I had little idea Stefan Molyneux is insane

Government needs to end its ‘libel’ protection through social-networking platforms.

Make the platform responsible for libel, defamation, harassment and see what happens. They’ll be sued into the ground immediately.

At least threaten them, and allow them to backup. If they don’t, bring down the hammer.

Trump already made one threat. Next he should go after yahoo and google domains.

Big tech, social-media, have a choice to make. Adhere to Free Speech, and ‘balance’ left and right, liberal and conservative perspectives, or, if they censor one side, then they cannot retain government protection.

My prediction is, there will within a few years be an actually centre-less internet, entirely out of control of anyone, with no need for specific websites to host videos;
Essentially, the principle of a decentralized internet as alluded to in comedy show “Silicon Valley” is inevitable, though it describes only the hardware model, not any interface, because this requires entirely redefining the concept of interfacing. I predict that this will be in place in 2024.

That said,

Yeah that would instantly kill them. For that reason though I kind of expect it to not happen until there is a suitable replacement available.

According to the Flying Spaghetti Monster however…

Marxism is a result of devaluation, of loss of respect for the concepts such as liberty and value;
in a state of nihilism, the logic of Marxism can seem logical. Same as Hegel.
If one starts off with the premise that all is shit and there is literally no particular content to life at all, no such thing as nature nor such a thing as enjoyment, then Hegel can be read without noticing that anything is wrong.

Machinery without a purpose other than itself. Man becomes the fuel. And yet because the machinery has no purpose except to burn fuel, he is not burned efficiently at all; there is no quality in the machinery, because there is no criterion

  • a cruel, blind thing that consistently, systematically, reliably destroys all that adheres to it and is conscious of itself in its terms; Parodites called Hegel a incinerator, and said he had thrown him in it. In himself, that is. He says, Kierkegaard did the same, more or less.
    I simply dismiss him as an unhealthy stupidity.

Of course a world-view that consists of the premise of slavery is going to produce slavery. No matter what else it says, if the premise is slavery, which is the case in both Hegel and Marx, and if there is no positive content, no objects, no objectives other than to develop the self-understanding as a slave to it intimate consequence, as is the case as well, then slavery will be the result. QED.

Umm… you know… umm… Marxism has never been practiced on earth!

All Marxism is, is that the people own the means of production.

There! You got Marxism 101!!

K: and once again, please feel free to back up your words with… facts…
Please quote Marx to prove your point… and while you are at it, please
quote Hegel to prove your point…

I have read both and in no way, shape or form are you correct…

Marx in fact, was all about basic worker rights…8 hour days, 5 days working,
unemployment benefits, not having children under the age of 8 working…
basic worker rights…if you read his stuff, you would know that…

even the communist manifesto, is addressed to… surprise… workers…

that was his focus… workers and their rights…the only step he took that
would have been out of the mainstream, was his belief about private property…
and that belief was still engaging in what was best for the workers…

try reading Marx instead of making shit up…


Stefan Molyneux got banned from twitter last week.