darwinism does not explain

Thanks statiktech. Phon… you are a venomous one aren’t you?

I can’t make my argument that we were genetically engineered based on what I’ve seen here. That doesn’t mean we weren’t, I just can’t make it.

Of course I brought up the old Darwin paradox here in another form, actually I invented it from a motion paradox that puzzled me for years that i also invented: If a new trait emerges, it must have emerged from nothing at all, or already been in the gene pool as a recessive trait, which means it was never a new trait to begin with.

Well if we share similar DNA with other life on Earth, it’s likely a matter of genetic recombination, genetic switches, and mutations that largely determine new traits.

I now know why james is not entering the discussion…this thread is no longer providing any insight to the understanding of evolution…

Actually, my paradox is right up James’ alley, but he’s kinda pissed at me now. The paradox gets to the core of the theory of evolution, but it’s one of those existence core paradoxes, so somewhat broader, even though it can be stated in evolutionary terms. Read that paradox again and consider it deeply.

The point amount Zeno’s paradoxes of motion is that they are conceptual problems, but not problems in nature. They rest in the fact that people think in black and white; or what some call binary thinking. For the arrow problem for example people conceive of the arrow in flight in terms of integers of position. the the arrow it happily cotinues to mover regardless of the so-called “paradox”.

I suggest that this “Darwin paradox” only exists in your mind. A “trait” or behaviour is not to be conceive as a history zero proposition. There are no “new” traits without antecedent factors.

Imagine that you are an ape that sometimes forages on the ground when the trees have had all their fruit eaten by other primates.
One day that climate changes (as it always does), making your ground foraging more important. You are but one ape in thousands. some are better, and worse than you are ground foraging. In two or three generations only the ones that are best at this go on to have better ground foraging skills. As most of the surviving apes all have this skill they can only mate with ground foraging specialists, and so for many future generations this skill becomes better, because tree foraging is useless, and those with THAT skill are dead.
As you will have observed each new child is not an exact copy of its parents but has natural variation.
The reason all species show variation is because, like tree foraging example, naturally occurring variation has been advantageous. No species without this can survive, because the environmental conditions always vary, and statically genetic species have a disadvantage to all others that can adapt. With each new generation the “new” trait, is more common, as long as they do well and the trait gives them an advantage in their environment. Humans started to cut the trees for fuel. This was a route of no return, Other traits (they already had) such as co-operation helped them against predators. Arseholes who did not co-operate ending up inside lions. Thus the “new” traits of love and companionship were favoured. Due to natural variation, arseholes still appear in the gene pool, we call these people psychopaths, or politicians. Some of them go unnoticed and have children - others end up shot, or spouseless.

There are one or two species in which this variability is useless: sharks nailed the problem of survival 200 million years ago. Their adaptation is so good that they have managed to carry on with little change. But they are the exception - even they show variation and change

Did you go and read about lactase?


The paradox goes deeper than that… it suggests that we have all traits for survival, something cannot come from nothing, therefor, we should never die, all species should have optimal fitness. In your analogy, the apes had both traits and the environment forced one trait to be more valuable than the other… but with this paradox, all the apes would have the same trait. Trust me on this, I’ve been puzzling over this paradox for years, and I have some answers too… but it’s not as easy to crack as you suggested, though i appreciate you replying to it and considering it on topic to the general idea of what evolution can and can’t explain. Because this paradox is on topic, and I’m not trolling with it either.

The premise of your paradox seems pretty absurd to me.

Sorry, that was for turtle.

The only paradox here is in your head.
Every word you type refutes your own paradox. If you were smarter you would realise that as each post responds to the next, the thread evolves. Where you to apply the paradox to you , you would be struck dumb and unable to respond.
Your paradox relies on a synchronic assumption; reality is diachronic.
Think it through.

What’s absurd about it? Think through the logical steps. In order for a trait that has never existed before to come into being, it had to come from nothing at all, if two particles combined in a way they never did before, that combination, never having existed before, had to come from nothing at all… in order for evolution to not come from nothing at all, all of the traits must already be there, which means every evolutionary creature should have perfect fitness.

Can you refute the logic of the paradox? It’s one thing to say it’s absurd and not say anything else, it’s another to comprehend it and argue intelligently towards it.

That is the false premise.
Have you ever painted a picture?
Surely that picture has to come from nothing?
Have you ever taken a shit?
Surely that shit has to have come from nothing?

Every premise is a non sequitur and the conclusion is just wacky.

You don’t understand the depth of the paradox then. It actually started as a motion paradox, that i don’t name after myself, I just call it the motion paradox… the basics are that if something new happens, then it necessarily comes from nothing at all, but this is impossible since nothing at all doesn’t exist as a state or non-state from which something could come from, therefor everything new already existed, which means that it can’t emerge in sequence, which means that it’s nothing at all. The paradox emerges because of our experiential reality, we experience motion… the paradox isn’t in the logic itself. I just modified it to apply to evolutionary theory. This can be called the evolution paradox… (again not named after me), this paradox holds that in order for a new trait to emerge, it must come from nothing at all, since nothing at all doesn’t exist from which something can come from, the trait can never be new, which means it always existed, which means everything must have perfect fitness. This again is not a paradox written in the sentences, the paradox is that we know from experiential reality that everything doesn’t have perfect fitness.

Lev, when you said, obviously it is false because you’re typing those sentences, or whatever you said to that regard, you were actually defining the paradox, not disproving it.

This paradox makes Zeno’s look like a joke. With the paradox people generally thing about with Zeno, it’s infinite regress into halves… buit the way to solve this paradox, and this is my solution, so you won’t find it on wiki or the Stanford encyclopedia, is that everytime you divide something it becomes a new object, instead of the same object being divided, so it’s a contradiction to be able to divide the same object. The other disproof is that this reality is finite, the way to demonstrate this is to say that if you could divide something an infinite number of times it would take an infinite amount of processing speed to perceive it, which happen infinitely fast, which equals ZERO time, which means the race never started. Since reality is finite, what’s actually occurring is the Achilles is dividing sections of new track (remember, it can’t be the same track) faster than the tortiouse is, and because this is finite, at a certain point the division stops and the finish line is crossed.

My paradox is much harder to crack because it gets to the root of motion itself, so I call these paradoxes the motion paradox and the evolution paradox respectively.

time to stop feeding it

A troll is someone who intentionally speaks off topic to get attention or speaks about unreality intentionally to get attention. You call me a troll in every thread I participate in that you read and reply to, that you are involved in when I’m there. Which means by definition, you think i am only a troll, seeking attention at the expense of the topic… or you think I always contradict myself INTENTIONALLY, to rile people up so as to get attention. Those are very serious charges, that means you think that I do this with every sentence i speak outside these boards too, which means you think I’m a troll in life and the only way to ban a troll in life is to kill them, which means you’re actually advocating my murder. Are we clear about what your brain is?