Integrated Circuits

“Observer Only” Universe

Within the framework of Instant Singularities, technological singularities, modified minds become new Observer types and such. But as such you can imagine the division between inside and outside of the delimitations creating observer and outside world, changing, becoming variable, as an Observer and its corresponding Universe is just one entity made up of a chunk of matter, an item, a monolithic slab of Information Relationship Sets, of Interaction Sets, of Experience Sets sending itself signals, talking to itself, interacting with itself, sending itself information chunks, exchanging bits of information within itself (pretending that it is actually exchanging those bits with some imaginary outside world, when it is all just one world, inside and outside don’t exist, belonging and not belonging to is arbitrarily defined and delimited just because, for no reason at all, or at most just for the reasons of how much independence one part of the ensemble has from another part of the ensemble and such) and dividing them arbitrarily as from the inside to the outside, delimiting the set of interactions as belonging to an observer and another set as a reaction or action of the outside (imaginary and arbitrarily delimited outside world, as in all truth it is all one, just one monolithic ball of signals and information exchanges going on between all of the bits within the ball of exprience and interaction sets pretending to be talking to an outside world as compared to an inside world, pretending to be interacting bewteen an outside world and an observer type reacting to how the independent and imaginary disjoint outside world talks to it and such).

So the limit of the Outside World tending towards zero and the Observer tending towards infinite can create an Observer Only Universe, where the Observer doesn’t have to interact with anything independent from itself anymore, can competely invent and make up, and play make believe with itself and create any Universe it can imagine, anything at all, it would no longer have any possible constraint upon its experience set, and you can also have the opposite, the area delimiting the observer tending towards zero as the outside universe tends towards infinite and as such an observer completely drowning into totally independent chunks of information and such. And all other kinds of delimitations and interactions and possibilities and as usual you can also project and create super abstractions as in within a discourse, if 0 is the Observer and 1 is the Universe, what is 347766 ? what is minus th66, what is minus 4333 ? what is fhjrrttkh ? what is the pebble on the street ? what is the car tire and so forth, and the discourse can be intricate (and intractable ?) to no end, such as the words (or worlds ?) of the discourse are made up of symbols such that they are competely disjoint such that the first letter is a car tire, the second letter a steering wheel, the third letter a forest, the fourth letter an electron, the fifth letter a planet and so on, and combining all delimitations to create a symbol set, a sequence of symbols creating new worlds and words and information and so forth.

So you can also imagine a set of bits coming from one sense organ where the division of the bits can create any number of new sense organs according to how the Observer Processor processes those new bit delimitations and such maybe creating them as being sight and sound from a steady stream, a monolithic stream of indifferent bits not belonging to any sense organ at all. So you can also imagine a set of bits coming from different sense organs dividing them as being sight and sound and such and touch but you can also imagine that those bits can simply all be just one generalized sense organ corresponding to a sequence of symbols that can be divided into other new sense organs by the processing machine, inventing them and creating them on the fly, as such when a bird sings, he only uses sound to interact and describe his entire universe, a sound only universe but that is enough to create any universe as rich as any other, you just need a stream of bits to create any unvierse and then split the bits into many different parts and meanings and sense organs creating all of the further dimensions: as a bird from only sound can create vision and dimensions and maybe millions of other new sense organs according to how his processor divides the signals, organizes them in the mind and interacts with them and such-

So coconut says he didn’t read a “particle” of “my” post and such: well it isn’t my post, all these blocks of texts don’t belong to anyone or anything, they are simply information bits, a sequence of symbols, a generalized way to organize information in minds, independent from anything or anyone, a new way to organize information in any mind, and as such the generalized mind is one and only, a monlithic slab that exists inside a box independent from anyone but everyone thinks that it is theirs and such, nothing further from the truth, it is nothing, a generalized information processor independent of us that is on the top of our body…

