Eventually Empathy will Trump Emnity

Just finished reading the article I referred to in my last post.

A smile came to my mind’s heart … here’s some words I posted yesterday …



… and here are the words of someone who has a much better command of the English language … quite colorful indeed …



Others like Aminius was drifting off course, I am bring it back to topic.

You will note, the Abrahamic religions claim their God is compassionat, loving, benevolent but that is only towards their own believers [note especially Islam]. Such religions undermine empathy on a universal levels and a religion like Islam inspires its followers [SOME] to commit terrible terrors, violence and all sorts of evils.

Theists are indirectly complicit to the terrible terrors, violence and all sorts of evils committed by their fellow theists. Theists who aggressively defend the existence of God as real when in fact God is illusory and an impossibility provide indirect moral support to evil prone theists to commit evils in God’s name.

Hope the wind changes direction soon. :slight_smile: … and carries this topic back to where it started :slight_smile:

If not … that’s OK too … undoubtedly all comments have some value to someone or something. :slight_smile:

I will stick with my earlier post that pets and circus bears receive more empathy than human beings have for each other.

Understanding American politics currently I am starting to understand our politics resembles reality television now in a form of media headlines entertainment which in turn makes it more palpable for the uneducated moronic idiots that make up the majority of the population.

Of course real lives and human suffering hangs in the balance with all of this but this is America where nobody really cares about anything other than their own monetary bottom line.

I would say it is humorous to watch and observe if not also very painful.

What do you mean by the word “yuge”, Pilgrim-Seeker Tom?





many orders of magnitude larger than “huge” … :slight_smile:

Fact is that the communists killed more than a hundred million people within a few decades! World record! Communism is the world champion of murder and terror!

[tab]And by the way, Prismatic 567: What can be seen in all your threads and especially in your “God …” thread is that you have never understood that we have not argued for a belief or for a religion, but for logic. We have proven you wrong and reminded you of your many logical fallacies.[/tab]

Pilgrim-Seeker Tom, is the owner of this New Eastern Outlook (NEO) an East Asian or an North American?

my gut reaction … :laughing:

on reflection … for at least one second … you raise yet another profundity … what genius indeed. :slight_smile:

the characteristic known as “nationality” is way down in the pecking order … “person” is in first place" … gender has traditionally been second … seems it’s up in the air now … and so on down the line to nationality. :slight_smile:

Arminius … to the extent the following personal thoughts have any merit I attribute … at least in part … such merit to your smart ass(ness) … thank you. :slight_smile:

Just returned from my morning walk along the beach … let me start with the physical vista.

Arriving at the beach I immediately noticed the tide had receded much further than I’d ever seen before … certainly nothing special for local villagers … yet quite special for me. There were a couple groups of villagers way out where the ocean met the sand/mud … likely digging for ocean critters … I didn’t feel like checking it out.

My interpretation of the above vista … my esoteric thoughts: :slight_smile:

  1. More Big “C” Consciousness was laid bare this morning.

  2. A tiny component of the human family … the vanguard of humanity … is standing on the edge … the point where Big “C” Consciousness meets small “c” consciousness … human consciousness.

Now let me weave into the above thoughts some of my personal experiences.

My daughter Paula … more accurately … my biological daughter Paula … my claim(s) to being her traditional/conventional father are very slim … mathematically 3-4 percent. The upshot of this is I can claim plausible deniability for any responsibility for her decisions/actions.

OTH I applaud her mother Marsha’s unconditional love … at least what appears to be unconditional love on the surface. I say with confdence I would have failed Paula as I failed my son Kevin. (another rather long story) :slight_smile:

Paula is in a lesbian relationship and has birthed two children via “AI” … nope … not Artificial Intelligence … rather Artificial Insemination … no pun intended for you AI enthusiasts. :slight_smile: Not something a traditional/conventional parent is likely to brag about publicly.

This morning I ‘see’ Paula’s decisions/actions as akin to the courage and determination of the early pioneers in North America. She is a member of that tiny community … the vanguard of humanity.

There are two possible outcomes:

  1. This tiny vanguard community is preparing the ground for the future of humanity … ergo … all our social ills will be corrected via “AI” and “AI” … ergo … we will eliminate all deviant genes from the human family’s DNA. Seems to be a continuation of Hitler’s project … somewhat of a challenge for those who claim Hitler was defeated.

  2. This tiny vanguard community will save humanity by clearly demonstrating the risks of “AI” and “AI” … thereby arresting it’s development and implementation.

The paradox is that both the above alternative outcomes point to the same conclusion …

Humanity is fast approaching the moment where we will recognize that our biological being is subordinate to our spiritual being … the moment may be much closer than we think/realize.

I’m so happy that I’m now able to shout from the housetops … my immense pride in being the biological father of Paula as well as my immense pride in even the tiny role I played as her “dad”.