Feminism, Abortion, And State Eugenics

Kriswest, this was my post

This was your reply to my post.

You are making shit up Kriswest. You are a bully looking for a fight. Go find someone else to fight with!

There is an argument that for a civilization abortion is a great thing in that it promotes the genetic self-destruction of undesirable elements of society. Undeniably Eugenic. But that is not how it is being utilized by the Ruling classes. When used in tandem with the productively unnecessary shoehorning of women into the workforce and positions of power/authority, and the most grotesque and colossal system of welfare ever devised, it becomes fairly obvious that it is just one component in creating self-hating women who are trained to hate the most foundational elements of their own nature.

Every area where females naturally depend on males or are vulnerable due to the nature of their sexual role must be demonized as ‘unequal’ and adjusted by a gargantuan state. This is very clearly seen in the rhetoric of outspoken feminists and even women who reject the term but accept all of the dogma: ‘women are not incubators’, ‘contraception is a human right’, ‘abortion is not murder’, ‘don’t judge or slut shame me’ etc. These are all very commonly held positions in our time and yet they are all totally inorganic and ideological. This requires submission, not to an actual male, which would be healthy and life-affirming, but to something that hijacks the role of a male. Because women are naturally submissive to male authority, and are more sexual than men, the vast majority are easily seduced by this appeal to naked selfishness and hedonistic indulgence. Thus we have Microchimerism (still believe in ‘casual sex’??) on an ideological level.

Now there is a declining birth rate, growing sexual dissatisfaction on both sides and a growing number of psychologically warped women (and men, but less so) at least among European people. Immigrants and religious minorities in the West are not buying into this and are reproducing at much higher rates. Whether you believe there is a genetic component to the conditions of poorer countries or you believe that socialization is they key factor, being outbred by people who are accustomed to much lower standards of living is Dysgenics.

http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=c1e_1417828730 Nothing to see here, just your regular cluster of cells.

I thought that I recognized the text before I read the bottom. I loved that book.

The way to maintain one’s connection to the wild is to ask yourself what it is that you want. This is the sorting of the seed from the dirt. One of the most important discriminations we can make in this matter is the difference between things that beckon to us and things that call from our souls.
Nowhere can this be seen more clearly than in the choice of mates and lovers. A lover cannot be chosen a la smorgasbord. A lover has to be chosen from soul-craving. To choose just because something mouthwatering stands before you will never satisfy the hunger of the soul-self. And that is what the intuition is for; it is the direct messenger of the soul.”

A lesson also for men.

“The doors to the world of the wild Self are few but precious. If you have a deep scar, that is a door, if you have an old, old story, that is a door. If you love the sky and the water so much you almost cannot bear it, that is a door. If you yearn for a deeper life, a full life, a sane life, that is a door.”
:sad-teareye: :sad-teareye: :sad-teareye: :sad-teareye: :sad-teareye:

You also lack a sense of responsibility with the rights you have.

Kriswest, you are a bully who is looking for a fight.

… et le chien gardé de tourner en rond, chassant sa propre queue, ne sachant pas ce qu’il chassait. Se il avait su, ce qui aurait été la résolution.

Aussi, je pense que je sais qui vous êtes.
Nice, heureux


No need for tears, although I know they are heartfelt. How often do you read the words of your own heart and mind. This woman, Dr. Estés, is the very essence of what it means to be a fierce woman, without the connotations of modernity attached to it.

“You know, there isn’t anything better or worse about being a woman. If women were in charge of everything, there would be women tyrants. If black people were in charge, there would be black tyrants. If Hispanics were in charge, then Hispanic tyrants.”

There are women who cringe at the label of being feminist.

:laughing: =D>

Shame on you Kris, bullying these little men around as if they had a chance to defend themselves … tsk tsk. [-(

If we’re going to be like that, trillions and trillions don’t ever get a chance to live - considering every possible combination of every possible sperm and egg cell on planet, and there’s almost nothing any of us can do about it. Even if you went and gave birth as often as you could, having 10s of children just to save as many potential people as you can from not existing, you would still only be saving a tiny percent, less than 1%. In fact, if everybody did that the world would get overpopulated quick.

Forcing a woman to carry a fetus she doesn’t want in her body is violent and abusive. If a fetus could talk, it wouldn’t be a fetus. Talking requires developed speech organs and brain. That fetus probably felt pain but it doesn’t experience it as agony the way humans do, fetus cannot comprehend what is happening in the world around it no more than a mouse can. Saying that something resembling a mouse in its mental faculties should have more rights than a woman is highly degrading and offensive to women.

Do you really not see a relevant distinction between a fetus and a child? If you had the chance to save five fetuses or one five year old child, which would you choose and why? Do you remember the example I gave you some time ago with the abortion clinic and fertilized egg cells?

I just am trying to figure out how I am bullying or trying to pick a fight.

Nous savons qui vous êtes; nous vous avons sous les verrous, mon ami . Vous devriez avoir peur, très peur . Deux poulets fous ne font pas pour une bonne omelette , disons simplement que . Si je étais vous, je enfonce lentement dans l’arrière-plan . La pointe des pieds votre moyen de sortir d’ici. Vous pouvez être Abale pour gagner du temps, mais nous vous trouverons finalement, et nous vous traquer , comme une bête de proie, même si cela signifie que nous devons voyager jusqu’aux extrémités de la terre.

Un enfant ne se lasse pas de jouer le même jeu, encore et encore.

If the government did not use the abortion through feminism for its own goals or the goals of the global rulers, then it would be a very ignorant, a very stupid government which is not wanted by the global rulers.

If the government did not use Arminius for its own goals or the goals of the global rulers, …

Te extraño, Corazon. Eras buena amiga de internet :stuck_out_tongue:

solo tienes a usted mismo que culpar

Having dropped out of law school a while ago,min can say at least one thing - there does not appear to be culpability in any case, and if so, a lot of hand washing does absolutely nothing.