And that explains why we don’t need more information workers, they are all manipulating the same box, the combinational affair as in the new jobs will all be the expression of new combinations. As in the reason why Education and Health Care are creating the most “new jobs” is that since most basics are licked and can be done with few workers, as in most of the Technological Economy has optimized and automated (and can potentially solve all of such technical problems in a jiffy if you get rid of contrasting will powers and politics and fights of puny people over breadcrumbs that can’t see the bigger picture) the only thing really left is to try out all of the possible new combinations of information and as a corollary all of the possible definitions of sicknesses and how to solve the sicknesess as in anything can be seen as a sickness, as a problem, you can define anything as a health problem and any target as the problem solved and in such a way create a never ending stream of new sicknesses and health care necessities as anything you think can mean you are sick (as soon as you think you are sick you feel sick and get sick and such) or you have been cured and this is a corollary of all of the possible information combinations in minds inventing their own sicknesses, and all the tests and examinations and health care, and sponging off from all of this the health care industry achieves and such.

As in the number of combinations of only 20 numbers is 10^20, a huge number, so think of education as the need to make everyone memorize 10^20 numbers, so you see education is infinite and the same with health care, a combinational affair, keep a steady stream of bits, and then it doesn’t even matter if the combinations are repeated and the redundancies, it is all about repetitions and redundancies today, it is an old and bored society today, it is all about boredome today, and fights to break the boredome and imaginary constraints and resource limitations when it is only fights between people, one person wanting to hog it all up and others fighting that one person or group of persons and so forth and such.

As a conclusion we need Free Salaries to All, Free Rents, and huge projects, skyscrapers and rockets to mars payed by the governments printing trillions of dollars by the FED instead of giving it to banks and such.


Imaginary Box

The imaginary box on the top of your body, the box everyone is trying to manipulate, everyone is trying to affirm their rules, the way they see things, as every brain gives the illusion as being the only brain, the only view, the view that occupies all space and all time, and we simply pay lip service to “politically correct” and “respect of other people’s opinion and views” and other BS. Because the entire concept of justice and law and envy and wanting to punish and so forth, all the political fights make it appear as if the BOX is one only and everyone is trying to make the combinations in the BOX be the way they want them to be, but since the combinations are infinite, and since everyone wants the generalized and absolute reality represented by the Imaginary Box to be they way they want it, they exert the fight their will power forces them to exert, as if that box is in some abstract world shared by all and everything, valid for all space and time and so forth.

The entire concept of morality and Law, the metaphysical rules imposed by religions, right and wrong, the wars and such, politics and fights are all because of this imaginary “common world” this imaginary metaphysical abstract “Imaginary Box” - the brain, that must behave and follow the values and laws any random brain (nay, group of brains, country, civilization, religion, a set of brains that affirm what the imaginary box must be by sheer numbers) believes must be the correct ones.

And yet the brain as an imaginary abstract box containing all and all of the world appears to be
exactly as such given the perfect logical and abstract nature of its logic circuits, all of its language and thought paths, the absolute and generalized sequence of patterns associated with sequence of words, with sequence of discourse everyone can understand, can connect to, the logic and language and thought paths being so purely perfect and abstract and logical, pure bits, pure logic, no extension here, and as such this box on the top of your body contains all of these abstract constructions inside of it, and as such all boxes of all people contain similar abstract constructions make it all appear as one place, one entity, a monolithic abstract imaginary box that is undergoing a tug of war between contrasting will powers wanting the box to contain and interact according to some arbitrary interaction set and such.

