
No, you said you and your husband have one child.

In other threads I make mention of our son, ones you have been on. Son or daughter they breed. The boy was taught not to breed without a secure home life. Which we would have taught the same things to a daughter. He was taught promiscuity causes a hell of a lot of grief, a daughter would have been taught the same. So what is your point? BTW the kid is 32 and no kids because he has been taught well.

Never saw it in any other thread of yours


Not really. Then, if, you are a regular mom, you would like to see your son get married and have kids, and you then you will have grandkids.

If he is unmarried, then, he has a problem , between the obvious: having to date, find expression to his emotional , physical needs, and/or beginning the get worried about the laws of probability being thwarted by the laws of the gravity of age.

These are primal concerns, and there is no human being not touched by them.

That I correctly identified your child’s gender, manifests a somewhat innate ability on my part,) -presuming your confident appraisal of your belief in my earlier statement, that I did not see an earlier blog indicating his gender-)to get in touch with esoteric matters.

Though a probability of 50/50 is not very impressive in this regard.

Incidentally, I can almost hear the windmills of your mind clicking away with the thought, ‘What the heck is he talking about’. But in an open forum dedicated to thought, as long as there are no bars holding to or against the use of the semantics stretched to the limits, there should not be a problem with expressing things which come through the ctracks.

Your son lives alone. Even when there is someone there.

ROTFLMAO. You can’t judge because you are dedicated to certain words and generalizing.Off the mark. If you seriously wish to understand life , get out of just the books and add life. Those that studied before you understood this and knew they did not have all answers, ok some did. A true researcher knows they miss things.

Sure, miss some things, but the above indicates y incursion into the unusual, not necessarily some would consider the occult. Just trying to crack the ordinary realms of differing lives, by stretching meaning, and again not necessarily by reading about them.

I also have a son. He too lives alone, yet lives with some others. But I can sense you wish not to go on with this, so I will stop.

No I just wish you to finish thoughts. A simple question without out a why can put a person on the defensive, it is interrogation not conversation, you know this. Elaborate please.

It’s just that it’s complex to an extent that it would open a can of worms, why?
I can understand you feeling that way.
For reasons other then the obvious. I have always wondered about only children, some grow up sad and lonely, some take a crack at reality as usually lived.
Picket fence, 9-5 job, a dog, hike up with the family to some accustomed place.

But really, your son matters to me, here, as much or maybe more than my own son, the lonely one, who remains elusive and you just don’t want to crush his boundaries, to when he was ever so little.

I am tempted to go further, but after all this is an open internet, and it takes two to set the boundaries, and really things end up contrived and set up anyway, after all who are we but literate people and the fun consists in filling the shadows with light.

Your ‘why’? Is really a secondary derivative, your son interests me, because I want to get to know you throw him, because in your case, and this is not meant to hurt, but through him I may know you, because I know him as well, your boy, and you love him as a mother should. See, I have to go around and around, like a cat about a bowl of milk, and this You mistake for directness, maybe even an affront.

Guess why, I don’t know why, maybe it’s because I have been here a while, and long to get to know people, the way you can’t ordinarily everyday.

At the same IT not only pays to leave some gap, some zone of retreat, even despite the fact that everyone looking at this forum may not really appreciate it.

Thank you.
Our son was raised rather old fashioned except for education. He worked and learned. 3 days a week during summer vacation he worked with his Dad or around the house At night instead of all TV, he had to read books of all genres. Yes he had plenty of time to play as well. By the time he was twelve he knew irrigation and could work on an engine. He expanded his personal library to over 200 books. He took martial arts classes for a year found it did not suit him. Street fighting was what he wanted to learn and did. As far as work skills he learned quite a few marketable ones , mechanics, electrical, irrigation and now gates and fences, almost forgot welding.
I am a Daddy’s girl and my husband a Momma’s boy. We both were taught to love learning and independence. Anything else??

You mean something else or something more?

Certainly not making any New Year’s resolutions. lol
How about paying attention, observing more, not getting all twisted up inside because we have people who disagree with us.
Doing away with the “clutter” in our lives - both the physical and the mental.
Meditating and trying to discover what is REALLY more important and what is REALLY of less than important.

