House Music

I dont think most of the videos you posted will cause nightmares (except maybe the first one.) To be honest, a couple of them I hear in my head when I am drifting to sleep, and they sound nice. But only when drifting off to sleep…they are extremely tedious to listen to without having altered consciousness.
Most of the videos though, are dull and blazeh, I can’t even remember the tunes, they are so forgettable there’s no way you could have nightmares about them (such as the Hardwell and Dmitri ones.)
Barbie’s girl is certainly a classic, its so annoying that you will litterally want to claw your wrists out when hearing it.

Barbie’s girl is obviously a troll video meant to be annoying, the guy looks like Will Stamper’s long lost brother or something.

What MBTI type are you, Trixie?

I say you are an INTP. Is that true?

I haven’t took those tests in a while. I believe scoring that a couple times, but I scored differently and I can’t quite remember what other types I scored as.

I bet you are an INTP. I also bet that James is an INTP. The dominant cognitive function for INTP’s is introverted thinking. Both of you are hardcore introverted thinkers. James even more so, with his desire for precision and exactness that has no boundaries.

The difference between introverted thinking and extraverted thinking is like that between theoretical thinking, which is concerned with building comprehensive and cohesive models of reality which may or may not have practical value, and practical thinking, which is concerned with finding solutions to real, concrete and specific practical problems. Introverted thinkers often describe extraverted thinkers as having “fragmented models of reality”. This is because they do not bother to relate every piece of knowledge to every other piece of knowledge.

In MBTI, thinking is a judging function. This is in contrast, I believe, to how we view thinking in everyday life. Normally, what we call thinking is a perceiving and not a judging function. It is a perceiving function because the goal of thinking, as we normally understand it, is to perceive patterns. In MBTI, this is called intuition. This is a little bit confusing, so it is important to take care. What we call thinking in everyday life, this should imply, is intuition and not what is called thinking in MBTI. Thinking in MBTI is a judging function. Judging function is a function that does not observe patterns. It is a function that determines the value of our observations. At least that’s how I see it. MBTI is a bit troublesome to understand. Thinking is such a judging function. It is opposed to feeling. Thinking judges using logic, feeling judges using, well, feelings (which is to say, moral and aesthetic criteria.)

Now the difference between introverted and extraverted judging. Introverted judging relies on internal consistency. In the case of thinking, this is logical consistency. Whether a statement is logically consistent within a framework the individual is possessing. Extraverted judging, on the other hand, relies on external consistency. Quite simply, whether a given statement is going to work when applied to a specific situation.

This may sound a little confusing.

This is important to note because of your earlier post in which you talked about clubs being possibly of use to Aryans. My thought drifted away quite a bit and in a seemingly unrelated direction, but it is very related, it’s just very leap-y thought, so to speak.

I want to make a point that extraverted judging is superior to introverted judging when it comes to people. When judging people, extraverted judging is infinitely superior to introverted thinking. It’s more social, more respectful, much more pleasant, much more just, much more fair, much more empathetic, whereas introverted judging is anti-social, disrespectful, invasive, unfair, unjust and just plain ugly. At least that’s how I see it. Maybe two introverted judgers can judge each other in an introverted way without much trouble. Who knows. I am not an introverted judger, so I can’t tell.

When judging people, introverted judgers judge people as a whole. Introverted judgers are holistic. They take all of the available information about people – both apparent (derived from senses) and hidden (derived from intuition) – and then base a judgment on it. I consider this to be invasive because it bypasses the consciousness of the other. I consider it disrespectful. Maybe simply because I am an extraverted judger. It is invasive because it relies on information that the consciousness of the other did not provide within the context of the social interaction. It gets worse when most of this information is not apparent, but hidden. Introverted thinkers tend to be self-conscious people. Self-consciousness is introverted judgment . . . tends to be very holistic. Judging yourself as a whole. Just as they judge themselves through self-consciousness using holistic means, so they allow others to judge them and to be judged using the same holistic means.

