Evolution and Purpose

… you stole my punchline.

You don’t have to be able to calculate the advantage any specific trait gives, you just have to accept the premise that a trait could give you a % advantage. If you can accept that, then you can calculate, given a certain % advantage, the trait’s likelihood of fixating in a population on a given instance is only 2 times that percentage.

I can’t give you the derivation of that, but I gave you the source already.

If you don’t understand that natural selection is a purposeless process (hence the word NATURAL, meaning it doesn’t need any guidance, it happens naturally on it’s own) and that evolution has no goal, then you don’t understand evolution. You are a christian after all, so it’s to be expected. I wouldn’t expect a christian to get it.

Evolution has meant this for a long, long, long time. If you think evolution has the explicit purpose of ‘advancing’ a species, then you’re understanding is below the most simple-minded standpoint. But, again, you are a christian…

  1. Evolution is a theory that can be explained perfectly only with words and concepts, and in fact applying mathematics to the theory will give you a less accurate theory and idea, a case where mathematics takes you farther away from the precision and understanding of the theory not closer.

  2. There are really no explanations, nothing that must be explained or known or figured out within the process of evolution: it is just a long chain of casual actions and reactions, each step a totally random fluke, that leads to some temporary useful “functionality” (for the item) within a very random, quirky, temporary environment that will surely change, and change again and forever.

  3. A good way to understand it : take a walk outside, find the first 3 pebbles on the street, measure the distance between them and write down the numbers. Now explain why those are the numbers. Explain the exact sequence of events from present time minus a billion years that lead up to those 3 pebbles being exactly there. Now that is the same random, intractable sequence of events that lead to a human and his mind, or a dog or a fish (or a mountain shape, or a cloud shape) etc.

Hope that clears it up somewhat.

On another forum, somebody said something that made me realize a big mistake people make when thinking and talking about evolution:

Here’s a great article on how off it is to talk about evolution as a process with the purpose of ‘advancing’ the species:

I find it interesting that atheists think I am a Christian. Christians think I am Judist. Jews think I Nazi. Muslims… well… I suspect “think” doesn’t apply.

OKay, so now you have convinced me.

Evolutionists ran into some serious problems with their theory that they couldn’t explain (or seriously didn’t want to reveal). So to save face they (as they often do in Science) redefined the words. Now the word “evolution” has no meaning other than to refer to a changing. But it is critically important to realize that there is absolutely, absolutely no reason for the changing whatsoever. It is purely 100% random. It is purely accidental. No one is to blame. Sometimes bad things just happen to species. Honestly, no one is to blame. No one. Don’t think that anyone had anything at all to do with why the species died out. There was NO REASON AT ALL. Such things just happen. No one is to blame. Don’t look for anyone to blame. No one is to blame. It is just a NATURAL accident. Go back to sleep and everything will be fine in the morning.

The fuck are you ranting about? Who the hell is talking about blaming anybody? That last post just showed how truly, truly off the mark you are. You’re on your own trip brother.

But, as I said to Amorphos, this thread is more for people who understand evolution more deeply. I’m not excluding you to hurt your feelings, it’s just a quality-control thing.


But even if you knew all of the exact steps, the exact sequence of action - reactions, of configurations Matter underwent in 1 billion years to lead to that exact organism, the Man, the Man Brain, the Human Mind, and even if you knew all of the always partial repetitive patterns (the Bit Set, the Repetitive Bit Set, the frequency modulation of another frequency modulation of another frequency and so on for many levels and many levels deep that create the resemblance of “laws of Physics”) that matter transited through, traversed through, the partial laws of Physics and Chemistry (since there are many little, partial, local laws and effects and applications of the laws of physics that are being executed as Matter traverses all of its intermediate configurations until it reaches “Man”, the “Man Brain”), all of that knowledge and detail, the knowledge of all essentially would be worthless anyways since it would be just one example of one path Evolution went through to obtain an end result.

It would be just one fluke example amongst a virtually never ending set of examples and possibilities that evolution could execute, all by chance, by purely blind chance (just 10 molecules for 100 configurations can combine in more than 10^100 possibilites, etc.).

But you could reply, that by knowing even a small sequence of events, a small slice of evolution could make it repeatable in the laboratory, we could repeat some of the tricks of evolution, we could put matter in a configuration and feed it actions to make it react and evolve into a first cell, or partially so, or any other subfunction or subset of an organism, etc. But I doubt this is possible since the three body problem can’t be solved, the initial conditions, even if slightly different can make the evolution diverge largely from what we expect or could lead to nothing, just like the 50 years ongoing experiments with the attempt of creating something more than simple amino acids have lead to nowhere no matter how hard they try.