And as such when it is said “Justice is Made”, when someone is condemned according to the law and such, when someone wins the war, when god judges and punishes according to the rules: in that moment, the moment Justice is Made and such, the imaginary box appears to be a shared entity, a shared common monolithic entity that everyone thinks must behave and appear as one (a common construction, a monolithic entity everyone is helping to construct,in the same box but that is valid for all space and all time, just as the world appears to any single brain), being that the box is all, is the universe all and all, the box represents all of which is possible and such. The box of pure logic circuits (but if the minds had more extension between the logic symbols and circuits, more dead time and dead space, more undefined and random details - pebbles, car tires, broken glasses and windows and so forth, cracks, between all its logic, the imaginary box would no longer be such, there would be too much random detail in the common “platonic world” to make it appear so pure anymore, it would be wild and fun and crazy and no one could make much sense of it, the common world finally defeated, the imaginary box collapsed, finally, details prevail random wins, no more platonic structures here, no more metaphysical world here, now it is all crazy detailed random having no sense, where there is nothing to fight for, very localized and not generalized and absolute, completely relative and such). We worship the imaginary box and common world it represents, we devote ourselves to this god, this abstract place, this metaphysical construction of minds operating according to reason, all intent on constructing this common monolithic place containing the correct laws, the correct events, the history of the world must be a correct one and such.

But there is no such thing, it is just an illusion, there is no Imaginary Box, the abstract constructions live in an abstract world that makes the box appear real and all, but this is just one very particular fluke design of a brain, another design will change all of this and so forth.

Ape Cock says, now, go on and stick it in the Rant House, go on do that, go on, Barbie Crazy, Cinderella Confused, SHpac a LAc SHpa a shlac a speck…

First Gear its all right, Second gear hold on tight, third gear you’re out of sight, groovy man, groovy, dig it man, can you dig it ? dig it, sock it to me,…



The Soup

Year 3,512,667,899: the planet earth has become a Soup of entities, the accumulation of millions of years of devices, TV sets, cars, engines, jets, computers, books, thoughts, computer programs, you name it, nay, you imagine it, no matter how far out we will be drowning in a never ending amount of stuff (and histories and information and recordings of all the thought processes that have ever been, all of the lives and such) and so forth. The crust of the earth is the accumulation of machines all crushed onto each other, trillions of microprocessors, old ones, new ones, trillions of chemicals, trillions of car engines, electric motors, old skyscrapers that fell apart, trillions of old rockets (since by the year 3,000 we will already have been constructing a million skyscrapers a year and a million rockets a year through huge economies of scales, robots, computers, artificial intelligence, you name it, the Science Fiction Future Finally Achieved with all kinds of toys, everything imaginable and the population will have reached 1 trillion people, all super rich and scientists and such) the crust goes down for 500 miles full of all of this stuff, and trillions of other things, all kinds of things, radios, chemicals, trillions of old nuclear atomic plants, trillions of old modified brain experiments, all mixed up and crushed together (and liquified together, all phases of matter, a plasma of things, vapor and a liquid and a solid of all of this), the wildest combination of all kinds of disjoint and unrelated items, products, houses, buildings, forests, biological things, mechanical things, robots, electronic things, chips, and all kinds of wacky and crazy brain structures, all kinds of combinations of new mind experiments that have been produced, and created for generations of humans: just think that today, in the year 2013, a very primitive time compared to the millions of years of industrial production waiting to happen, we produce only a billion cell phones a year and 50 million cars a year, by the year 2200 we will be producing 10 billion cell phones a year and a billion cars a years and such, and untold numbers of other things, a huge amount of things, wild things, and such.

And then all of this will be in an ocean of electrons, an ocean of neutrons, and an ocean of all kinds of new invented particles, and even make believe particles, make it all up, make believe and create anything at all as in Free Physics as in invent anything you want, imagine anything you want, no matter how far out and impossible, nay, the more impossible the better (and the crust will be full of all kinds of old Virtual Realities all incomprehensible, all mixed, all illogical and such) we will have a huge amount of all of the planet drowning in huge oceans of all kinds of wacky elementary particles produced by trillions of old particle accelerators that produced all kinds of wild stuff. And now imagine all of these things reacting, undergoing a kind of phase (a phase change) of natural evolution, chips that self evolve and connect to car engines to reactors, to wires, all kinds of new circuits that organize themselves spontaneously, all kinds of new brains that evolve out of this soup of stuff, all mixed up and the combinations are never ending, the reactions amongst all of these things are never ending, all mixed, all creating repetitive patterns, self reinforcing repetitive patterns that evolve and create new species, mixed species made up of chips and pieces of metals, and biological remains, and Memories, old tapes, old records, old VHS tapes and all kinds of memories mixed and combined and all, and so forth, all kinds of crazy chemical reactions and electronic reactions and trillions of programming languages all mixed up with matter, trillions of programs, trillions of pieces of brains, neural networks connected to the strangest chunks of matter, and so forth, imagine how many possible combinations of items can be combined and can evolve from such a wild soup and such.

