Feminism is obsolete

Conformity and authoritarianism is strong in this one. I of course don’t believe a word of what you’re saying and while you think to know me you haven’t the slightest clue. I will delight however in the shedding of your ego when the system you put so much faith in eventually collapses all around you. When that happens you will truly understand what surviving in the wilderness is like living on your own without all the assistance you’ve more than likely have grown accustomed to your entire life.

Enjoy the lasts gasps of this protected social atmosphere you’ve grown accustomed to my dear.

It’s too bad I won’t be around you to watch you mentally and physically crumble when it happens.

I would like to be around when you’re begging for help and mercy only to find none around when your miserable lamentations go unanswered into the darkness of night. Such a spectacle would make me smile and laugh.

Feminism, just another power group that doesn’t actually care about equality.

Somebody’s gotta keep working -
Faceberg says - Girls are better students than boys because of their obedience to authority and inability to realise futility of labor in post-industrial America.

Would women continue to work hard without feminism? Maybe not as hard. So there’s a reason why feminism is still needed to keep things going.

Wait until I post my thread on the critique of technological transhumanism especially concerning the subject of gender.

You’ll get a good laugh.

I think it’s funny and quite true what Faceberg says but it’s also intentionally provocative.
Work in post-ind America doesn’t have to be ‘futile’ or pointless but for an increasing number of people it is increasingly so.
So much for project machine-man, the automaton.

All this is tragic, not just for women but for men as well…


With any luck peak natural resources worldwide within the next three to four decades will bring this whole transhumanism charade to its knees.

This recent development is interesting. More and more people are denouncing SJWs and feminism lately. The majority of people now call themselves egalitarians and will hold very confused views about men and women. From my experience, most often they will claim that the differences are minor, and mostly social constructs, and that neither males nor females are generally superior, but that they supplement each other in their weaknesses and strengths. Those a bit on the edgy side and a little less mainstream may also pretend to acknowledge some more important but still shallow differences between men and women, and they consider this proof of their intellectual honesty.

SJWs have succeeded in promoting leftist/liberal ideas in that the SJW ideology is such blatantly insane bullshit that now its less radical variants are starting to seem like a good deal in comparison to the average person. Those who are moderately detached from reality and moderately stupid will pride themselves in not being extremely so. Yet they still buy into the core of the leftist/liberal bullshit, which is also the core of SJW ideology. For example, they will also take immense pride in not being “racist”, and they will constantly use comparisons to “nazis” and “fascists”, usually only as buzzwords and without actually understanding, or caring to understand, NS and fascism. Not to mention the comparisons to Hitler, who is pretty much made out to be the modern Satan.

Then there are those women, like Shit-Maiden, who noticed that it is very unlikely that they will get more than the current amount of privileges in modern societies without male backlash, so they decided to settle for what advantages they had managed to procure so far. They will try to preserve the current status quo and pacify men and convince them that this is how things are supposed to be. Best examples are those anti-feminist-but-egalitarian, and usually anti-MRA chicks you can find on YT.

The ones with a somewhat deeper understanding of things, like Karen Straughan (girlwriteswhat), may support MRA, because their ideals are based not on an instinctive response to the current environment, but on an understanding of the prevalent and harsh natural environment underlying the facade of human technology and social constructs, so they may notice that castrating their own men legally will backfire in the long-term.


To be honest, any person who decides that women who think critically and aren’t afraid of a challenging discussion are ‘ugly,’ probably has his/her own insecurities to blame. Scarlett Johansson, a feminist, anti feminist lana del rey. It’s absurd to assert feminists are ugly.

AutSider wrote:

HA! You have no clue of where I am coming from.

and then there are men? like you who are so confused you take your ‘instruction’ from dykes.

An appeal to your feminine mystique in an attempt to avoid being exposed as shallow and predictable, how unexpected.

How obsolete feminism is depends on the environment. Feminism is a consequence of an environment where the fulfillment of male sexual roles (protection/provision) has been replaced by technology and the state, but not the female sexual roles (childbirth, sex provision), which, of course, results in an abundance and thus decreased valuing of masculinity, and the scarcity and thus the increased valuing of femininity.