I repeat, this is no longer within the realm of science, there are no repetitive patterns discernible, it can’t be repeated, or every possible repetition will lead to a different outcome, etc.

Also, if you look at all of the finely tuned “purposes” and mechanisms of the Human Body, or any other animal, from the molecules, to their intricate folding process to the signals and processing going on in all of the billions of cells, the nerves, the brains, etc. and then the end result of all of this “purpose” and complex machine is simply animals that don’t do anything at all all day long, that have a very simple behavior, eat and hunt and reproduce and that is the end, such a simple program made up of only a few instructions, then you see how totally without purpose evolution and its results are: and Man being an Excess Capacity Item with a Brain that tortures itself, forcing it to have more purpose than simply nothing at all, which is its real purpose, has to desperately invent ever new purposes, ever new repeatable patterns, rules and games and interactions just to keep on living and not get “bored to death”: the most useless and without purpose of animals is Man who thinks he has and even needs a purpose, incredible, how totally void man is of any meaning and purpose and how complex the mechanisms underlying his living are. Nothing shouts out more clearly than this that “Evolution, Nature, Life Are Absolutely Void of any Meaning, Value and Purpose, are Irrelevant to the Utmost Extent”.

Also, it is mostly an artistic choice, an aesthetical choice, what “looks right”, what looks like it “makes sense” to say that a certain mechanism created the heart, or the heart must be explained and such. And why does that even need an explanation ? Why is simply saying “there is no explanation” not enough ?

And why is even a long chain of complex mechanisms, even if discovered and even if correct so much more valuable than saying “No Reason At All” ?

And, if you condense all of evolution (see it in fast motion, all in a microsecond ?) , if you look at the ball of matter that the earth is, and see it self manipulate, talk to itself for a billion years and generate Man and Minds and oppose this to a “One Shot Act of Creation”, what is really the difference ? They are both the same, the path that lead to any configuration of matter is irrelevant, could be any at all, could even be a one shot assignment from nowhere and nothing, or it could be a path with 10^1000 intermediate configurations of matter that lead up to the “Result”.

The debate between creationists and evolutionists is only about where to put the miracle, if in a One Shot Act of Creation, or a 10^1000 Step Act of Creation, etc.

Matter slowly starts to interact and talk to itself, and starts to create repetitive patterns, a bit set, a set of information that repeats and interacts with other chunks of matter, and so on, and the bit set becomes larger and larger and then sometimes gets destroyed and the process goes on and on until a stable bit set is reached and memorized and copied to other chunks of matter and so on.

The way Matter can self organize itself through casual chance and actions and reactions is mind boggling and a miracle in and of itself, much more so than an Act of Creation, an Act of Creation is actually the logical, simplest and most turstworthy explanation compared to trying to figure out how matter can self interact and create internal repetitive patterns.

And can you imagine how many other possibilities matter may have, maybe inside Star Plasmas, having many trillions of levels of bit sets, all creating a form of life and consciousness, and other forms of life and Minds and consciousness that don’t even depend of any underlying material substrate, or any substrate at all, or any relationship imaginable at all!

The more you ponder it, the more you see how we will never know nothing at all, the possibilities are truly without end…

And how will evolution evolve when man starts to change his Man Brain ? Starts to manipulate how his brain works and how it decodes the world, other actions and reactions, and processes and so on.

The problem is, FJ, some people are understanding it only too well.

You and PK have repeatedly expressed that it represents mere random changing, nothing else. And if we were all born just yesterday, that would be fine, except we still might wonder why it was ever bothered to be named. I mean seriously, what was wrong with the word “changing” or “mutating”? Of course those words DO imply a cause, whereas it is made clear time and time and time again, that “evolution” HAS NO CAUSE, “It is purely random”.

Throughout what passes for science these days when anyone, such as a doctor proclaims that there is no cause, “it just happens”, or in physics, particles spring up out of the “nothingness” with no cause, purely random, it is made very clear that either someone is hiding their ignorance or hiding the cause. Since when has Science ever allowed ANYTHING to have no cause?

So either evolution is merely someone’s faith based religion, or it has a cause. Nothing with a cause is “random”. And that leaves out everything… including evolution.

