DNA wise ALL humans are born with a POTENTIAL to be Evil

The Tao symbol represents movement with balance and change which inevitably will involve growth or reduction.

What is special with the Tao symbol is it represent p and not-p in complementarity which is seemingly a logical contradiction but that is nevertheless a reality. Thus we can have it both ways in reality.

To lend some credibility to my point from authority;
Note Neil Bohr was inspired by the principle of complementarity of the Tao symbol to discover one of the basic principle of Quantum physics. This is why he had the Tao symbol in his family Coats of Arms.

You cannot have it both ways. These are two different patterns. You are trying to erase this difference.

You can have growth subordinated to balance (the Tao symbol) or balance subordinated to growth.

If you set aside the symbols of the past, use their shoulders to move forward or change then you can.
Too much do we cling to our ancestors education and fail to go beyond. These educated humans could not have wanted humanity to stop and just be stagnant from their work. They dreamed of advancement for humans, they were stepping stones not final goals.
Too many here and at other forums are stagnate with renowned people’s information. Not one Person here is dumb. Deliberately ignorant maybe and that includes myself at times. You want true growth and change? Then let’s work together not attack difference.

Whichever, the test is to put it into practice to improve one’s well being.


Yang Chengfu in a posture from
the Yang-style t’ai chi ch’uan solo form
known as Single Whip c. 1931