How to Educate Children

His point, that narcissistic parents are toxic, and your point to “solve it on your own”, is invalid. A child cannot solve much of anything “on his/her own”, especially during the formative years 0-7. You basically validate most of Magnus’ points. Women, like you, are narcissistic. You don’t actually care about other people, and some women, barely, or do not at all care, about their own progeny.

If a woman does not care about her own flesh and blood, then the child is very well fucked in every way throughout life. Ancient societies would treat such ‘unwanted’ children as sacrifices or pawns, inducted into slave society.

The unwanted child is a huge factor in education. Having a (loving-caring) family is critical to superior education. Having an unloving, uncaring family is detrimental, and potentially deadly, as some parents do murder their own children. Recently there has been an article of a high school cheerleader killing her own baby after giving birth. Obvious “education” is a moot point in those circumstances.

Unwanted children (hated) have severe handicaps and limits throughout life that Wanted children (loved) do not.

I would say this is the essence of “Privilege” or what people imply when they use the term privilege. To be privileged is to come from a stronger family, stricter, morally superior, and cares for one another. Care is by degree. Superior education and nurturing is superior care/love.

Basically it sounds like Pandora would be a horrible mother. Her child is being bullied at school, becomes depressed and suicidal. Pandora tells her own child, “solve your own problems”.

That rationale leads to this:

She “solved her own problem”. “Nobody cares”.

Callousness is a very repugnant and repulsive trait in a woman, a potential mother. It’s nihilistic, self-hating. A self-hating parent has a child and passes onto him or her, the hatred for life, contempt, malice, and all other cruelties. It’s a cycle. Nihilistic parents spawn nihilistic children, and feel relieved by “passing on the debt” to the next generation. Too cowardly and weak to grow strong on their own, they pass it off to the young who learn by example.

All of these points reflect on the formative years, 0-7. That is most critical to psychological development as teenagers. The formative years are almost entirely dictated by the familial setting, and whether a child comes from the “loving family” (privileged) versus the “self-hating, nihilistic family” (unprivileged).

How Not to Educate Children: … -in-texts/

This was a case of revenge. A mother murdered her children for revenge against her husband. Perhaps infidelity. But she wanted to inflict harm upon him, and used her children as pawns to do so. Very selfish mentality. Her mistakes in life became her children’s mistakes. Again her blood-debts accrued and then passed onto her children to pay for them.

Single-mother by the way, just like the previous response with Katelyn Davis. Katelyn Davis had a single-mother and step-father, purportedly and probably abusive.

Broken families and single-mothers have plentiful similar examples. It’s a bad bet. If you’re a single-mother then there’s a 75% (accurate?) chance that you’re inferior to people who do make superior life-moral choices.

I’m not saying it can’t be done. But I am saying the odds are aligned against single-mothers and parents with such flaws. To raise a child, and to then educate, adults should be ‘stable’ and strong prior to it. However this is ideal, not realistic. Most people, acting on instincts, have children just to follow those instincts. Consequences be damned.

Some aspects of Education involve taking and using what you have to work with. If a Tutor or Master takes on a broken child, then that child can be mended and “fixed”, realigned according to the skill of the Authority. Some institutions are more common about taking in broken children. Adoption agencies, churches, military institutions who turn abandoned children into soldiers. These are usually “the indoctrinated”, the parentless. The State becomes their parent, symbolically, or God.

Thus when jews-christians refer to humanity as “god’s children” what is meant, is the broken and unwanted children who have been absorbed into church indoctrination across the centuries. It’s been typical throughout the centuries for people to abandon their children on the church doorstep. More pawns and slaves, Devotees, ready to absorb into the flock. These institutions are less discriminating, will take anybody and anything.

They understand the utility and value of child-sacrifices, “offerings to the gods”.

That’s what the religious connotations mean, realistically and pragmatically.

…man as well, particularly a father. Callousness does not seem to be gender specific.

My Father was/is as mean as hell up in your face with his fists. My Dad was an all macho boy, unable to deal with emotions without lashing out. I was not allowed to speak my mind, cry, pout, or have any reaction to his anger whatsoever. My Mother was passive aggressive, the instigator who would rile up my Father over minutia to go on rampages. To the outside world, we appeared the ideal family, but I never liked being at and or going home. I literally tried to escape my home by being absent without actually running away. I was an unplanned pregnancy by long term dating college students who were societally pressured to marry. The marriage lasted 18 years, but home was Hell. My parents were educated, attractive, white, middle class upbringings from long term married parents, as children, my parents were not accidents, they were purposely made to be my Grandparents children. Funny enough, there are many types of Hells, many hells of family life or lack of it.

When 75-80% of children are unplanned for, what’s to be expected? The marriages don’t exist, or they are married too young to not be self-centered, they are overwhelmed by outside expectations or maybe they arrive at this birth without expectations placed on themselves to be good parents rather than simply parents.