“If he had one, he would take it out and play with it.”

Well… until he discovered how to not take it out, but play with it anyway.


Also,Jesus, the SON (or SUN ?) OF MAN, THE KING OF THE JEWS, you may want to study all of these blogs very deeply and meditate upon their contents for many years…






kunstler.com/blog/2012/07/salute … omeys.html

"As a kid, I used to make red and black ants fight. The reds seemed to have more vitality and always won when of comparable size. Some of blacks were huge though - as a compensation. They could hold their own with the reds or even kill them when really big. "

Jesus ph*kng Khrist, and I thought I was crazy ! So are Homes and Buildings that are painted brown or Black inferior to White buildings ? Are black Cars inferior to white Cars ? Wow, you are really off it, absurd…


Ah, good ol’ James, misreading things again. Nobody said it has no cause, just no purpose, no goal. You’re getting quite mixed up inside your own head, causing you to put words into peoples’ mouths again.

There is a causal reason why species tend to become better adapted to their environments over time. That causal reason can be explained completely without reference to purposes or goals. That explanation is commonly known as ‘evolution’. It tends to result in what one might be tempted to call ‘the advancement of a species’, but that doesn’t mean it’s goal was the advancement of a species. A goal and a result are not synonymous. Your posts, for example, result in the readers realizing that you really don’t know what you’re talking about, but that surely wasn’t your goal. It’s thus important to distinguish between a goal and a result. Evolution has no goal, but it has results.

But you read into it what you like brother. We who get evolution don’t really care about all these farts coming from your keyboard.

I think its this idea of probability and chance that has everyone confused.
DNA is nothing more then computer language, programming if you will.
One strand of DNA meets another strand of DNA in mating and the two
combine. Now it is important to note, that the programing has limits.
You get the mating of two humans with human programming, you
can’t get completely random results such as a flying pig being born.
the programming (DNA) sets limits to what can be born. It will be
human, with human programing. The variations that can be born
result from possibly recessive genes becoming active for whatever reason
but those possibilities are inherent within the programming. a true mutation
is one that happens outside of the programming. if you copy something over
and over again, mistakes in copying are bound to occur, that is what happens.
DNA is basically a copy machine for humans, instructions how to create a human.
changes in this copying is evolution. the blue print is change every time
it is copied, but the changes are small. Now for those who think evolution
is something more, no it isn’t. Natural selection is a connected idea.
but I am saving a post for that one, once people understand this idea.

The second point is this, whenever anyone says, that evolution is a flawed
theory, or has holes in it clearly doesn’t understand what they are talking about.
creationist always bring up the old lame nonsense about evolution violating
the second law of thermodynamics, (its doesn’t) or there are no fossils, (there are)
or whatever bull they are spouting today. evolution has 150 years of research
and evidence behind it. it is as much a theory as gravity. if you doubt evolution
then you doubt gravity and every single other scientific theory out there.


I am new here. Just a quick reply to the general question on mathematics of selection and whether math adds to understanding. If one knows the heritability of a trait and the amount of selective pressure, then the response to selection can be predicted–R = h squared * S. Further, one can know with some degree of confidence the course of evolution if one knows the system well. That is, something about the environment, heritability of the trait, and the advantage of that trait in a particular environment. Granted we do not have this information for many systems because it takes a lot of time and money. One quick example would be the evolution of resistance to insecticide. As we speak, evolution of resistance to genetically engineered Bt in corn is ocurring. This system is so well studied that the type of mutation that would occur was known in advance; it was just a matter of time before it occurred by chance in nature. Now, models are being applied to estimate the rate of spread. I will get back with references. Got to go.

FJ, I’m not concerned with the whole “it has a purpose” issue one way or another. I consider it more than a bit childish.

But realize that anything that has a cause, has a direction pretty much determined by that cause depending on how precisely you defined that cause. Evolution is no more random than its cause.

Like the wind. It might seem random, but it has a cause. Come to understand the cause and you can soon direct the wind pretty easily. At that point is gains purpose even if it had none before. By understanding the cause of evolution you can direct it (what else would be the point in studying it). So even if evolution had no natural goal, it most certainly does now.

The inherent goal in anything caused is the direction in which it proceeds. “The goal of the falling rock is to reach the bottom.”
The only serious question isn’t even if the rock was foreseen, but whether anyone threw the rock.


