How do athiests deal with death?

I feel the same way about this question of atheists coping with death, the implication being, “why dont you believe in God/an afterlife then you’ll feel better about death?”…as though just wanting to believe something can make it true! When we die we’ll either transcend this sac of grease and bones or we wont be in a position to care. I strongly suspect the latter, but who knows.

pxc- I agree with you somewhat. I do believe everyone elses character is only different from mine because of different circumstances, experience, and environment. I hypothesize that if I grew up exactly the way he/she did then I would’ve came out exactly the same. It’s a good thing to remind myself. It became a lot harder for me to hate another.

And with regards to death:

I’m not worried about a hell. It’s possible that there is a hell and that the bible is true. But if that’s true, then God didn’t want the use of logic. He preferred blind faith and I never really had a chance anyway. If there is a God, and he is reasonable, then I don’t have to worry about a hell because there is no way I could be held accountable for my beliefs. A lot of people are still not understanding that our beliefs are not of our control. So in the unlikely event that there is a judgement day, I will simply say “You are omniscient and you knew exactly what it would’ve took to save me”. And if the bible is true his only option is to say: “I only wanted to see you burn”.

Outside of this unlikely punishment, I don’t fear death. I fear not living. I hope I get a chance to live before I die.

pxc- I agree with you somewhat. I do believe everyone elses character is only different from mine because of different circumstances, experience, and environment. I hypothesize that if I grew up exactly the way he/she did then I would’ve came out exactly the same. It’s a good thing to remind myself. It became a lot harder for me to hate another.

Right… and what is our soul, except our essence… our “ness ness” (as in essence of essence)? So I almost see a sort of universal soul.

to answer the original question of death . I feel that only our body ceases we do not. We are energy and energy only changes or flows somewhere else it does not cease. That is the interesting part of death. What happens when you open that door. I think I will wait.

The more I thought about your statement, the more I came to realize that the true ‘threat’ to the future of the human race would be those of religious faith. They tend to believe that if mankind is meant to thrive, exist and progress, that an outside force (God, if you will) will see to this. An Atheist believes there is no “savior” or deity looking out for the human race or protecting us as individuals…so it would be reasonable to me to say Atheists would tend to perceive themselves as responsible for dealing with the problems which threaten mankind’s survival. Think about it…which would you rather have for a doctor — a doctor who believes that if it is God’s will you will survive or a doctor who believes it is his responsibility and his expertise that is your only hope of survival? I would prefer the latter, for sure!



I chose to become atheist once

And there will be those raised as non believers , who tried to hold onto that non belief , but can no longer believe there is no creator . And so the wheel goes round and round



i agree with your rationalization.and i think the thiest and the athiest are basically going to the same place,but with a different outcome based on thier deeds.

i mean the one bringing them back has a purpose to it.we AINT bringing ourselves back.

and what i say here may be brought back to “does god exist” again…

i was makeing a thesis on that,but i stopped because i was doubting it’s usefullness. for now…

in conclution,i see athiests dealing with death as rationalists.
i see thiests dealing with death with faith.
now if we could only combine the two…

Assuming free will exists on Earth and we’re being judged upon it and we do good in God’s eyes and get into heaven, will there be free will in heaven?

In my eyes, Atheists look at themselves as just another animal, where as theists believe they’re special. Having no proof that I am more special than another animal, I am an Atheist.

I’m not as selfish as to believe my life means something more than what it is. I am my parents’ rejuvinated self. Just like they’re their parents’ rejuvinated self. I will die when I become absolete, and my children will go on to live and continue the human race.

Take a flower for example. What is the purpose of a flower? From what I know, all of its life the flower strives to grow and make more of itself. There is no flower-Bob, or flower-Jim. They’re the same flower, raised in different parts. People are the same species. Just like there is no flower-Bob or Jim, there isn’t a person-Bob or person-Jim. We’re all the same. How can one be judged when we’re all the same?
Don’t wake up only to go to sleep.[/size]

Do you deal with death? You take it.