How do you decide which woman is the one?

Ahh Thank the gods for small favors! If women thought like men, think how boring it would be. and competitive. All the women would be fighting for those remote controls and taking the best chair on football day. Then who would feed whom?

And can a man actually understand that paying the mortgage is better then buying the biggest TV on the block without a woman there to gently help with such a hard decision.?

And can a woman truly ------- wait I can’t think of a darn thing except well no this is family ---- make a decision without a man to point out to her she must be wrong because she is a woman and does not understand these things?cough, choke :smiley:

cough, chokefeminazi cheapshotcough,choke*

And on that one day in a woman’s life where protection from another male is most needed, who would be their except her loving male spouse, to rend and sunder the interloper down to mottled and shredded sinew and shattered bone … all for the love and affection of the one female to whom he has shown utter servitude?

LOL :laughing: Have you seen the size of some of these women? Women go to gyms and work out. I would think most of these pretty women that do this are fully muscular enough to knock some slob to the ground. They start screaming and flailing around they will knock that attacker sideways. Most do martial art exersizes to boot. More often then not now days it is the woman that does the exersizing and has the more fit body.

Womens egos revolve around their physical self more often then not. While a man’s ego revolves around status more often then not.

Marketing and P.R. firms know this, Women are flocking to gyms in staggering amounts because they are being convinced that their bodies at 60 should be like their body at 20.

Men flock to purchasing status grabbers ; My toy is bigger then your toy. because men that don’t have big noisy toys are lower status whimps.

So while John is playing in his loud car while waiting for his wife to come out of the gym, she is beating a would be attacker to pulp and screaming like a little girl all the while for John. Poor John who did not hear her because he had to test the stereo out, will hear about his lack of defense for the rest of his life. :smiley:


For reference lady Kriswest:

Although I am not, nor ever have been, nor ever would be a threat to a female, any female, there are some things to take into consideration.

At a mere six foot tall, and paultry two hundred and five pounds, I am typically undersized for an average male. Add to this fact the knowledge of thirty years martial discipline, and actual combat experience, both street combat and formalized. For those males that I am aware of, there is nothing exemplary about me, with regards to violent acumen.

Naturally, there are some ferocious and formidable female adversaries. But alas, reality must lever truth with a universal sledgehammer.

Just how many females do you think would be comparable to me, if I ever chose the low road of becoming a misogynistic aggressor?

Reality, dear lady, is the supreme mf’er.

Brute force yes you would be correct. but, men have an achilles heel and I assure you that most attackers do not wear a cup. Women are far more educated now and more fit to protect themselves then ever before. have you ever burrowed into a woman’s purse or pockets? Women are carrying weapons now in record numbers. The weapons are ususally disguised as jewelery or hair clip or just a little can of spray. or even their keys are weapons The best part is these weapons are cheap to purchase. I can buy a knife disguised as a necklace for 10 bucks.

The rapist and attacker is now fighting for his jollies rather then just grabbing and taking. The number of potential rape attacks has not gone down a whole lot but, successful rapes have gone down. Women are learning better self defense and are not afraid to do so.

Besides Mas if you were around a woman to defend her why would a rapist come out to attack? They prey on women alone not with males.
So you really could not defend her could you?

Yes, yes, well aware of all those issues … I own a pen knife.

Again, you are not being objective in this instance … I’ve been stabbed three times … obviously, the desired effect was not accomplished … because you will read this post. I have been shot twice. Again, the desired effect no attained, I’m still here.

Kicking me in the stones? Don’t make me laugh … LMAO … oops you did. Once the adrenaline and rage factors take precedence over logic, pain is not an issue until after the fact. Two occasions come to mind where I was stone shot, didn’t notice until after the conclusion, when I vomited from a sudden pain rush after the adrenaline cessation.

Self defense is firstly self knowledge, especially as concerns personal deficiencies, and most SD teachers, teach non-streetworthy bullshit.

We all have our attributes lady Kriswest, and some areas of superiority aren’t overcome with diatribe.

I think you will win in the multi-level thinking and procreation categories.