And such is our future: every new item produced today, every new thing will accumulate into a huge soup that will mix them all up in the end, that will create a new form of matter that will undergo all kinds of incredible reactions, evolutions, all kinds of new Experience Sets and New Minds and Brains that will emerge from all of this wild stuff put together in the wildest ways : a new brain made up of a piece of skyscraper and piece of engine and a piece of jet and a piece of rocket and pieces of chips and pieces of anything else, and this brain will experience a new life form, a new universe with new laws of physics and such: we are producing the building blocks of random, we are mixing the chemicals of the universe in such a way as to create the new soup that will produce new things in the future…




And thoughts become machines, between pieces of matter, a thoughts to matter converter and such. And Matter becomes thoughts and so forth, and and the accumulation of all thoughts into trillions of complex machines with trillions of complex mechanisms, coils, pistons, clockworks, ranging from nanomter sizes to kilometer large and all the sizes in between, al kinds of mechanisms and gears and clockwork pieces of all sizes and all kinds of connection, so many pieces and those machines were a representation of a thought path and such, and all of the thoughts paths of trillions of people for trillions of years crystallized into these incredible number of machines, all sized gears a 10 mile long piston turning a micrometer grear turning an inch long microprocessor with thousands or trillions of transistors thinking things and all kinds of wicked and crazy combinations, disjoint, imagine it to the utmost, and all kinds of converters, things converted into ideas converted into matter converted into steel converted into thoughts and so forth and the opposite occurs and the events create the thoughts that create new events and the other way around the events and the chunks of matter are the representation of thoughts and so forth (not thoughts that manipulate matter and decide, but matter manipulates thoughts and decides, and if 0 is thought and 1 is matter, what is 0.567 ? and what is 344 ? and what is minus 3444 and what is WSXX ? and the pebble ? and the planet and so forth and the car tire ? and so forth, super abstractions…), and all of these thoughts that are solidified are under miles wide crust of the future earth, all condensed and achieved and so forth, and time itself is disconnected, and past and future mixed, numbers mixed, large and small mixed, all upside down, all confused, a planet confused… space merged into time merged into matter merged into concepts merged into thoughts merged into machines and so forth…all hybrids and mixed entities being made up of so many different disjoint parts and such…


Creating a Totally Unrelated, Totally

Break down all of the conceptual barriers between words, concepts, things, stuff, items, entities concepts and so forth. Mix them all up, make them become all squashed together, crushed together into new things, incredible new entities having wild metaphysical properties and more, all kinds of ever more, create a new metaphysical material, a new substance made up of bits, and VHS tapes, and books and chips and skyscrapers and forests and thoughts and concepts all mixed up, all connected and disconnected together and such. Let the words melt into each other and let words melt into the things they represent and then into the things they don’t represent so you create a new fluid made up of words and things mixed together, a new phase transition of things into a new metaphysical material and such. Let the conceptual barriers melt down and into other things, melt everything together, mix up everything totally.

So the crust of the earth will be all of these things mixed together, crushed together, books, computer programs, engines, machines, robots, words, concepts, words, numbers, all kinds of items, all kinds of disjoint, incoherent things put together and mixed together, and these things become a liquid, a ball of items all mixed up.