Extraverted judgers, on the other hand, judge people in a partial manner, and most importantly, they judge them based on their concrete effect of their concrete actions on the concrete external realities. They do not collect information about people in order to judge them. They simply observe whatever is apparent within the moment and then use that to form a judgement. Most importantly, the information be about an effect of their action on the external world. Not things like attributes which are mere potentials and not actualities. This is not to say that they are not relying on history. Nor does it mean that they are never relying on potentials. It just means that when judging people they prefer to judge them based on the consequences that their actions leave on the world.

Extraverted judgement is thus more fragmented, and because of this, less judgmental and more forgiving than very judgmental and very unforgiving introverted judgment.

So what does any of this have to do with clubs and house music?

We’ll see some other time.

Interesting post, I wouldn’t say it is untrue, but rather, a bit sloppy. Kind of like you made an fps but you share the source code, and its a bit sloppy. Or the levels are a bit fun, but also sloppy. Readable, but sloppy.

I will lay out my definitions.
Thinking, refers to word sounds in the brain. These are not audio sounds but electric signals mimicking sounds, and they almost “sound” the same.
Thought is not necessarily logical, it can be absurd or silly or random words.

When we detect if a thought is logical, or “eureka”, we get a eureka feeling. That is how we know 2+2=4. Because it gives us an emotional feeling. Also, we can verify it with pictures, and more word thoughts, but that takes more processing time and we usually just go by the eureka feeling.

Women seem to be extroverts around other people immediately judging them based on limited data subsets presented to them, and then when left alone they ruminate about it and imagine all sorts of things about them. This is probably the “icky” violation of privacy thing you are talking about. It would be a bit like if everyone in town was Sherlock Holmes, and could read your mind and know your childhood just by looking at your clothes. However, the accuracy of woman’s judgement’s are far less accurate than that fictional character.

I am not sure if you agree with this definition of what thought is, because it gets a bit tangled in your post whether you are referring to your views of what thought is, or MBTI’s view of what thought is. Also, your definition of what thought is seems a bit blurry.

You just said that my post is sloppy. That is introverted judgment at work, I believe. It is introverted because it does not use an external but an internal criterion for judgment. You just don’t like sloppy posts.

I don’t know if this is correct interpretation of cognitive functions, but I do think that I have a point. There is a possibility I am mistakenly associating my own thoughts with that of MBTI. But in any case, I think I have a point.

Intuition is an unconscious process with an end that makes itself conscious through an “aha” moment. It’s like when you focus deeply on finding a solution to a problem. There is no conscious process of thinking here. Just a deep feeling of focus. Then after a while a solution just pops up in your mind and you go like “ah, so that’s it!”

You say thinking refers to word sounds in the brain. This implies consciousness. So according to that, what we normally refer to as thinking is not what is refered to as intuition in MBTI. Alright.

Is thinking a perceiving or a judging function?

MBTI defines thinking as a judging function. So maybe they are right after all and I simply have no clue what thinking is.

I guess I am heavy on intuition.

Is thinking the same as decision making? Decision making sounds like judging to me.

MBTI is rather vague. They never explain anything. At least what we have on the Internet is left unexplained. Haven’t read the books. So I have no other choice than to rely on lateral thinking.

This was funny:


I am definitively a perceiver. I still do not understand what it’s all about, but I definitively am a perceiver. What kind of perceiver, well, I don’t know that just yet.

Well I guess we have to define what judging is. What is judging?

Thinking seems to be percieving, because you percieve it as thought words. Problem solving, what I do is imagine possible futures and outcomes and will it work or not work out in the end. Mechanical problem solving, I think in pictures and if my RAM isn’t good enough, I use a pen and paper to solve the equations and code. So most of my problem solving is done consciously. “Done consciously” meaning percieved at the high level. I dont know exactly which neurons or firing or what atoms are moving in which directions, but they are organized at the high level, kind of like user friendly Game Code, vs. reading it all in binary.