If the situation was reversed and technology and state replaced female sexual roles and if it was ensured that every man will have a child and receive as much sex as they want, but women weren’t protected/provided for by the state/technology, in other words if there was an abundance of fulfillment of feminine sexual roles instead of masculine then we would have meninism and men would claim to be strong and independent, all the while becoming less and less attractive (masculine) because there is no need for them to be so, just like feminists tend to be less attractive (feminine) because, since there is a scarcity of femininity, even the little femininity they do have will be valued. This also explains why feminists dislike feminine women, both mentally feminine (submissive, traditional women) and physically feminine (fit looking, beautiful women) - they raise the expectations men have of women to be feminine, thus reducing the sexual marketplace value of other females.

It is incredible how the evolutionary, naturalistic viewpoint explains everything and fits it into a coherent model of reality, isn’t it?

Outsider HA! wrote:

Noooo…quite simple really.

23 For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body. 24 Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything.

25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, 26 that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, 27 that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish. 28 So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself.

Ephesians 5:23-28New King James Version (NKJV)

The husband and wife “both should be yielding, but the Scriptures gives preference to the judgment of the husband” where it is not a matter of conscience, at the same time he has the responsibility to treat her individuality with utmost respect.

Plain old common sense.

Feminism is a creation by a few men for them to profit financially.

I am not sure which point of view you are portraying here. I don’t see a shortage of femininity around - men are becoming more effeminate also. I see a scarcity of real masculinity.

It is already happening.

Right, and so the effeminate men decide to go shopping after even more effeminate females in the jungles of Asia and look for submissive females (usually much younger) would serve him hand and foot, like a slave, and gladly perform all manner of sexual acts seen only in some perverted circus performances. And then, some years later, after she divorces him and takes all his money, and his 4 kids, he would sit and complain that all women are just plain gold diggers. But on the bright side, he will say, the sex was just great, especially in the beginning, and he will recall it with a happy glimmer in his eye, and smile, as if all the sex he got made it all worthwhile.
And this is the usual fate of the effeminate man who decides to go diving to the bottom of the barrel. This is what is “reducing sexual marketplace value of other females” really amounts to - men looking for easier sex and ending up paying the same price, leaving them…still effeminate men.

Geez, what kind of circuses you been frequenting? :laughing: :wink:

Pandora, serious question: what do you think defines a “real man”?

You’ve been bringing this question up quite a bit lately–first with Joker, then with Random Factor, now with AutSider–and I’m curious. One thing in particular that I wonder is: do you make a distinction between what counts as a “real man” vs. what you find attractive?

Next you gonna tell me we can’t even say who is ugly and who is not because ‘beauty lies in the eye of the beholder’.
You know what’s funny, Fran-kly, anybody who challenges social norms, like saying feminism is bitter women who want to level down excellence is gonna hear that s/he has probably his/her own insecurities to blame for that.

So you are saying popular actresses like Scarlet J. hold popular, socially approved opinions.
And the younger Del Rey who is tipping her toes into the cold water by saying ‘I don’t focus on feminism, I focus on the future.’ you call anti-feminist when what she does is reflect the Zeitgeist of a younger generation which is growing partly critical about feminism and at large just tired of the feminist harpy debate circle. Of course she later praised feminism to appease said snarky social thugs.

Ugly people are socially less successful and so it’s no surprise that it’s them who want to change society. And how can you change society but by constructing a social cause for ‘equality’ and anti-‘oppression’ and so forth… That’s how the slave moralists roll, in the suburbs where they fled to from the very ‘diversity’ and ‘equality’ they love to create for society at large.

Visit Asia’s gogo bars and you’ll find out for yourself. No need to be shy - they have no shame whatsoever.

Someone who is honest with himself, especially in relation to the world and his own abilities. Someone who engages the world [read:acts!] as he is and explores/tries to find and challenge his limits. He holds himself responsible and answers only to himself. He does not have a need to prove anything to anybody and put on any hyper masculine displays. He is proof, as he is, as a process. A boy does not know his limits because he has not explored the world, but only in his mind, and so he naturally thinks he’s invincible and his powers are unlimited. He plays mock games with himself. He challenges scarecrows and windmills and thinks he’s a man, always in practice mode; and not challenged, not curbed, not defined, not solidified. Perpetually playing video games, mind games, and reliving Hollywood/comic book superhero dramas. He fills his self with garbage, and then huffs and puffs and points to all the windmills he had conquered, as proof of his manhood. There is no solid substance inside, only hollow emptiness, waiting to be filled and solidified, to be actualized. That’s why he is easily swayed, so easily offended. There was no real price paid, no real risk taken, no real self sacrificed, nothing of substance gained. So, there is no solid foundation there. Just chimera. As to the second part: alas, I’ve seen too many handsome men who are also as dumb and boring as rocks. Boy toys, at best.