A liquid, and condense into a liquid and then evaporate into a gas and then you mix even other things into it, like emotional states, and pictures, and you mix in time and then space and then numbers and then engines, all kinds of things disjoint, you really add apples and car tires and create a monolithic new item you don’t apply arithmetic and logic such as you need to add apples to apples, no, you don’t the opposite, you mix all kinds of things totally unrelated, you add them up, and you multiply them and so forth ever more crazy, what is a pebble and number 4 and a complex mathematical formula and a v8 engine all mixed up and together ? a new thing, a new groovy thing, a new possibility for wicked modified minds to interact with, to have new incredible Information Relationships with and so forth.

Break the logic and grammar of how things are connected and related and how they interact, break the barriers, make them interact in the craziest ways, make them go crazy, the crust is the condensation of ideas, and concepts and memories and emotions and metals and stones and so forth, all mixed up, all melted together or exploded together into a gas, vaporized into trillions of bits and pieces and then solidified again in some incredible new combination and ever so and insert on top of that new piece of material new concepts and new grammars, symbols, signals, events and new languages, and demolish all languages and create new things and connect all the random things in the most incredible way and go for it, connect a symbol to a piece of steel (but the resulting liquid is different if the symbol is written on a piece of paper, is only imagined, is written on a memory in bits and so forth) be crazy, play make believe, the future is there for you to grab…




"The gist of it seems to be that if we just mix up everything in the whole wide world into a new big mish mosh, something unforeseeable but GOOD will result.

I once used to write limericks (invariably with an offensive sexual slant) so someone, recognizing what they took as a penchant for poetry, gave me a gift along those lines. It was like a game. There were these white rectangular pieces each with a word on it. If memory serves, each piece was magnetized so they would stick to a surface like a refrigerator. The idea was to take a bunch of these words entirely at random and stick them on the fridge and maybe do some modest shifting around of the words and VOILA! you’d come up with a POEM."

Mix It Up

Breaking down the barriers between concepts, words, things, items and so forth is the achievement of the liberation of Matter and Energy from its prison of Logic. When you demolish the borders of words from things, and ideas from random crap on the floor and everything from everything else, you finally achieve a richer world, full of new and important things and experiences and possibilities and freedom: we are no longer within the realm of GOOD and BAD, we are beyond all of this petty stuff, of all of these logical constructions, we are in a completely different world and universe, some place infinitely far away from this simple one bit universe.

Mix all things up, just like they are in a brain, after all, everything is all mixed up in our brain but divided into sure compartments and categories, nothing contaminates anything else, everything is ordered according to thought paths, logical constructions, logical grammars, laws of interaction and such: but if you break down all of the borders between categories in brains, then everything becomes all mixed up, everything can become part of everything else, there are no longer logical constraints upon things to be in their place, they can be anywhere and do anything, they can be connected in any number of untold ways and mean anyhing at all and execute any sequeunce of emotions and other thoughts and feelings and so forth and you can connect all of this random insanity to any random pain/pleasure circuits but even more, ever more new sense organs, ever more new divisional experience categories such as super pain and super pleasure and ever more and super abstractions and all kinds of new logics and connections and new universes and so forth and such. Such as if pain is 7 and pleasure is 44 what is 23 ? and what is 12344 ? and what is the car tire ? and the steering wheel ? and such (and I don’t mean more or less pain as in intensity I mean completely different conceptual entities from pain or pleasure, a new thing and then another new thing and so forth).

So break down all things from themselves and mix them up, put a tree, a steering wheel, a car tire and a microprocessor in the cooking pan and cook them together and see what comes out, or just crush them together, or even just leave them separate and create a new logic and grammar and language upon them and so forth, and ever more, and imagine that they are super precise concepts and mathematically defined to infinite precision in as even if the tree is different by a nanometer the entire concept would vanish and be demolished and such, or do the opposite; that concept or experience or undergoing Matter and Mass and Energy Phase Transition and Change can be provoked by equivalent items such as a pebble (but only a very specific design of a pebble) a car a planet and an electron (but all extremely precisely designed according to some new and wicked and incredible logic and grammar and thought path and symbol set and event sets and so forth).



busty says : “Olds69 is not a Troll because his message is neither coherent nor contrary.”