Sweetheart, you disagree for the pure sake of disagreement, this is apart of your retardation, where you never reach a concrete reality, everything becomes subjective and relative to you, fun time…always… and in the midst of this constant disagreement, you convince yourself it’s apart of some kind of intellectual thinking, where your 2cents has no consequence on reality, all equal members of the same house where all opinions matters and should be heard, so you can merely feel included…it begins there and ends there…

You’re a phony, a wolf in sheep’s clothing…you appeal to humanitarian audience, of “better”, “important” "improvement "…etc but it’s all in vain, it never reaches reality, you are a modern, whatever goes…innovation after innovation, no concrete basis, no integrity to anything, no logical follow through… and as creepy as it sounds, you have genuinely secretively convinced yourself you hold a superior position, you are a typical do-gooder…who get’s a rise out of this, it’s merely entertaining to you…inline with your lifestyle/culture…just another aspect to it…


I intuit that it IS really important to do this/to practice this, as I said in my above post.

As for the rest, as there is actually very little that you do know about me, I will chalk your post up to your only seeing something of me and/or what you would prefer to see of me.
The rest perhaps has to do with what You Yourself are dealing with in your life.

One thing here - if you are going to speak in such glowing terms of someone, don’t you think it is best Not to call them sweetheart?
I disagree IF I disagree albeit I will grant you that I will look to see if there can be something to disagree with - do we all have to think in the same way, mannikin? Do my eyes have to see what your eyes see?

I may have for years had a thing about wanting and needing to feel 'included" - because of my past (quite natural) and I will admit that at times there are residuals of that which come back to me but I do not disagree or agree in order to be included.
I have the right and privilege to think and feel as I “see” and that is mostly based on what I do see (I try hard to peer through the veil which is me), not what I want to see. Again, why do I have to see with your eyes?

lol - I thought that I was more the wolf or the dragon.
What I don’t understand is ~~ Why is it so important for people to deliberately try to put others down, to deliberately “bash” them in order to get the “upper” hand? And my question is: "Do we actually get the “upper hand” when we do this or attempt to do this? or do we simply allow ourselves to keep ourselves all twisted up inside where we cannot detach even if we wanted to.
You may call that my so-called “superior” thinking, if you so wish.


Actually, I try to appeal more to the non-humanitarian audience - what need does the humanitarian audience have of us?

What does that even mean? Or are you simply regurgitating Satyr’s words/thoughts? I am experiencing a hint of Satyr through your words.

You’re not very astute when it comes to profiling, are you?
My lifestyle/culture? How can you even use those words when you don’t know what my lifestyle/culture is.
Look into yourself, mannikin.
Introspection vs. prayer. Your choice.

hey arcy, you have kids right, let’s say your son grows up and happens to be what you would call a homosexual, he loves cock and being penetrated by it, now i ask you what do you think of this…

Now i don’t want you to go down the boring typical route, each to their own, it’s his choice, he’s an adult blah blah no no, don’t do that…

I want you to write it directly…

Mannikin, I don’t mind my son taking a big black cock deep in his anus and loving it…

Go on, write it, go on,…you have no problem with these things after all, anyways right? go ahead…now sure you can redirect and say something like, “i’m not going be told what to do by you mannikin”…no no don’t do that…i’m asking something simple, very easy…nothing more than a confirmation of what you agree with right, you should have no issues with that statement at all…right? you might also say “mannikin, that’s a very dirty way of saying it and i don’t want to use those words”…no no don’t do that either, that’s not important, it still applies regardless…

let’s see you write it.

Yep Arc , Satyr or his disciple.

Here comes the sisterhood train, right on time…choooo choooo!!!

Transhumanism is indistinguishable from neoliberal “hyper-Christianized” hedonism. Atheistic modern hipsters are more Christian than your mom and dad could ever have been.

You know, I find it cute that you two feel the need reference Satyr, as if such views do not exist outside of satyr’s mind, and all who possess such understandings must either be Satyr himself or a disciple of his, just goes to show how isolated you weirdos are!..either that, or it’s just indication of how much coverage the modern viruses have to the point me, satyr and other like minded people appear to be rare or not generally existing, which is terrifying in itself! Especially when our views are based up on typical common sense and incredibly obvious…

Yeah we are a dying breed, i’m sure this all fills you with great glee…so your little son’s faggot fuck fest will not be disturbed…have a nice time raising your gender neutral children, don’t forget to ask Trixie for a few tranny prep tips that you can pass on to your “son”

p.s I heard that red louboutins with a pink floral dress is all the rage, i’m sure your son will be happy to experiment.

“Postmodern” just means “I’m so Christian I don’t even know that I’m Christian.”

Soon the Christ-computer artificially intelligent VR hologram projected into your mind will complete your “heaven on earth” fantasies. But only so long as you keep paying your monthly subscriptions to Disney, Google and Microsoft.

Over sensitive and resorting to obscenity, definitely Satyr influence, knows Satyr by his references to satyr. Poor little one, kind of have to pity such not hate or get angry at. Life must be miserable.
He cannot even figure out that friends stand up for each other , must be lonely, poor thing.