Successful protection/provision, resulting in being granted access to the womb (reproduction), is the core of masculinity as it is what females need men for.
Giving childbirth and providing sex is the core of femininity, as that is what males need women for.
Those are the essence of femininity and masculinity. The preference for femininity over masculinity in the general population is the natural consequence of the state monopolizing masculinity and desiring that its subordinates be feminine, because a masculine order (state) doesn’t tolerate a foreign masculine order. However, the feminine traits that the state demands are obedience, tolerance, submissiveness, etc. Those feminine traits may be on the increase in both men and women, but since they do not contribute to fulfilling the actual essence of femininity, they do not create its abundance.
As an example, even if every single man in the world become a feminine faggot in the sense that he adopted some of the less relevant characteristics of femininity, that would not replace the female sexual role of giving birth to a child and providing sex, and so in that sense the essence of femininity would still be scarce regardless of the fact that all the men in the world mimic feminine behaviors.

And there is not a lack of masculinity overall, there is however a lack of masculinity in men themselves, but that is precisely BECAUSE of abundance of masculinity possessed by the state and its technology. If the role of the male is to protect and even a child with a gun can protect more effectively than a man, it greatly reduces the value of men as protectors in comparison. If the role of the male is to provide and yet the state provides for females through things like welfare, then that reduces the value of men as providers. Notice however that guns were invented by men and that the state usually either uses men to extract resources or extracts resources directly from men, in order to give them to the woman. So men are still responsible for protection/provision, they just get none of the rewards for it. Men made themselves obsolete with the technologies and the following political system they constructed.

Since male/female sexual marketplace value is dependent on each other, the lower the male value is, the higher the female is. This is why men are becoming effeminate, they noticed that they cannot compete with the entire state on who will be more masculine, so some of them opt for becoming feminine instead as a reproductive strategy. That mostly includes acting as the nice guy, where “nice” means being a white knight and a doormat for women, hoping that they might get a chance at reproduction. This is also why you can see so many man-to-woman transsexuals, but not as many the other way around - they perceive that femininity is valued more, so they want to become more feminine.

MGTOW aren’t claiming to be strong and independent, they are not comparable to meninists- one of the basic points MGTOW make is that the current environment is shitty for males. Strong and independent, again, is in relation to the essenece/core of masculinity/femininity. Since a female in modern times can easily get impregnated by a male and then have the state do the male role of protecting and providing, one can indeed call the modern female independent, at least in the sense that she is not dependent on a particular male, although she is still very much dependent on the state carrying out the masculine role. Men are still dependent on women to get sex and have a child. If a man says something along the lines of “I don’t need women”, it just means they rejected having a child and sex, NOT that they don’t need women for sex and having a child.
MGTOW are a male response to an environment that prefers females, just as feminism is a female response to an environment that prefers females. FGTOW (females going…) would be the female response to an environment that prefers males, and meninism would be the male response to an environment that prefers males.

In reality, the more masculine a male is the more feminine he will demand his woman to be, and the more feminine a woman is the more masculine she will demand her man to be.

Understandable that some would want to claim that men looking for feminine women are feminine themselves, it’s a convenient way to try and shame males who don’t want anything to do with a certain kind of women by accusing them of not being up to the task of being with such a woman, as if they are beneath her and not the other way around. A way for women to save their own ego from being hurt.

Men perceive that the environment in the West is favorable to females and that females who are otherwise beneath them are now elevated above them due to state and technology replacing the masculine role, so they seek environments that are more favorable to them, or at the very least, less unfavorable.

I read this and I thought: “That’s me.”

Then I read this:

…and I thought: “That’s me.”

I think I like it that way. I want to be a mix of both. This is my general attitude towards any dichotomy defining human nature–I like thinking of myself as having a bit of everything that defines human nature, worts and all.

I’m sure you have. But you must know that I didn’t mean just physically attractive. For example, can you conjure up an image of a “real man” yet without any characteristics that might entice you to want to date him?

That’s not what I’m seeing.

Because these men, being deeply insecure, are afraid to be challenged and pushed, and look for easy women who will kowtow to them instead. They are looking for shortcuts, a ready-made sense of manhood. Is today’s man so afraid of the State that he runs and hides himself in the jungles? So much for protector/provider/inventor role. Perhaps a man needs to re-learn what it means to be a man again…and the rest will follow.