Nay, contrary: JHK is still fighting a 1920s fight against that new technology called the “Automobile”: wow and he and most of his followers are all old timers still fighting that other new technology called TV and all such things worshipping Nature and such (we don’t need a new religion, give us back the good old Christ for Christ’s Sake!). How stupid, we must go forward and become the Kings of the Universe, and Manipulate all the Universe to Death! That is why I am against JHK’s ideology: we need Free Salaries, Cheap Rents, Huge Public Private Projects that create Super Consumption, trillions of cars, skyscrapers, rockets and you know the rest.

rhino - cash says: "You know, college and university grads that you disdain, slave away year after year, designing and building and administering and delivering. "

Yeah rhino we know: the Hard Work myth and such, the Work Ethic and such, the need to work alot, but you are stupid rhino, you don’t see what is right under your eyes: Work is no longer necessary in a Technological Economy, it can use a few brilliant scientists (“MRI machines” etc.), maybe a few thousands worldwide, but the rest of the millions of workers are redundant structurally, are not needed, there is nothing useful they can do for “Humanity” or the “Common Good” and such: tell me how are you going to occupy millions of more “average” workers for 8 hours a day everyday for years on end, and being paid a salary for what ? Don’t you realize most work is just a make believe hiding status fights, officer politics, very few tasks are really necessary, very few manipulations as in Input → Manipulation → Output are really necessary or bring about anything but just a show of who can command who to do the next idiotic useless task just to make believe that it is work and they are “working” and such. And actually, a Technological Economy crystallizes the status structure of power more so than ever before (everyone wonders why the 1 % are getting richer and richer while the rest can drop dead ?), exactly because the great majority of workers are “despensable”, can be “laid off whenever the companies feels it needs to”, can be “replaced in a jiffy”, as in “everyone is important but no one is unreplaceable” and such. Work and Jobs is obsolete rhino, get over it, you did nothing but be a salve for all of your life, like millions of others believing that you were achieving and such: nothing further from the truth, only Power counts, only A against B in the end, only the Will Power forcing you to do what you don’t want to (or convincing you to do what you think you want to and such), it is very simple: A against B, A fights B, A wins and B loses, end of story, nothing deeper or more important, no Common Good here rhino, no Structural Necessity for labor anymore rhino…and don’t say QUak quack, say shpacc a lacc , shpacc a lacc a shlaac a shappcc…

Organized Insanity

The demolition of True and False, the demolition of Fake and Real, of Truth and Lies, the vanishing of any possibility to distinguish between real and false, real and make believe and such, since by deconstructing categories, by demolishing all boundaries between entities and concepts and items and thoughts and delimitations and anything else, anything is right or wrong, anything is good or bad anything can be or can be the opposite and so forth and such according to how the items and the corresponding grammar is organized in minds. Since you can organize random items in any possible way and anything, any sequence of entities and items and events and thought paths and anything at all (planets, stars, electrons, formulas, letters, symbols, the more mixed up the better, the more the items are totally disconnected, incoherent and disjoint the better, the more the contrast between entities the better, the more surprising the mix of entities squashed together are, mixed together, crushed toghether, vaporized and exploded together and then crystallized into a new solid of unknown meaning and unknown new possible grammar and connections to who knows who, the better) in any possible way, then anything can become true or false, anything can acquire infinite value or no value and such, organize things in the most incredible way, make them mean anything and so forth.

And anyways most civilization is based on arbitrary constructions of targets and goals and rituals and customs with no real necessities, they have all been licked now, now it is play time and what better time to exercise Power against the weaker making them believe that there are real structural reasons for so many things when all of those things just hide a simple power relationship, a simple will power against another for no reason at all but just because and such.