My appologies. I get those guys confrused much! I usually think of solomon and his women loving ways under these situations.

I would also like to add to the rest of the conversation concerning men overpowering women.

9 times out of 10 the woman yeilds to the man allowing him his victory.

Listen here ladies and listen good! If a man attempts to rape you do not play around and be very proactive in your defence!

Initially depending on how gungo ho you are do not even bother to kick him in the nads! JUST FLAT OUT POKE 1 OR BOTH EYES OUT! DO NOT PLAY WITH YOUR SAFTEY! If you just want to boot him in the nads fine! Do it first if you think he still needs his eyesight so that he can lust after another woman and cause more trouble! Other wise… just kick him in the nads after you put both of his eyes out!

BE RUTHLESS! Dont take a bunch of crap!

Yes, yes, well aware of all those issues … I own a pen knife.

Again, you are not being objective in this instance … I’ve been stabbed three times … obviously, the desired effect was not accomplished … because you will read this post. I have been shot twice. Again, the desired effect no attained, I’m still here.

Kicking me in the stones? Don’t make me laugh … LMAO … oops you did. Once the adrenaline and rage factors take precedence over logic, pain is not an issue until after the fact. Two occasions come to mind where I was stone shot, didn’t notice until after the conclusion, when I vomited from a sudden pain rush after the adrenaline cessation.

Self defense is firstly self knowledge, especially as concerns personal deficiencies, and most SD teachers, teach non-streetworthy bullshit.

We all have our attributes lady Kriswest, and some areas of superiority aren’t overcome with diatribe.

I think you will win in the multi-level thinking and procreation categories.[/quote]

Gods! how I love how you put words together, you are an artist my dear man.

Point is Mas, women are not brutish but neither are they incompetent against size. Your size can be used against you and most self defense teachers are becoming more and more advanced , They are not limited to Oriental self defense, it is more street fighting defense and pyschology.
There are more ways then one of rupturing testicles, Mas, kicking takes too long and is way overused and expected.

When women take these classes they are highly motivated to do so. Most have already survived an attack or know someone who did or did not survive an attack. As they learn it is learning with a deep seated need, not for giggles. Fear drives and instills knowledge into muscle and mind.

Besides size is not a factor when it comes right down to it. It is knowledge that wins out. I am 5’5" and 110lbs soaking wet, I can bring a man your size down to the ground even if you grab me from behind and immobilize my arms and most of my body. You have several very sensitive nerve bundles located in the front of your pelvis left and right side, and near your ribs. It would take applying pressure with one or two fingers to make you release me. I know this from hard won experience. The only time ribs would not work is if you are truly obese. Pelvis though works very well on anyone.
Heck fighting with my older larger brothers taught me a few things about leverage and physics. (Also, pressure points can be a womans best friend when immobilized or seemingly so.) They only won if both came at me, LOl they did nick name me damnBarracuda and once it got to the point where even though they won, they were more in pain then me, we stopped fighting and we got along fine, at least we stopped fighting physically. :slight_smile:

At any rate this has gotten way off subject hasn’t it? What was the subject? :astonished: :smiley:

It was nice hearing you both competiting how strong you are.

I just notice you have no pictures of pets in your avatar today, Krissy

Its odd that I can understand what mastriani is talking about today, often you would always say stuff like only a phd person can understand.

about how do you know which woman is the right one? Obvious the most absurd answer and most people would use is, oh you know it when you see it. I wonder why when someone supports this answer , they get a divorce later on?

No , I was saying I would use intelligence , he would use brute strength :smiley:

My site is down right now, no photos available.

And the right person is usually the one you are the most yourself with. Not slathering and foaming over. :slight_smile:

I think the point was you make me all hot and sweaty when you talk about kicking my ass like that … it might actually be love and ardor at this point.

dan - there lies the answer to your question. A lady like this … intelligent, feminine, and willing to stuff your stones down your throat for getting out of line … Hoorah!!! Adrenaline rush. :astonished: =P~

Okay, taking a cold shower now. #-o

You need to find a Kriswest, or a Bessy, or an angel(liquid form preferable) … then the circle of life comes full … and you can put all the garbage of wondering away.

