Jesus, an out-of-control sage smokin' dope. Read the history

Hello F(r)iends,

No, I don’t Gobbo.
You joke, I joke.
My jokes are just at your expense.
For example:

Stop being a coward and read something other than your “World Conspiracy as Seen Through The Eyes Of a Pothead” book…


You laugh.
I laugh.
We all laugh.
Hardy har har.


What’s so shocking about a pro cannibus site saying that the disciples of lord christ smoked pot? Talk about unfounded claims. You say this crap is more believeable than what was handed down through the bible?

Pshaw. Now for a different take:

Native Americans partook of peyote to journey across the astral plane… it was far less ineffable than god, and something that when done in joint is far more ethereal than simple prayer towards god. Both connect you to something, peyote and pot forces the connection, without those you have to strive to find the connection.

The thing is, the connection that peyote or pot (or something similiar) provides is completely artificial. It’s fake and unfounded, and when you come down from your high, you’ll be further from nirvana than when you started.

While god is completely effable, we make him ineffable through the lack of willingness to let go of our material reality.

Well… first off, that’s a fucking horrible joke :laughing:

You guys continually throw this at me like it’s some major insult. It’s a character I play on a friggin hilarious sitcom. I talk about that stuff here because I can’t talk about to anyone I know in real life. Every post like the one you just made makes me want to turn up the cliche meter a little bit more.

As for Ucci, he can defend himself. He knows he shouldn’t have ventured into this thread. Look back, what did he contribute?

“Trust the New Testament”


“Just do it”

Hello F(r)iends,

And your joke was better? Please! :stuck_out_tongue:
Also, do turn up the “cliche meter” on some more…
It would be delightful. :smiley:

How is it your pot clarifies so much for you in other things and yet when it comes to these things you are suddenly engulfed in a cloud of potsmoke? I would almost accuse you of intentionally misrepresenting Ucci’s argument but to do that you would actually have to understand it first! No chance of that…

But relax Gobbo. Just light up and relax.


True a lot of prophets talk to God high. Read Heaven and Hell.

Interesting - I’m tempted to believe it, but the bioblesource mentions not the word ‘cannabis’

'22 Moreover the LORD spoke unto Moses, saying: 23 'Take thou also unto thee the chief spices, of flowing myrrh five hundred shekels, and of sweet cinnamon half so much, even two hundred and fifty, and of sweet calamus two hundred and fifty, 24 and of cassia five hundred, after the shekel of the sanctuary, and of olive oil a hin. 25 And thou shalt make it a holy anointing oil, a perfume compounded after the art of the perfumer; it shall be a holy anointing oil. "

Calamus? Cassia?

Did you “let go of our material reality” yet?

Just wondering.


Subject 2:
JM, in the article it wasn’t talkin’ about the Isrealites using cannabis plant, it was talking about them using the bud/flower part of it, which went by a different name then the actual plant.


Subject 3:

I had a strange dream this morning:

[size=117]Last night before I had sleeped I had desided to take on another metaphysical form, and for too many reasons to list.

I did not expect to be exactly this form as I was dreaming, but this was my form in the dream:

I was divided… I was divided between the will to protect and preserve – vs my hate for stupidity, corruption, weakness, etc.
At a stadium there was a gathering and an auction of stolen antiques, a vast scam… The CIA later entered the building, a group of agents…
After a while the fighting started in the back hall, meanwhile the “fat cats” [bosses] were in another room, far more secure, and I was underneith these bosses, in the ventalation system.
After sensing what kind of people these scam-lords were, I desided to kill them. I was able to shatter and break objects, and light fire – all by will. I could feel myself effecting the things around me. I was also able to physically break steel, fly, etc. I desided to save the electronics technitian instead of destroy him, after destroying most of the bosses, though the technitian was a crazy fool. The technitian attempted to destroy the building and the evidence by causing a large electrical overcharge somehow… Something that would overheat all of the electric wire in the entire building.
Well I did leave, him with me as I flew, I set him down somewhere – then was arguing withmyself above an ocean.
I could not deside – whether to repair or destroy the humans…
A while later, perhaps by chance, I met a powerful “mutant”; she was some sort of superhuman; also, perhaps partially cyborg-inhanced; she reminded me of Cybris… We spoke of many things; she helped me to want to be more of a “better person” again; that will was struggling, angery and alone before.
The love wasn’t very deep, but she was a good friend and even a taste of this socially united essence helped me greatly to calm down and be more “humane”. After the testing & practice of our powers and more conversations at a forestated mountain, we had left for a distant hotel; I am not sure why, but she had probably sensed we should go there, as she had more ESP then I did.

