Do you know your own self-interest?


Not the fact that they are refugees, the fact that they are many.

This has been proven to be true, so indeed doesn’t apply to them.

Does Indeed apply to you and if so, why?

I replied “Indeed” to this post.

…but not much utopian vision overlapping is going on.

That’s why I said that it is sounding less and less like an indeed.

Do I know my own self-interest?

Within the context of being human…yes.

Within the context of being…no.

Sure there is. It’s called the action of “walking away” . It is NOT in one’s best self-interest to stay.

Why do you find there to be a difference between the two?


There are many answers to that. The first which comes to me is to look before I leap. To sometimes tred lightly. To reflect on as many possibilities as I can before making a decision. To do no harm in the long run can also be within my own best interest. Nothing selfish about it.
See there are legions.

Yes, in the long run, yes. We’re all affected in a sense by poverty and with unethical people.

Possibly - depending on how much disease could be done away with. But we still have to learn to take care of ourselves in the here and now. That’s in our own best interest.

I can do that now even as things are but who knows in the future if things go so down hill?

More value, discerning value, more flourishing.

What is optimum to enhance the quality or the qualia of our lives.

By discovering and reflecting on what does enhance our lives and gives quality to it…and going after that.

Give me a scenario here?

That sounds a bit like hedonism wouldn’t you say? There has to be a balance and a harmony.
Too much of a good thing soon gets quite rusty or stale I think.

That balances things better. :evilfun:

Better world? Gees, that’s a large order. I might say where these devilish tv preachers, after giving their sermons, would NOT ask for a thousand dollars to be given from people who are so desperate to hear the word of their god and who are manipulated into believing that god will answer their prayers but only in the giving of their hard-earned living. Get rid of these so-called preachers and the world would be a better place.

It would also be a better place if people stopped suing at the drop of a hat.
Also, if people would stop the stupidity of texting while driving and talking on the phone while driving.
Also, if medical insurance was not so high.

:-k I’m not so sure about this one. Might this sound a bit like communism…I might be wrong though.

That sounds like a sweet little village.
Donald Trump - do you hear this? :laughing:

Dead people don’t walk away.

“Wanting” to kill is not the same as already having done it, One Liner. Why would we accept that as the final answer?
Getting out, running away, fighting our way out, either figuratively or literally, is what we have to do when any of those ways of killing which you mentioned above are happening ~~ that is, if we value ourselves.

What does a defeatist attitude do for us? At least we would go down fighting.

So when a woman gets raped, it’s her fault for not running fast enough or not fighting hard enough?

Yes, indeed I think I can say that I do.

Never! As far as I am concerned, it is always the rapist who is at fault - no matter how many idiots try to point out that the woman deserved it or asked for it. - because she was in a particular place or dressed in a particular way. Exercising poor judgment is not asking to be raped except in the mind of the rapist or idiotic petty and biased men and women.

My having said the above does not imply that a woman is looking to get raped. The woman who doesn’t try to run might just be too paralyzed with fear/petrified to move as was my case - at first, until I made the decision, to MOVE, to fight back.

Then my comments were not a defeatist attitude but just a reality that sometimes there is simply no amount of love, goodwill, effort, resistance or even precaution that will stop someone from harming us (in some situations).

I wasn’t referring to you as having the defeatist attitude but the person who must fight the rapist or whoever would wish or do someone harm. We never really know but I agree with you ~~ that “sometimes” and “in some situations” it is futile - yet as humans that doesn’t keep us from trying.

Isn’t that within our own self-interests? Preserving our lives if we value them?

As humans sometimes we just don’t have the energy to keep trying (as I am sure we have all experienced at some point in our life) and this is perfectly okay as we don’t have an unlimited capacity for effort.

When we’re actually battling someone, we have to keep trying though yes, our energy will be depleted and we may lose.

But at other times, it’s a good thing to take a vacation from ourselves in a sense. Stop trying and just be. Sometimes that’s all we can do when it seems that there is nothing left to do. Nothing wrong with just being, with just floating on our backs for awhile…

Sometimes we battle someone, have our energy depleted, lose and then while we are down and depleted another person comes along.