Group pride

Don’t flatter yourself, dear.

It seems that most but you, are content with their lives/their lot, or, as they say… be the change you want to see.

Don’t flatter yourself, dear.

It seems that most but you, are content with their lives/their lot, or, as they say… be the change you want to see.


Jews were never very interested in converting people. They’re genetically distinct in many ways. Easiest way to see it is their predisposition for several diseases like cystic fibrosis.

EDIT: Holy hell there are some racists fucks in here

Recently came across this heart medication commercial. How isn’t Entresto (Novartis) not racist by pointing out that black patients are more likely to have angioedema (@3:40) by taking it? Aren’t we all the same? Imagine what would happen if they mentioned Jewish people.

No one I know thinks this is racist but you.

Please dont tell me that you actually think certain facts are racist just because they happen to reference a certain demographic
To take you upon that ridiculous reasoning if I said that six million Jews died in the Holocaust would that mean I am anti semitic

I say it’s racial discrimination! All races, being equal, should have equal medical care if they pay the same price for the service. To design medicine that puts a specific race in disadvantage while taking it is to racially and willingly discriminate against that race!

Boycott racist pharma companies until they produce equal medicine for all!

All races being equal under law or in principle does not mean they have the same medical needs. For example sub Saharan Africans
are four times more likely to have sickle cell anaemia than all other races that do. And there is a genetic component to this because
it is a hereditary disease passed down from parent to child so therefore taking account of that is not racist just good medical practice

apparently not good enough if you have to admit racial qualitative differences in a society that bans racial discrimination.

Different races just means different sub species of human beings but many take this as a negative description even when necessarily it isn’t. So, we’re stuck with political correctness that we’re all the same even when medical institutions point out the obvious contradictions of that.

G’wan Europe! :smiley:

Don’t you just love politics, and the necessary changes it can bring with it. :wink:

Does group pride ALWAYS have to come at the detriment of other groups, or can it exist without having to? Can it exist without the element of hate and underlying racist connotations, or is it only multi-racials that can experience that notion?

Why would it be any different than human nature? It’s like being on a sports team. You and your teammates don’t have to hate other teams; you likely don’t truly hate any or many of the individual players on other teams. You are probably friends with people on other teams or play on the same team in another sport, and you may even fraternize with individuals on another team. You or your teammates may hate some players on other teams that play a certain way, or whom you have history with. Sure, you or your teammates may also hate another team just for being another team. The one thing about competitive anything is that of course, when it comes down to it, you are in it for #1 above all else. Of course you want to see your teammates happy, of course you want to accomplish great things in the sports season, and of course you want a trophy.

If you consider winning a match to be working to the detriment on the other team(s), then sure, by that definition humans are all horrible creatures and those who are so enlightened to this fact should employ the fullest force of government sanctioned drugging, imprisonment, persuasion and brute force necessary to change human nature… For our own good of course. [/sarc] The point being that the question of “why are there matches to begin with, why are there teams to begin with, and why do we have to “win” to begin with or keep score to begin with” is irrelevant to this discussion insofar as to be better relegated to a separate discussion of either religion or evolutionary psychology depending on your persuasion.

What you perceive as “always” or “detriment” is subjective, and likely says something about the sources of information that you digest, or your own “detrimental” ideas of others or your own biases. For example, your bias towards mixed individuals is evident. Perhaps you should consider the possibility that some of the people you might be inclined to call biased, racist or or claim to be working to the detriment of others may actually be as level-headed as you believe mixed individuals to be and it is your own filters preventing you from listening to or understanding what they are actually saying.

So the team is your own kind… not like minds? or would they make the team on the basis of being like minds?

I find sport a child-like passtime, but I don’t disagree that it’s fun to watch, as I guess that someone’s got to entertain the masses by any means necessary.

It is not about what others say, but about how they go about doing things… so not so much about bias, as it is about ethics… or is ethics based on bias in your mind?

What makes you think the two are mutually exclusive?

Nice deflection. Science denier. Lol.

You are assuming that your interpretation of how they are going about doing something is a rational or factual interpretation. I think that was the point.

I don’t, that’s why I asked… it doesn’t matter now.

I was deflecting? Nah! that’s exactly how I see sport and therefore the situation you described.

…hence my question.

Why is my group affiliation always being brought into question? as happened over the weekend.

I’m human damn it! now leave me alone.