Is existence enough?

A denial of life is a denial of all promise, because We have so many abilities, and to not interact with this stage of life, to cheapen the experience lessens the beauty of nature.

Einstein says that He who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe has his eyes closed, so we need to awaken, be spiritually attuned, manifested from the highest radiance, and perceiving the full infinitude of the divine intellect, which realizes possibilities from the lowest to the highest, realizing all levels of existence.

Have you ever had a dream? The unconscious cannot reveal itself fully to one whom is not yet ready for it to be revealed. Imagination and ideas don’t seem mysterious when they come out of nowhere?

We certainly don’t come to them. That’s pretty mysterious to me, all the environment truly does is shapes the ego of which is the confinement of the past and future individual in a present moment. That seems pretty mysterious also.