I found a guy in that hotel – who seemed to be powerful. Upon sensing this, I began to try to influance him. I wanted to share my strong feelings with him, but these consisted mostly of agression. He was able to completely ignore me at first, he with his hippy attitude and his long hair… Then I knocked down an expencive vase in his home from high altitude. I wanted him to “wake up” and agree with me and my anger. I wanted him to know what it means to fight and hunt. The vase did not break when it hit the ground, and I soon picked it up. There was a strange mark on it – that nearly appeared flesh-like. I then realized why and how, and saw this man was beginning to become upset.
" You are interconnective with the universe, the objects and the bodies around you. The vase is healing itself and regrowing quickly. You are able to connect with things, so that one object ressonates with the other, and the two become one, though each in their own place and each in their own form. " ~I said.
He sensed that I now knew who he was, and he also sensed that I had a valid argument. He had great pain, that he usually would silance with a deep peace. Now he was walking away from us, he was leaving.
I yelled to him: " Your compassion is deadly! It will destroy you! Save yourself, instead of others! "
Besides my words, I continually sending him many thoughts, reasons and emotions telepathically.
Then he revealed his pain, in part. It was an intense compassionate pain; a vast sympathy. He had tears in his eyes, as he told me what it feels like to die, and I could sense him remembering many people suffering, a child watching his or her parent(s) die, things like that. Now he was almost running, as he was leaving. I was still angery, and blocked his way out of the hotel. Now he was mad… He had a chain in his hand, and wanted me to get out of his way. He was tempted to strike me; he wanted to get away from me and my words.
Upon sensing his anger, I asked him: " Have you ever killed someone before? "
And then he dropped the chain in his hand, and his posture change. The light around him became dark. Bitter, painful regret over the earth and the frustration – he had. He had much guilt in him, besides the compassion. I knew how much these hurt, and I did not want these to destroy him, thus my anger and strong feelings about the subject – as I tried to change his mind… But he left me there, and later boarded a plain.

I woke up.

Upon reflection about this subject, this man was probably capable of great destructive powers aswel.
Unlike me, he was capable of divination aswel, and could see into the future. I sensed him use this as he was leaving the hotel, but only he knew what it meant, as he saw it and I was partially reading his mind. His interconnection with the world around him had a vast meaning that I cannot fully describe. He was able to derive power from the forces of nature, control them, focus them, or gain cosmic energy from stars. I think that he was somehow aware of all life on earth, and could feel all of its pain and pleasure simultaniously. He could heal someone or something – by ressonating with that person, somehow becoming them, and then sharing their burden. I suppose that his power was a dirivitive of all that we was connected to, and he felt in dept to the universe somehow, this shared himself with it. It was very democratic, he wanted what everyone else wanted most, and could sense what they needed. He was an ideal “hero”, and for this reason I knew how much danger he was in. This sort of heroic load-baring is incredibly painful and hard on a person. I understood – he had allot of pain that he never showed anyone, but I mannaged to spark it a bit during my preasure upon him. It must have been very, VERY frustrating for him – to know the future and not really be able to change it. He had to consciously face “fate” and “doom” often. He wanted to do his job, but I knew that he didn’t want to do it, somewhere inside of him he didn’t want all this. I suppose the pain of earth was more powerful then his own pain during his works and sacrifices, so he simply “had to” give himself to them and live for them all. This was very democratic. I hated it, because I was Demipreditheos, and I knew that becoming a part of any organization would result in more evil then good; it is better to be alone and independent.

This man, from what I could guess in the dream, was Jesus, and some of the things that I could sense about him were ineffable, though I did realize what it truly meant there…

"Jesus said, “If you become my disciples and hearken to my sayings, these stones will serve you.” "
~(Inanimate objects normally cannot “serve” anyone, unless a person were to be connected with all of them, able to gain a tiny bit of energy from each of them.)

" Jesus saw some babies nursing. He said to his disciples, “These nursing babies are like those who enter the kingdom.” They said to him, “Then shall we enter the kingdom as babies?” Jesus said to them, “When you make the two into one, when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male and the female will not be female, when you make eyes replacing an eye, a hand replacing a hand, a foot replacing a foot, and an image replacing an image, then you will enter the kingdom.” "
(~Ofcourse, “as babies” was his illustration here. “Babies” are closer to the stage of life before birth, he talks about getting back closer to metaexistence. People are healthier and more vital when young; besides this, they are more pure. He’s talking about a human becoming more metaphysical, IMO, and also more interconnected with the universe.
When he talks about “make the two into one”; “make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner” this all ties in perfectly to the dream, in which the individual is interconnected with the universe and the earth… But this state is not easy for anyone or anything to gain, and it’s not easy to handle. I personally did not want it, I cannot agree with and slave for the masses, no matter how much they give me.)[/size]

Ofcourse it was just a dream. Don’t take me too seriously, I cannot control what I dream about [remember the skunks? lo].


“What is a Christ?”
Whatever Jesus was. IMO, it has something to do with humans spiritually reconecting to the universe, earth and all life; also, it may have to do with humans reconnecting with the forces that they were metaphysically, before birth & before conception? If he did it, no one really knows how he did it…


was coined quite recently.