Government Officials and Family

I am one of those women that have nothing against selling sex for money. You got it , use it. A talent is a talent. The more talent or skills you have, you tend to make more money. At least if you are getting paid decently, you are not on government subsidies. Being a prostitute or escort serves the public interests. Snobbery and jealousy has condemned it. Not true public reasons.

I can see prostitution being on the agenda for being legalized throughout U.S.

It should be but, there is profit in arrests although the payroll taxes ought to be more with licensed professionals eventually. And I can just see the arrogant righteous protesting idiotically.
protest legalizing prostitutes, prostitutes kept illegal, they do not have to pass health tests or keep secure records. Mates catch disease and spread it on. We have that now. License is the best way to slow the spread of diseases.

That’s called ‘Catholicism’.

The priestly class is one that must renounce all sins and fornication so as to represent a non-exploitable overclass of government.

You’re essentially correct. If politicians are obligated to family, or to corporations for money, or any other “special interest” group, then these represent immediate national security risks that can compromise, undermine, or even overthrow the greater nation by exploiting those weaknesses.

Who should control that? Those who are really ruling and have incest families?

This can be examined as a particular instance of the famous trolley problem.

An unstoppable train rushes along its rails toward a person who has been immovably bound to the tracks up ahead. The only observer of the crisis, family to the bound person, is forced to choose between two options:

  1. do nothing and wait for the train to obliterate his family member OR
  2. use the available track switch control to cause the train to take a fork in the tracks -
    (this will send the train careening into a large mass of people who are unfortunately immovably bound to the second train track)

The observer is our esteemed government official. The train represents unavoidable and extreme exploitation. The large mass of people on the second track represent National Security.

The solution proposed says the problem is not acceptably solvable. Therefore, to prevent the problem at all, government officials should not have families.

America needs the wise counsel of more catlady officials.


Nailed it.

Now that’s the kind of person we need making the tough decisions in public office.

If you look at priests and nuns, their first loyalty is to the institution, not to the people. Creating governments that have unattached people will create loyalty to the institution and themselves not to the people they are supposed to serve.
Stop voting for the people that say they should be elected. Draft leaders. Have potential leaders educated and tested. A good kind caring soft soul may not be the best leader. Sometimes you have to be hard and cold. Put government education in schools starting at Jr. high level. Make it a mandatory education for all. Educate through college. Government education should include laws , principles, ethics, strategy, etc. Gradually apply all as the student gets higher in school levels.
The best get drafted by the people. The records are publically shown so that the people may elect and decide.
This of course is just a rough idea that could use polishing.

Then it begs the question: why would people choose to have laws and governing body in the first place? If officials served people (and not the law/institution) they would be more free to make concessions to their family, their friends, lobbying groups of interest, etc. We see a lot of this happening in today’s world, and that’s because the officials see certain people above the law.

Is that the only part of my post that you read??

Pandora is right. Kriswest is wrong.

If the Papacy cannot be trusted to govern the rest of society then who can be trusted? Kriswest proposes monarchy, loyalty to family first. Theocracy, Catholicism, Christianity, is largely premised upon the opposite, society first. Monarchy is about the selfishness of family loyalty and connection, family before society. Theocracy is about selflessness which may require betraying family connections on behalf of political ideals, or putting society above your own kin. This is the fulcrum by which politics operate. Who does your loyalty truly lay with, your own kind, or your greater society?

Naturally, genetics operate on kinship and family loyalty. Therefore theocracy is Artificial and unnatural. To put society above family, or above yourself, is rarest. Yet this artifice is precisely how human civilization has developed this far. Ideologies such as communism, socialism, environmentalism, globalism, liberalism, feminism, etc. all revolve around the artificial hypothesis, putting “ideals” above familial loyalties. Religion has manipulated this practice for centuries.

Let’s hear more about Pandora’s ideas and thoughts. Pandora has potential here.

Again, is that the only part of the post you read??

On the drafting idea, do you mean compulsory service? I can see the drafting idea bringing election process back to cliques and cabals. Imagine how this would probably occur: every interest group of society will draft their own candidate, and the group with most political clout will probably win, and if the said official serves people (which seems to be your position in the first part), he will first and foremost serve his people, or people of his group.

A better question: why would the public chose to be governed by someone who only cares about preserving and advancing his own personal interests, at the expense of society as a whole?

Kriswest, Can you expand on your drafting idea?

Another current example, the South Korean Choi Scandal. (family friend [Choi] influenced presidential decisions, including, allegedly, appointment of cabinet members, and used her proximity to president for financial gain)

The short version:

Longer version (which goes further back into President Park’s history)

The elite despises those who they rule and suddenly it is very selfish to not care about those who are ruled but instead about some ideals.
All ideals can be twisted and perverted. Wouldn’t be the first time to persecute in the name of love and to deem those who love their families as hateful.
Bottomline, those with a catlady psychology want catladies to rule.
Those who have no family or despise them and or their social environment often want to see it destroyed.
And so they recognise those who have the same goals. It can all be done in the name of love too.
“I love all those non-family members just as much as my family, I do even more for them. I am selfless and virtuous.”
→ Wrong, that’s just you being selfish, your kind of self-ishness.

Traitor mentality.
“Oh my god, this is so us vs. them!” That’s a booboo.
As I’ve said, a traitor mentality, a traitor psychology.

Ideals which are empty and nil, like love is good, hate is bad,…
are most easily twisted. It’s their nihilistic quality, not being something rooted in actual objectives but empty slogans floating in the air.

Like I said it is just a rough idea. Right now if you have money and can convince through speech, you get elected even if you have zero qualifications. We do not even truly educate about government and governing. What if we give the youth a chance to learn and understand. What if as they pass through classes their abilities are recorded. As they keep going forward skills and abilities keep getting added to their records. Not all kids will take the elective classes but, all must take basic classes.
Ok so since we have the technology. Records are on sites local, state and federal. Those who have potentials, , served, grades. Etc…
Through actual records citizens choose whom they want in an office. Not through advertising and rhetoric.
They get drafted to the offices they are qualified for. Keep term limits because even the best can be corrupted. This can be fleshed out and made better with more then one mind working on it.