Has the Internet had its day?

Please some more words, because that’s the topic here.

The English lived - as Angeln („Angels“) and as Sachsen („Saxons“) - in the north-west of Germany, namely in a part, which is called Altsachsen or Niedersachsen (Nether Saxony = Lower Saxony and Netherlands), and in a part, which is called Angeln (a part of Schleswig-Holstein). The land which was called Germania by the Latins was probably the „»land of small tribes« from which we got the word »germ«“, as you have said, but nevertheless: There was an actual Germany at that time, when this land was called Germania by the Latins, because the Germans referred to themselves as a community of fate, although they often (which also means: not at any time) were at odds with themselves. So the Germans referred to themselves sometimes as Germans and sometimes not - as they still do.

Altsachsen = Old Saxony

Just as the globalist economics, politics, technology, science, art etc. already arrived in dictatorship or will arrive soon, so it is and will be with the internet too.

And guess who owns ALL of the major film making companies in Hollywood.
The world is just a script written on the pages of time.

That story, like many things on the internet, keeps changing. I imagine that they will settle on a “truth” for all to “know” one day to reflect their chosen advantage.

There are two kinds of “firewalls” used in the world throughout history. One thing is protected against possible invaders (by its firewall) while possible invaders are individually isolated and incapacitated, a different kind of firewall adhered to the “fire”.

Socialist societies are governed strictly by reputations and thus to govern the world, the ability to set, change, and/or maintain reputations must be established and maintained. That means that they cannot have people freely sending messages to the “wrong people” and saying the “wrong things”. The “Wikileaks” story is used as incentive to take necessary absolute control over the internet, else “our” good people might get hurt. Obama has already established that the “internet belongs to the President to be used as he sees fit”.

People only imagine that what they say on the internet is really getting “out there”. There are a variety of ways to ensure that nothing really gets very far at all. But it must be maintained to appear as though words are freely “viral”, just as it must be maintained that people can freely start a business and become rich or win the lottery. And all for the same reason, “wool over their eyes”.

What do you exactly mean with “that story”? Which reference does the word “that” have in your text (or context?) ?