note to others: do I come up in this “update” anywhere?

If so, please keep it to yourself. :wink:

For Turd.

“Q-anon here, trust the plan man!”

They’re trying to pull you in, turd. Don’t pay any attention to it. All we need you to do is show up once a weak as a kind of philosophical MacGyver who explains to us all kinds of novel ideas and solutions for the pandemic that the world will never use but are interesting nonetheless as the results of the creative and innovating mind of an INTJ inspired by the taciturn wisdom of tacitus who can link us to resources that have the truth. We need you also to call everyone an idiot, encourage us to seek and destroy all Nietzscheans, and have unwavering faith in the Catholic Church.

Yes, turd, yet another example of the gap between expectations and reality in Trumpworld: … e=Homepage

This Friday it is 824 cases per million. Last Friday it was 310.

30,944 32,088: the number of new cases just today in America. Also, 1,320 new deaths just today.
38,168: the total number of cases in the United Kingdom

Yo, Maia, pass this along to Turd please.

On the other hand, Trump and Johnson are basically turds of a feather here. Only Johnson finally capitulated to, among other things, reality.

Boris Johnson currently is in quarantine, I’m really worried he is going to die from the virus. So very sad.

I wonder what the reaction from the U.K. would be afterwards. :-k

Remember throughout this entire ordeal the total number of the infected at any given time that were considered in serious and/or critical condition has never exceed five percent. But obviously that five percent gets bigger when the number of infections increases. So what used to be a tolerable five percent two weeks ago is now drastically more… even though it’s still only five percent. Dats how you gotta tink about it, Tony.

Boris is alive and well and recovering at No.10, where he posts regular updates to his Instagram, on the need to continue to self-isolate and social-distance, and his latest piece of advice… to stay local this weekend, i.e. don’t go to the beach.

Read it and weep, Turd: … e=Homepage

And so it goes :

“Donald Trump is trying to build a campaign message around his image as a wartime president. But as a commander in chief, Cadet Bone Spurs is bringing up the rear.”

{Check this out::: Imagewise, rarely do presidents nowadays don the immediately recognizable ankle length wool coat that so readily identified FDR, it is a reaffirming image of a 'war-time executive.}

Let us take a moment to salute the heroes of the pandumbic