We are too used to interpreting and decoding things according to what we are already familiar with, with what we know, we try to always translate things into formats that are similar to what we are used too, etc. So the “Aliens” will always be something human like, something similar to us, something we can relate to. But this is false, the truth is much farther from all of this.

What we have in “Natural Evolution” is Matter that self synchronizes itself when it is in certain very specific configurations, when it is composed of a certain combination of elements, of distribution of Mass Energy, when the cinetic Energy of the particles (the Temperature) is at certain very narrow boundaries and levels, the mix of atomic elements and delimitations and boundaries amongst the chunks of Matter are a very specific combination, very precise or at least wthin a range of configurations, etc. What happens for these configurations is a self synchronization of Matter with itself, it enters a positive feedback loop, a run away chain reaction and starts evolving and developing into more complex and higher synchronized chunks of Matter with itself.

Like a radio gets tuned to certain frequencies and finds a signal, so Matter is tuned to itself and starts talking to itself, starts self manipulation itself, starts a long (or maybe short) process bringing forth ever changing and new structures, some of which may become “alive”, some of which may become “Observers”, or “Information Processors”, etc.

Evolution as we know it is too specific, the general problem of how Matter can self synchronize and enter positive feedback loops of self manipulation and a form of self - internal information processing is the correct level of abstraction. And of course, it may even just configure itself in One Shot, as a One Shot Creation without intermediate steps, there may be families of Synchronized Matter, some like our Nature and Natural Evolution, some as a One Shot combination, some as Synchronized Stellar Plasmas, or in Neutron Stars, or in any other possible environment that we many never know or imagine, etc.

But since the possible configurations Matter may be in is so large, more than 10^1000 for example, it is useful to see it as a long line of numbers, or like a frequency range, like the bandwidth of light that goes from a certain low frequency to another high frequency, and at very specific frequencies a radio can tune in and capture a signal, so matter can tune in and start self modulating itself, start talking to itself, start “playing” with itself to achieve many various structures and such.

But we only know this only example of nature on our planet, but are totally unaware of all of the other possible structures and contraptions Matter may express under certain conditions. Natural Evolution is probably only one very simple mechanism and system for Matter to talk to itself, there are probably many, many other systems, an untold number of systems. So you can look at it as a line from here to a trillion kms and imagine that at km 1,234 Matter is in a configuration that can undergo a positive feedback loop of self synchronization and such. And then at 1,555,666,777 kms there is another configuration that can self manipulate and create bit sets that bring forth totally different structures, self aware structures that may have something similar to Minds and Thoughts and Pain/Pleasure systems like us, or many very much more elaborate or deeper or “more advanced”, or very different, etc.

And some of these have Minds that self manipulate themselves, and some of the paths may after a long distance of configurations intersect another configuration that came from very far away, they reach the same configuration by traveling very different paths. But there are probably many more configurations that will never meet, that are too far from each other, etc.

So obviously, we cannot have any idea how much diversity there may be in the Universe, how many things Matter can Express, etc. And the path of simply inventing it and constructing it, with intentionality, by inventing new minds and new worlds is just as valid as any other path, nay, immagination and invention is the real science, is the real path forward.

l’imagination au pouvoir. Immaginazione al Potere. Power to Imagination, or may Imagination have all of the Power…

Matter is tuned to certain frequencies…


I like that idea of reclaiming purpose. In general such terms should be treated as plastic, not as absolute noumena.
Evolution does not itself have a purpose, but over the course of its development, produced beings that do have purpose.
Retroactively, these beings sometimes tried to project their sense of purposefulness on the process out of which they emerged (nature, God, evolution, intelligent design, whatever).

Confusion is due to the overlap of evolutions direction ( what actually comes to exist) and the direction that these existent beings take in their lives.

In terms of reclaiming: in some extremes (such as mankind), evolution did attain a teleological component, acquired the capacity to set goals for itself.

Again in terms of reclaiming - what we now call purpose is in fact a derivative or at least product of evolutions “course” - so it is not entirely false to interpret evolution as having a purpose in retrospect - given that we really are honest about what purpose really means, in biological terms. When a human holds a purpose (and as far as the word purpose has any meaning at all, this is possible), he is not really different from “blind” nature - he also simply develops in the ways that are possible for him, but he is “aware” of some of these possibilities.

What is this awareness? How is the plant that grows to the sun less aware of its purpose than the man who works to buy a new car?