Human Nature

Human nature is like a pack of carnivorous, cannibalistic sheep, lead by a bunch of sabertoothed, primate chimps.

Because the sheep is surrounded by other sheep, he views this as a “good” due to his excessive sheltering.

You can always change, and be nicer, but that is probably beyond you.

Says the guy who flames every post he sees.

Today I chose to be nice. Today you could chose to be more human, rather than a chippy little bitch harping on about ‘humans’ and pretending you are not one.

I don’t eat meat. I don’t agree with most modern values. Why should I associate and place myself into the same category of a herd that doesnt share or care to understand my values? I especially can’t stand when a human get’s “chippy” when someone insults his precious species. Your species is a galactic punching bag, a receptical, a scapegoat, a “blame all”, always will be until they change their ways.

Homosapiens are animals just more delusional, inventive, and innovative kind of animal.

How human beings treat each other, other animals, and the natural environment only shows an inherent viciousness of human nature which of course Thomas Hobbes elaborated quite well. His solution or ideal containment of human nature not so much by comparison…

When I think of human nature I think of words like viciousness, savagery, inequality, hyper -competitive, selfishness, egotistical, malicious, duplicitous, hypocritical, vanity, narcissism, myopic, insatiable-desire, power-driven, dangerous, dominating, and arrogance. I do not sugar coat human nature as a bunch of naive idealists and simpletons make the habit of doing the world over.

I guess you know that Thomas Hobbes wrote his book “Leviathan or the Matter, Form and Authority of Government” (1651) because of the experiences with the terrible civil war in England.

That would be his ideal containment of human nature I was referencing in which I disagree with.

Yes, I know. But …:

Is he or not - in your opinion?


It’s just nature in general.




What I meant is that in an early human group an “I” could not behave individually in a modern sense, thus like a modern “I”, because every “I” had to be like the “we”, every son had to be like his father and former ancestors, every daughter had to be like her mother and former ancestors. If someone tried to not follow this main rule of that early human culture, then this one would be killed. Someone who broke this rule was punished to death. There was no way out of the group.

Do you know, for example, the rules of modern “gangs”? What do this “modern” gangs do when it comes to breaking their rules (this rules are like “laws” for them)? They punish their members to death, if they trie to break their rules. So they are referring to one of the first human rules. Why are they doing that? They are doing that, because they do not want any member of the gang to leave the gang. They are going back to early times of the humans. Development is more cyclical or spiral than just linear (“progressive”).

Are they going back to early times of humans, like in pre historical kinship? Or, are the regressing to less autonomous, more amalgamated , less symbolic , less individually cultural and social being, like in a childish early developmental regression?

And if so, do these two types, cultural and psychological link? Are very young children and
ungrounded juveniles have similar traits as early homosapians as regards human development?

You may call it “regression”, but what I mean is more the cyclic or spiral aspect of any development, thus also any cultural development (evolution, history). So any development means much of analogical repetition, retry, iterance. So this behavior is not pathological but normal in the sense of the respective cultural development. If there had been “modern gangs” during the 18th century in the Occidental culture, then their members would have been punished to death before joining, so they would have had no chance at all. But the same thing at the same place but at a different time (for example the current time or the time of the late antique Imperium Romanum) is possible. Societies must be decadent enough to have such “modern gangs”. this “modern gangs” or other examples show very clearly that the development is backward (“regressive”), although it is forward (“progressive”).

Okay, some people may say that decadent cultures (humans) are just pathogical cultures (humans), but that it is not true, because they are just old. Being old is (still!) not pathological.

Why - because you are a child of the Universe?
Why- because you are morally superior?
Why - because yer loverly.
Why - because pretty angels dance on your cheeks and night and sprinkle their tears on your eyes to wake you up
Why - because you are rainbows and buttercups.