My creative process, is a mix of conscious and unconscious. Sometimes I reason it out in thought words…“Wouldnt this be better if”, kind of like putting the puzzle pieces in the right place. Sometimes there are pictures associated with it, not clear pictures but fuzzy feelings of pictures.

Some of it just pops in my head, like dreams. Sometimes I simply get the dream art. And there are some tricky problems which dedicated conscious thought that cannot solve, that pop in your head when you least expected. But you can kind of see the solution as it is forming. Others are direct inspirations - you watch a TV show, and then you say hmm, lets make the analogy to this and that, and you realise the solution is quite simple. This is conscious, but enhanced by the tv show.

So back to judging, what the hell is judging anyway? Judging a person seems to be related to conscious thought. “Oh, she has a shirt like that, she must be like x, and I bet she was like x as a child.” The emotional aspect is the emotional tone you apply to the situation - Oh, she must be like x (which makes me feel this way) or Oh, she must be like x (which makes me feel supportive of her.) Now, if you notice this, You aren’t doing the judging, really the thoughts are, you are witnessing the thoughts doing the judging, and they are the tip of the iceberg, you dont see the subconscious processes of which exact nuerons are firing in order to generate those thoughts, only the resultant fully formed thoughts, so, no free will.

I never really paid much due to the whole MBti thing, so if you’re looking for a total explanation, your quest deepens…

To be a perceiver means that my dominant perceiving function is extraverted whereas my dominant judging function is introverted. I think I just contradicted myself. I said that my judging is extraverted, so I cannot be a perceiver. What the fuck.

I think I am an ENFP. Still can’t tell whether I am an introvert or an extravert. Difficult to tell. But what is interesting is the fact that ENFP’s are the least extraverted of all types. So it might be the reason why. INFP’s are said to know very well they are introverts. I, myself, not so sure I am an introvert. But either way, this means my judging is introverted whereas my perceiving is extraverted. Not congruent with my earlier insight.

You asked what is judging. Who the fuck knows what is judging? I don’t know what is judging. I am just guessing and guessing isn’t judging. It’s perceiving. It’s perceiving because it deals with possibilities. With what is possible. Whereas judging is, as far as I can tell, though this is not the way I interpreted in the last couple of my posts, wait what, did I just lose track or what. Whatever. Judging is about certainty. Putting an end to possibility. It’s about closure. Perceiving is openness. Judging is closure.

Judgers are internally divergent but externally they are convergent. Perceivers, on the other hand, are internally convergent but externally they are divergent. They usually say that INFP’s start the day by telling themselves they should do something. INFJ’s, on the other hand, start the day with an open, perceiving, mind. Can’t you fucking see how confusing all of this shit is? It just makes no fucking sense!

It really doesn’t.

I agree that judging ends up being internally divergent sometimes - you make a judgement call, and then you ruminate on it is saying Was it the right call? Microanalyzing the possibilities.

And percieving, well it is internally converging. You hear words as they are. You see vision as it appears to be.

To label a person this and that seems a bit fallacious, it is like saying “That person is not a drinker, but they are an eater.” Well actually everyone is a drinker and and eater, they are key functions that the organism does.

Yes, but there is a hierarchy between functions. There is always a dominant function. Everyone is both an introvert and an extrovert, but not everyone’s dominant function is extroverted. Same goes for all other dimensions.

I-P and E-J types are judgers. I-J and E-P types are perceivers. This is if we look at their dominant function. P/J in their codes does not say much about their dominant function as it says about whether they are extroverted perceivers or extroverted judgers. And I also don’t understand why is it that one cannot be an extroverted perceiver and an extrovert judger at the same time. How did these people arrive at this sort of logic? It’s like hocus-pocus. I hate psychology. Even though I wanted to study it (which would make me an INFJ) I still hate it because of how lazy it is. I don’t hate it, but I hate it. If you know what I mean, which you don’t.