And in this way, you always win, anything can become a goal achieved, actually everything is achieved, or anything can become anything else, like any new configuration can be a target and you can invent any sequence of paths the items must be configured as to reach the target as the goal being achieved, as the path towards the target being executed and such and since it is all a random variable, you can invent the wildest and such, keep on creating all kinds of new targets and paths and meanings and jobs, an electron is a civilization and the car tire is the target and the steering wheel is the history of a war within that cilization and you must execute a sequence of complex steps to explain it or to fight that war and so forth and create imaginary minds evaluating all of this and so forth (and their judgments and such, since we are always slaves of judgments, but judgments are always occuring in other minds, you can’t touch judgments, only the execution of an event that that judgment can have on your pain/pleasure circuits and such) and you can change all judgments and always win, or program anything, as the pebble is the judgment and the mind is the broom and tin can is the idea behind the judgment, go on you can do it, be crazy and wild, you always win and such. AMEN.



May I entertain you, you can mix a few transistors at 32nm length with a jet engine with a skyscraper with a pebble and create a new circuit, a new function (or many parallel functions) you can invent and make believe and play just like a little baby that that is something cool and groovy that works, that does new incredible things, metaphysical things, abstract things, or even super real things and so forth and you can imagine how the brain form represented by the car tire can react to the new type of computer made of those chunks of matter, those random pieces of material connected in the strangest ways, interacting in the most surprising and unexpeted ways, disrupting everything you could ever imagine and everything you ever knew about how the “world worked”, total disruption of all and such. And everything you see, all kinds of things, ideas, thoughts, concepts, pieces of materials, designs and pictures, can be combined in the strangest ways, can become a superprecise circuit creating incredible new functions, or everything can be the serialization of a linear function that creates just a small pebble on Mars, or that creates a smbol written on a piece of paper, or the symbol in a machine can be converted into all kinds of materials or items, all kinds of disjoint, incoherent mixes of things, meaning some many new things and so forth…


And what if the new type of animal needs a trillion years to grow up ? and then maybe it can grow up and grow down ? and what if the new thing takes a 1,000 years to grow up from becoming a little baby to an old man and then it goes backwards from an old man to a little baby again forgetting all or maybe if it grows up and grows down in all kinds of ways and such and then maybe there are other electron people that can grow up and down in a picosecond (and a set of trillion of thing people observers all growing up and down at different frequencies, cross interacting and so forth, total confusion, total mixing of all chemicals and Information Sets as wild as possible) and then maybe matter can organize a lot of subsets into one and become a new person (a chair and a car tire and a mountain and a tree is a new person and such or a new society and such, a new history, history doesn’t repeat itself) or system or civilization and then decompose into another and so forth, the distinction between infividual and system keeps on changing growing up and down and sideways and this and that and maybe the new alien race finds how to use all the pebbles on the street as a resource, as gold, maybe all the left over chips and circuits of trillions of years of electronic waste becomes the substrate for a new system of chemical reactions creating all kinds of civilization - electron people - cyborg - Instant Singularity Atom Bomb Brain Hybrids and so forth, and so and be a little baby, a little cry baby and invent all the craziest things, play make believe, play make believe in your backyard…while mommy cooks…




Industry as the construction of functions, the construction of partial functions, but invert the functions and let us the users be the functions for the functions, the cars are the living beings and observers and we are bringing them around and such, but the functions are always partial, always a means for another end which is a means for another end and so forth, the highway is a function for the cars which are a function for the jobs and so forth, but the network of functions can be delimited in any possible way and we can say the car tire and the headlight is a function for the highway and such, and confuse it all and let the partial functions extend in time and space, a trillion years of events across the universe is simply a function for a pebble, for a spark plug in an engine and such, the partial network of functions can extend in space and time and be constructed with so many partial chunks of things, not matter but things as thoughts, words, numbers headlights car tires, bricks and so forth, movies, concepts ,songs, all confused, all mixed up and all being functions or invariants of functions to other invariants, a function to invariant converter, we are the invariant, but we become a function and the number 8 becomes the observer invariant and so forth and such, break all barriers between mental concepts and compartments, mix it up, break away from the past, break through the barriers of logic and meaning, create new circuits in brain type observers, mix the words up, mix the concepts up, be confused, get it all wrong, invent the wildest, make it all go crazy, do it man, first gear its all right, second gear your out of sight third gear hang out tight, groovy man groovy, sock it to me, groovy man.