I’m not fond of using personalized examples of the points one’s trying to make without the whole story, such as the stories Urwrong is using as evidence to support his claims, it seems like propaganda that’s not thought out, and Urwrong has no back story knowledge and makes many judgments based off of incomplete news reports. If you know from experience about what you are reporting, give your story, the one you know, and be detailed and honest without a slanted agenda of your own experiences not some truth you want to project onto reality. Be real, not some fake news take on something you know nothing about personally.

You’re claiming that it’s invalid for me to use personal and real examples, while yourself, just used your own real life example.

Basically you just contradicted yourself.

Propaganda requires an agenda. What is my agenda? Educating children? If that were so then it would be to educate children in superior ways, as I’ve outlined. You obviously have not been taught how to argue, use reason and logic. You must have lacked such an education as a child.

Myself, I was always thirsty for challenges, logic, math, and whatever I could get my hands on. However my upbringing was lackluster by my town environment. My town lacked opportunities for higher learning. I became addicted to the internet in the 90s, when I was adolescent, because it was my opportunity for getting out and exploring the world beyond my limited town, teachers, and possibilities. I quickly learned that the “outside” world is not much different than what I expected. People are rather the same from place to place, and are not very different.

There are hierarchies when it comes to superior and inferior education.

A superior education requires a few ingredients:

  1. Family, superior breeding, leading to…
  2. Genetics, genetically inherited, higher intelligence
  3. Schooling, specialized classrooms, discriminating students by intelligence and ability
  4. Socializing, interacting with other kids, moral behavior, how to act, competition, sporting, how to treat one another

Where is your personal example based on your upbringing? I requested that you use your own experiences rather than some half-baked news article you are trying to manipulate into making your points against women only. What about the fucked up fathers?

You definitely have a grudge against women, but I don’t understand why for you haven’t explained the why.

My next point is going to be about how there is a distinction between “general” education and specialized education. The lower classes of humanity receive “general” education. Middle and upper classes, representing higher intelligence and superior breeding, superior family lineage, receive the “specialized” educations. More potential, possibilities, and social reinforcement. Also this will connect to what “society” even is.

Trolling by Mr Reasonable and Wendy will be ignored from here on out.

Well put.

Were you talking to Magnus the adult suggesting that he figures out how to help himself now or telling Magnus the child to toughen up?

Pandabear’s commentary may have seemed harsh, but how can fucked up parents help you when they can’t help themselves…like she said? They can’t. I love my parents who are still fucked up but I will never like them or respect them as a child would good parents. As adults, we try to make our family work, but the relationships are precarious.

Where have I trolled you or can’t you deal with relevant criticism?

Key factors in educating and raising any child:

  1. Family, what is the personal environment of the child? Are the parents married, divorced, single, etc? Is the child wanted or unwanted? Is the family loving and caring, or hating and uncaring (abusive)? Is the child receiving a primary education (from the parents), a secondary education (from distant relatives, grandparents, foster parents, surrogate, etc), or none at all?

  2. A superior family, a superior man and woman, will make superior breeding choices, which is essential to “higher intelligence” and “evolution”. What average people call “evolution” is really the determination of higher intelligent men andn women, wanting to further any or all reaffirmative traits, which people admire, respect, and want to see prosper. Therefore a superior family will, necessarily, give birth and reproduce higher intelligence, which is the genetic factor.

  3. By what means will the secondary education take place, public schools, private schools, homeschools, church schools? The different means by which a child receives the secondary education, will limit his or her growth. There is no “universal” best decision. Each secondary education has its own advantages and disadvantages. And the primary education, those of the biological parents, must be respected. Secondary education is not intended to “step into” the family or role of the biological parent, the natural authority, patriarch, and matriarch.

  4. Children require socialization. Public schools are the best at socializing children, granting opportunities for competition, cooperation, and sporting events. However public schools then lack when it comes to specialization, intellectual reinforcement, and morality. Public schools, being “for everybody” will then tend to ignore racial and gender differences, and replace that with humanist mentality, that “we are all equal” when people are not, and children definitely are not. However public schools represent state-indoctrination and state-loyalty. If a child is not schooled in the public arena, then homeschooling, private, or church schooling all lack the socialization process by which a student or teenager can interact with “the majority” of the rest of society during the formative years.

LIAR! You’ve been officially trolled.

I’m biased against everybody, not just women. So you’re wrong.

Prove me wrong when I say you’ve never posted material that exposes men in a bad light, ya know, the real light.

It’s obvious that males, men, and fathers all have a type of ‘lesser’ role in child-rearing, education, upbringing, and whatnot. The child-father relationship is categorically different than the child-mother relationship. The mother, obviously, gives birth. You don’t form the same relationship with your mother, sucking on her tits as a toddler, as you do with your father. This should be common sense. I should not have to mention this or describe this. But some in this thread seem to not have common sense.

So when it comes to education, too, the child-mother education will be categorically different than the child-father relationship.

Men are somewhat rarer at “being a parent” to children, or educating children. Some may perceive this as ‘feminine’ behavior, to educate or tutor a child. But that is false when it comes to father-son relationships specifically. Is it a superior or inferior behavior, or not, that a father “be involved” in the upbringing or general welfare of his own biological progeny?

