From The Northern Lands Of Montreal

I dislike your bitterness very much.

If you enjoy my music, which I make with a lot of love, you can enjoy it in private and not sort of try to get back at me for making you have an emotion.

If you dont like emotions dont listen to my music. It’s that simple.


Watch for the tempo change beginning around 15:30. I think that turned out well.

Its always a dilemma should I read 1001s posts or not. They are invariably downers, except if they contain music, which is only one out of a few hundred. Still I usually take the chance.
Hence my mood swings. Its like getting kicked in the balls when you bring a nice thing into the room. Always unexpected.

Anyway here is Pezer freestyling to a live beat.


The only emotion your music made me feel is a sad sort of pity, like looking at a struggling baby animal, I want your music to evolve. :evilfun:

You should know by now I am a villain and a rather abrasive person. But it’s to make you stronger. And I would never stoop so low as to kick you in the balls, that’s unsporting. :blush:

Time to buy a toga, Trixie.

Live toface how little you know, feel, and are.

You know you love my music somewhere deep down where you feel you night not be a plastic toy but a human. Maybe even a man.

Youve been called to suffer Trixie. Or suffer some truth.

Maybe I will. Maybe I will spend a nice hot day in one of those greek swimming pools, where I don’t have to listen to Fixed’s music.

Your music, if you can even call it that. Me and magnus already had a discussion about the kind of ilk your music is. It’s even more repetitive and awful than the songs we were ridiculing. If you are a man you need to man up and realize your ridiculousness.

That was what was my point was to you.

You know Trixie, when I first read your posts, I thought to myself, now this person must be into Aphex Twin, there is no way in hell she is not into Aphex Twin, and I was reminded of Desert Bus for Hope and this video:


I thought you would fit right in there. But then, soon I realized you are actually above this people. You too would spit on them.

The girl with the glasses . . . has a terrible sense of rhythm. Not that you can dance to this kind of music. The genre might be called Intelligent Dance Music but we already know it’s not intelligent, so it’s no suprise it’s not dance either. Nonetheless, you don’t make fool out of yourself dancing like that, unless you’re already a fool. This, plus her looks and general demeanor, is why I think she’s must be a tranny. Everyone there is a tranny, I think. That blonde guy, I am sure, is a girl too.


Trixie is actually into “Die Antwoord”:


It suits her eccentric style very well.

I don’t know who that is. I am falling behind the times, I suppose.

I thought that, because Trixie was a nerd, seeing her involved in the Game Maker scene and whathaveyou, that she would be into nerd music, like, I don’t know, Autechre, Aphex Twin, Daft Punk, stuff like that.

Like you Magnus, I was once into EDM, but I grew out of that phase. I am not sure what exactly it was that killed it for me, but largely just doesn’t captivate me anymore. More on this soon

They got dirt on me now



What did you expect? Man’s a genious.

Still terrible, but probably the least terrible one I’ve hard so far.

Nice key changes at 3:30 and around 17:30

(the subscript was Pzrs… I am greatly honored)