And then the factory is the end point, the final goal, the final symbol, or maybe the entire history of a factory is just a word in a language of another word and so forth, mix it up, put everything inside everything else, stable functions for partial ends and goals, but what is the partial end of a spark plug an ocean a star and a glass of water ? what function does that have as connected to a slab of steel ? (and all of the other possible combinations delimitations, the numbers are trillions the possibilities are trillions an ocean of functions, invariants, worlds, goals and tasks put upside down, all gone wild and crazy and such) and other partial goals and means and ends, and make them become total goals, no longer partial network of functions, but one monolithic function occupying all space and time and all meanings and so forth, and disconnect functions from use and meaning and make them become new universes and so forth, you get it…

the clown, the spark plug

the 8ape 8 spark

the clown plug

the spark

just sign out as god, just sign out as god…


Explosionism as in the event, the door closing can be translated into a forest or compressionism, the forest can be compressed into a car tire, is the car tire, or the event, the door closing can be a mall, or a book, or a trillion thoughts and the compressionism the letters of a trillion books can be compressed into a pebble, is the pebble, or a city can be compressed into a chair , is the chair and so forth and all of the combinations and so forth and such.


And just look at all of the things, they can be combined and mean anything, everything can be a part of anything else or can be reduced or exploded into anything else and so forth, the house and car can be reduced to the mall and steering wheel (and imagine all the little details of all of these things and what they can mean and how many trillions of complex relationships, meanings, incredible things they all mean and such) and such and the opposite and the observer could be the pebble or the rock on mars and the thoughts can be the ocean wave and an electron and a photon inside a star and the observer could be the nucleus of Jupiter so forth, all mixed, wild mixes, all connected and disconnected, be the craziest, the craziest possible ideas and chunks of concepts and and ideas so forth forever.

And language itself, with all of its words and compartments, all of the things, not matter or energy or mass energy or existence, but things, anything, anything at all, wildly random things like belonging to any possible syntactical scheme, like a thought and an eye and an emotion and a pain and a symbol and a pebble and a history and a memory, a story, a book, a library, a computer and a “put any word or blocks of texts in this place holder” as any other thing, things and so forth and such can be all mixed up, cooked in a frying pan, or squashed together, melted together, crushed together, or boiled together, all mixed and vaporized and exploded together creating all kinds of new and incredible combinations of new creations, new things, new types of observers and experiences and universes and such, keep on mixing and cooking and connecting all things in the wildest way and create so many new things, new inventions, new contraptions and so forth.

And if there is no solution to any problems like the political or economical problems, then there is no cause and effect operating in the first place, it is not really even intractable since any model of cause and effect is wrong because it is not applicable and such. So we have events without any controlling causes, just a sequence of events with someone making believe that one event is the cause of another just because it appeared before, but it is not so, it is just a disjoint event disconnected from the next, there is no cause and effect, events without any cause, problems without any solutions and so forth (and really all social and economical and political problems will always be without any solution because their basis is simply contrasting will powers, A against B and this is irreducible to any possible solution, it is just a fight with a winner and a loser and the problem just changes hands and becomes the losers problem and such, the law of conservation of problems and such), so then there are no problems in the first place, if the rock on mars is too small and if I invent that as a problem, what causes that ? and why should I invent that as a problem in the first place ? problems are simply inventions our minds creates, models that we suppose reality should abide to and such, but there are no problems or models or causes and effects and such…

spark thug

No, logics in 1 core works faster, as things are closer and less things don’t have to be connected via busses and bridges.