Does Spirit Evolve?

SO im guessing this applies to you?one brain and your the only one to have understood the telos?Okay I guess you forgot to understand that people will never follow this not only because it is based on one idea, unification not unity.Removal of self and yes i know this is exactly what you are stating and yes i know your ego will not let you have an open mind and yes i know that you probably think my feelings are hurt and you know what they are and at least I am not afraid to accept myself.O yeah and I know this doesn’t matter but hey there is always hope.But in the end your idea is very well thought out.what about independence because even a single minded mind needs independence from something from chaos.what does chaos offer in your theory?Just competition or something more?

I Don’t think the soul/spirit evolves in the usual sense but I have thought of life as a type of education or journey for the soul.

I forgot which philosopher it was, Ill post it later if I find out.
This philosopher said something along the lines of God is closeness and unity of all things and that our universe is chaotic and confrontational because we are seperated from this oneness.

I’ll need too look it up again but basically the idea was, Before the rest of existance there was God, then for what we know of existance to occur God fractured, split apart if you will to form all these things that are. You me, rocks, planets, galaxy’sand everything elses.

I won’t speak more on this as I can’t recollect it all at this moment but basically the Idea is, God Fractured= Existance as we know it, The reunification of all things= Perfect God.

I think I’m the first one, but I’ve had many influences.

What’s the difference between unification and unity? You mean, a pluralistic unification vs a monism?

Not sure what you’re getting at here.

Thank you.

Chaos is evil, it is antithetical to life. Competative collaboration, Omnisymbiosis is not chaos, are the cells in your body chaos? maybe if they’re feeding off each other and offering nothing in return, like a cancer. However, and this may sound somewhat contradictory, life needs chaos in order to exist. Life is but the antagonism between order and chaos. That is why we should not remove chaos completely, just minimize it. We must increase Omnisymbiosis as much as possible, Omnisymbiosis is order.

Yeah, I’m not sure if it does either, it is esoteric, occultic, a mystery to us all, but this life is no mystery. I think we should devout more of our resources to trying to find and figure out if spirit, that is, if subjects can exist apart from objects, exists. It just seems logical to me, although admittedly difficult to fathom, that if matter is becoming, mortal, in substance and form, then spirit ought to be becoming, mortal in substance and form. Strange I know.

I guess this is a great theory once it is put in too action I will be waiting to puncture holes for I am Chaos and not the evil one the good one the one that defies omnisymbiosis. Not because I want to but because I have Life.I cant wait to see you on the news brudder man.

Now we are talking about something else. We’re talking about the death of substance and form, of matter and spirit. We’re talking about extreme monism and monism is nothing… and something. We want to protect what we are, we don’t want to die. To protect what we are, we have to competatively collaborate with some things we are not, to some degree. How much I guess depends, hence the will towards individualism and collectivism, regressivism and progressivism, egoism and altruism, hedonism and asceticism, nature and artifice. Sometimes we have to give up parts of ourself in order to keep others. Because our planet will one day die, the only way to save ourselves is to become an Omnisymbiote, so we can maintain our existence or a portion of it for all eternity. In a way, Omnisymbiote and the intellect, socialization and collectivization, is death and life. HAHA! I’m a little puzzled. Perhaps Satyr could give us some advice, he’s the smartest person I have ever met, even though I know he would disagree with me on most things, I respect him.

I understand, this God is the union of all opposites and pluralitites. We want to increase one opposite, yin, the positive one, life, all manner of pleasure, joy, knowledge and understanding, as much as possible.

Right, this is death, the death of form, of substance, of duality, of plurality.

Thank you for participating in my thread, and I hope you will participate in the process of Omnisymbiosis and not choose to commit suicide or homicide and return to the something/nothing.

you are advanced


hahahahahaha suicide or homicide ? So few choices i thought you would at least give me more credit than that.hahaha I promise ill try just because you expect so little from me, submission.


I assume that the eternal is or includes all-time, hence the entire expanse and curve of the universe throughout time exists within it. As such are you saying that spirit is evolving within that nucleus - so to say, and that at the end it becomes ‘god’ or universal spirit or something?

Then if we follow the loop, the end place is the same as the beginning place [are both eternity], and as such the god created in the spiritual evolutionary process exists also at its inception?

Not exactly, because in the beginning, although spirit was more/less monistic, it was a monistic monism, where as in the end, although spirit will be more/less monistic, it will be a pluralistic monism. Also in the beginning, spirit, like matter, wasn’t alive, didn’t desire to keep it’s solid substance and form, had no solid substance and form, where as in the end, spirit is alive, desires to keep it’s solid substance and form, has a solid substance and form. Also I’m thinking spiritual and material evolution has a conservative element, in addition to a progressive element, and may be intelligent. Spirits can be consumed by other spirits, as well as work together to keep each other from being consumed. They have to consume each other and/or lifeless spirit in order to keep themselves intact. That’s right, I’m dividing all spirit into
living spirit and dead spirit.

Interesting. I am not sure how you get aliveness from non-aliveness as like thought from non-thought, it seams to me that you must have at least something else which contains what becomes thought and aliveness.

Eternity is always the same, so how do you have a different version at the end of the universe or cycle?

That spirits can be consumed by others is where many pagans went wrong imho. For me sprit is eternity expressed, all that can happen to it is that it can become unexpressed. one thing cannot consume that same one thing.

As to the conservative element, are you imagining some kind of physical manifestation of god building from scratch?

…just questions I’d ask myself, no offence meant if incurred. :slight_smile:

Hope you’re still around, Quez.

If you can get nonlife from life, then I don’t see why you can’t get life from nonlife, 'lest… it is indeed, easier to destroy than to create.

Right, I have pondered this too. If everything always was, then nothing new ever happens. In an eternal universe, everything that can happen, must have already happened, and will happen again (eternal = cyclical). So, I counter this by postulating- the universe had a beginning but no end. Strange thoughts… I hope you can follow. This makes my paradigm internally consistent, but I have no way of verifying a universe with a beginning but no end. Eternity = fatalism, finality = fatalism, finality + eternity = hope.

Hmmm, I disagree, I didn’t know the pagans believed that, but I imagine that if they did, there’s probably some truth to it, and it would corroborate my theory.

I think all spirit is conscious, is consciousness/conscience, but some spirit possesses no substance or form, some spirit possesses substance but no form, and some spirit possesses substance and form. Spirit always desires to have a substance and a form (soul, ego separation). Souls can do this via consumption and probably reproduction. Soul reproduction can happen asexually or sexually, just as biological reproduction can happen asexually or sexually. I think souls place themselves above other souls, but can also value other souls, especially equally/highly evolved souls with equally/highly adaptive/sophisticated substances and forms. Strange I know.

Yes, a mechanistic or unconscious/subconscious evolutionary conservatism.

None at all, my paradigm is in it’s early stages, it will probably collapse like all the others.