Well put noble one; for the sad thing is, we men know we are gradually becoming instruments of the woman’s whim the longer we are with them, and accept this role out of the neccesity for hope of rewarding desires. Then again, women like to be taken advantage of sexually from time to time—our cloak and dagger if you will. The means of control in a relationship are pervasively subtle, but noticable. We would come to think that before settling down, a relationship would be based similarly to a transaction between two good-natured merchants. The reality we discover is more like the clashing of horns. No big horned sheep would dare share the whole of a field with a meddling goat.

How goes the war James?

Nice to see the venerable one moving about the internets.

My war, for the greater part, is exactly inline with the virtue of my entity.
The lady is my equal in warriorhood, intimacy, and spirituality. Intellectually, we are a slight mismatch, as would be expected, we simply have different cerebral modus operandi. She excels in coordinations, problem sovling, and logistics, without flaw. I am the primary benefactor, authoritarian, and rabid gargoyle on the front step.

We share and revell in our adoration of our children, and she is ever in grace with me for providing children to make a complete family, something I would never have the capability of providing.

Working dichotomy, and acceptance of genetically established gender roles. Never easy, but worthwhile nonetheless.

Sounds good…

Forget the notion of ever knowing for sure. You change every ten years, which is why people move on - only to figure it out that it is the same with everyone they are with. Marry your friend who likes sex. It worked for me. Expect nothing - and have fun and stop taking it all so seriously.



I perfer this answer better. Expect nothing and do not take anything seriously. Until someone tells you , that you are HIV postive, then take it seriously.
jus joking I know what you mean. but the answer is not a serious one.

Actually, I was completely serious. I think all people are looking for “perfection” in their relationships and there is no such animal. Bliss is real, as are real problems like money, infidelity, health issues, accidents, natural disasters and being downright sick of each other.

Know yourself before you jump into marriage… but if I could be really honest that doesn’t happen until after 50 and even then you will experience growth and change. By then your biological clock is gone. The greater issue for me is the notion of one marriage for life. It is lovely to dream, but most older couples have issues bordering on disdain for each other. Sure there are exceptions but ask those 65 yr old lovebirds if they haven’t duked it out to get there. They have, believe me. These unrealistic expectations are just that.


How far men have sunk.

Several years ago the movie “Groundhog Day” was made intentionally incorporating some esoteric ideas within it. I know this to be the case from knowing of some that were involved with its production.

One of the ideas was illustrating a man’s growth in character and the different way a woman of quality would respond to him.

Initially our hero was an egotistical sarcastic weak man working as a TV weatherman… He finds himself trapped in Punxsutawney on groundhog day in a time loop. If he does nothing different, events will repeat themselves as they were on the original day. But if he changes his behavior, people will respond to his new actions, opening up all kinds of possibilities for playing with the unfolding of events. Either way, with each “new” day, he alone remembers what happened in previous editions of the same day.

Initially Phil, our hero is attracted to Rita the producer but she is only motherly towards him. It is only after his transformation brought about by experiencing the same events over and over and coming to see his childishness and the lunacy of it all that he begins to change and become a man. As a consequence Rita is able to become a woman to him with the normal respect a woman like Rita would give a real man whose humanity has evolved.

So many men will continue to be sarcastic and weak with no self knowledge and women will continue to mother and manipulate them even in marriage.

Men that have become themselves and acquiring the freedom to be themselves will always attract women needing to do the same that will be more than happy to be women…

I agree whole heartedly with knowing yourself before marriage and that most have unrealistic expectations and tend to get sick of each other.

That is why I endorse friendship above all else in a marital relation. If you are not truly friends then a life long commitment can be painful to acheive.
Friendships tend to grow healthier and more loving then any else. Many arranged marriages started off as strangers then friendship then love. Sometimes people should look at arranged blind dates closer then they do. The people that surround you often know you better then what you admit to yourself.

I can’t agree with the age of 50 thing though. As long as you know and expect you and your mate are going to change and grow in different ways you can make it a strength not a weakness.