I know who Satan is

It is my purpose.

Only in time of boredom.

Good luck with that S.O.B.

There is no luck, only the Force.

Yeah, only the luck of convincing oratory, as with Daniel Webster.


The most evil thing is convincing oratory that is based on falsehood, often clothed in demagoguery, it presents falsehoods presented in terms of endearing and soothing speech. The Devil and Daniel Webster presents such a play in words, that evil can be defeated by converting the meaning of redemption.
Just brought that in order to highlight the purported weakness of evil.

Evil can be defeated!

From where does evil spawn though? This being is the master manipulator.


Oh, what tangle web we weave, when we first practice to deceive.

Luke17-18, Satan is the Great Deceiver.

Deception may be an approach of interaction but from where is it inspired?

“Turn the other cheek” is absurd…

When it acts on it’s own set,

“Turn the other cheek of turning the other cheek”

It voids itself out…

Here’s the deal folks…

This is my anthem right now…


I’m going to reiterate the real golden rule:

Unless you can give everyone everything they want; you deserve nothing.

That is the goal…

When you deprive someone of this by holding them down in some way…

Expect that you will be held down in some way…

Don’t get cocky with grace…

Let me explain this better…

Do you really want the notoriety of being a being that held EVERYONE back???

You are one of the set of everyone!!!

It comes from duplicity. The duplicity Pascual thinks of takes the form how a man can take a fact he knows to be true, and make himself believe it’s opposite, knowing it to be a falsehood. This is the root of self deception.

NT James defines duplicity as being double minded–as not being at one in the self. He argues that wars without (outside the human psyche) come from wars within.



Satan is another being without human limitations. His affects are lightning fast from medium to medium. I don’t particularly enjoy his company; I’d rather be oblivious.

List me the 3 things you don’t like about him the most.

  1. Bombardment of messages that are strung together through various mediums (people by making them say extraordinary, out of character/context ideas in person, on TV, PC, etc.

  2. Power plays: glitches/changes in time, power surges/outages, temporary device disruptions that are causeless, alterations of reality.

  3. Making you know it’s personal and that you are the catcher, never to be the pitcher.

Like I said, good luck with that S.O.B.

By love. Even if that love causes your own defeat,!

Platitudes defeat nothing. Neither does denial.