In nature, different animals groups, pack or herd animals, all take different approaches to mother-father-child relationships. In many species of animals, the father is completely absent after copulation and impregnation. Humans and mammals, more evolution, produce more diversity of behaviors within. Therefore humans have a % of the population where males are absent, or available. In other words, some men are suited to be fathers, others are not. And single-mothers are relevant to this.

Because who really is responsible, in the end, for the welfare of a child, if not his or her mother? It is implied within the child-mother relationship a deepest sense of moral obligation, selflessness, care, and welfare. If a child is abandoned, forgotten, or attacked by his or her own mother then that means certain-death in nature. It is only within human environments, that abandoned children stand a chance, and a biological mother is replaced by surrogacy or state-institutions, adoption homes, or church doorsteps, etc.

The moral obligation, bound in nature, between mother-child is undeniable. It ought to go without saying. This is not my “attack on women” by describing and analyzing what many women choose to do.

Some women choose rightly, and create for themselves beautiful families, children, and lifestyles worth emulating. That is my admiration.

Read my recent reply.

The “bad actions” of a father is different than the bad actions of a mother. Different categories, therefore different rulers, different measurement, different standards. I do not treat men and women equally, nor would I ever.

Here is some context, an estimation and guess:

80% of women love, care, nurture, and wanted to have their own biological children.
60% of men love, care, nurture, and wanted to have their own biological children.

The remaining percentages represent ‘unwanted’ and accidental children, seen more as chores and obligations, forced responsibility rather than “wow I really love having kids!!!” By these estimations, most mothers, and most fathers (although a lesser amount), wanted to have their own children.

Of those people who want to have their own children, that does not entitle nor guarantee a “good upbringing” or positive education. Because wanting children does not guarantee the required amount of nurturing. It’s easy for a woman to “want to have kids” versus the reality of actually having and raising them.

In my experience, once women hit their mid 20s, about age 25, women become envious of other women who are mothers and “love their kids”. Childless women become envious. That makes matters worse. Because then those envious and jaded women have children, to fulfill envious desires, rather than naturally wanting a child. These are one of many, countless nuances I’ve experienced firsthand about women, children, raising children, and education.

I’ll talk more about men’s involvement later. But it should be obvious now, why I’m “picking on women”, because of the stronger mother-child relationship than father-child, which is inherent.

A quick point:

A “good father” is much rarer than a good mother, on average, and by percent, because fatherhood is rather artificial and unnatural. Patriarchal societies are results of evolution. And it becomes complicated the reasons why and how men and fathers do “stick around and raise children”. Or, to form a monogamous relationship (which is primarily dictated and directed by men as patriarchal traditions).

I’m seeing a lot of mommy issues here.

(And yes, I was talking to Magnus the adult. )

Everybody’s crying for comfort and blaming their parents, but life is not fair and it has never been so. Some are orphaned at an early age by circumstances or what not and some come from imperfect families. In the end, the person himself is responsible for his life, not his parents or even society, and does the best he can within his circumstances. You talk about the handicapping kids through neglect and abuse; I say rich and controlling parents can also handicap their kids for life (Barron Trump is an example of this…it is very unlikely that he will ever be a man of his own, and no matter what he does, he will owe it to his father, who, in turn will owe it to his). An orphan who makes it in this world on his own would be a truly self-made man.

that men need to step up their roles as fathers rather than perpetuating the mistreatment, the over-feminization and victimhood they endured at the hands of their mothers. You all complain and point the blame at the women who must be the absolute parental authority to young children giving yourselves and your lazy fathers convenient outs for fucking up themselves. We have animal shells but we are far different than animal, especially wild animals, so I am sick and tired of the animal comparisons being constantly made as if human males have no biological attachment or responsibilities to their progeny.

You’re using this as an excuse for neglect though, Pandora.

It doesn’t matter whether life is fair or not to a child. If that child is abandoned, or killed by his or her own parents, then what, we’re supposed to ignore that? Forgive it? Not want to repeat it? Not understand the causes of it, when, those causes can be prevented or known?

If you have any point at all, it is that adults are implied to have a moral autonomy and authority, ability to “make choices” that children do not. But that does not fit the context of the thread, which is, to nurture those children, to eventually mature and “make choices” themselves.

Isn’t that what education is about?

The world isn’t as chaotic and frantic as you make it out to be. People establish order, and much of that comes through the nurturing of the child by the parent. The moral responsibility you imply is missing, is found here. Somebody takes responsibility for others, as a mother does for her child, and that’s fine too. You seem to be overlooking, or outright ignoring this fact.

Maybe a reflection of your own childhood neglect as well?

Telling your child to fend for him/herself is one thing. But to do that without some foundation, some tools, some wisdom, is not the same as abandonment.

Which percentages?

I already claimed that there some good fathers and many bad ones, many who abandon their women, their wives, their children.

Yes it goes both ways. There, now we’re on the same page. You can quit “huffing and puffing” now.