I want to know the underlying principles. Are there any underlying principles to MBTI?

I do, it sounds kind of like femsplaining, or femrant. Kind of like when a girl says I dont hate it, but I hate it, which is femsplaining.

But I am not sure if the heirarchy is static. If you put them in a different environment or dasein the heirarchy made change, and so the heirarchy is more or less not static.

You are insulting me. You are telling me I am a woman. And one thing I am sure: that is that I am not a woman. That I am uncertain about my personality type does not mean I am uncertain about my gender.


Here’s a nice little quote: … g-ijs-ips/

Hoo-ho-ha. It seems like I am not an IP type after all. All tests said I am an INFP. But what if I am an ENFP in actuality? I am an NF type, just not sure which one.

This also supports my intuition that you are an INTP. You like to initiate things. I noticed this trend of yours. You don’t like lethargy, so you force yourself to do things. I hate to force myself do anything.

It is an insult if you want to feel insulted. Males have feminine qualities. Woman refers to the set of traits which embody the 100% woman. Are you over 60% woman?

Interest in personality type casting is feminine, getting easily offended is feminine, and not forcing yourself to do things is feminine. But I don’t think you are classified as the 100% woman, you have some masculine qualities too.

Insults, as I define them, have an intent attached to the insult.

If I say “You are very short” in a polite tone, it is not an insult, it is a fact (if the person is short.)
If I say “You are very short, you will never amount to anything” is an insult, because it has intent attached.
If I say “You are very short” in a derogatory tone, it is an insult, because it has intent attached.

The majority of tone, online, is generated by the reader, so, if you desire it to be an insult, it all up to you.

You don’t tell a man he’s a woman unless you want to pick a fight. Do you want to pick a fight, Trixie?

You don’t choose to feel insulted. You either are or you are not. You can just conceal it, which is not a good thing. It’s better to be honest about it, for many different reasons. Sensitivity has nothing to do with femininity.

Masculine/feminine classification is rarely a genuine science. More often than not, it’s a pseudo-science used to divide people, particularly sexes.

To ignore all of this and to proceed doing what you are doing is not to be a man and certainly not to be a woman on my side, it’s to be uncooperative.

The only question you should be asking yourself is: do you want to be cooperative?

You don’t know what insult is. Insult has nothing to do with intent. It’s all about how the receiver feels. And how he feels is not what he chooses. It is his particular reality. If I am sensitive to being called a woman, and you call me a woman, and I tell you it is an insult, then you are supposed to respect this and disengage with me. If you ignore this and decide to lecture me on the definition of the word, or even worse, by telling me I am weak, which you did not do, but which is what many other people do, then this is EXTRA INSULT ADDED ON TOP OF THE EXISTING INSULT.

I have the right to be extremely sensitive to the stupidest of things. It’s my thing and you either respect it or you don’t.

Okay, then I will say this.
I will not label you as masculine or feminine, because there is not enough empirical evidence from your brain scans needed to actively determine the relationship between your grey and white matter, and in relation to female brains and male brains, and so, without gathering empirical brain scan evidence, I cannot say with empirical certainty as to the female or masculinity index of your brain, therefore, i cannot use deductive reasoning because such a thing may potentially be offensive, to certain spheres.

I can only say, that based on my own memories and various memories of reading charts, statistics, etc. That it is my belief that women tend to behave in a manner of being easily offended, and are very offended by certain words, and are very quick to become emotionally distraught, defensive, sensitive, combative, and be offended over things, as well as having very similar sentence structure and placement of words as the above two paragraphs. This, of course, has no causal relation to you, because we cannot actually prove any causal relationship, as I do not have empirical evidence of brains scans showing the grey matter, in relation to the white matter and amigydala, in relation to the brains of males and females, and so I cannot say whether you are feminine or masculine.