Joker/Ha Ha Ha Memorial

Hey, at least I don’t parade around as a man wearing makeup for a decade.

I don’t understand everybody’s animosity towards clowns around here.

You never saw the movie “It”, or “Killer Clowns From Outer Space”?

I’m a clown. You can trust me.

Buddha isn’t a faggot and never was.

Since the Laughing Man is seemingly departed, I will don again the mantle of the Joker, not in any respect toward the departed, but to show something better with it than the departed was able to perform to.

Some just can’t handle twisted thoughts as well as others, apparently.

Yes, that’s the kind of originality we can all come to expect from somebody like you. Knock yourself out.

You’re not a hard case to understand at all. There’s nothing twisted or hard to understand coming from a drug addicted simpleton.

I’ve seen both. Two of my favorite movies if I must be honest.

Several years back, someone who used to call themselves the Joker gave up the name, and Merlin said the same thing you did random… word for word, he said this to Merlin.

The torch now passes to you. That lineage stretches back yo the stone age. Every single one, a carbon copy of the previous one, minus the odd abberation that comes from making a copy from a copy from a copy. Example… thousands of years ago, all Jokers had big cocks, shrunk o’er time, now they are a bunch of fucking angry pin dicks.

I can see Joker as a Merlin’s apprentice, maybe. :-k

Random probably doesn’t even know the ancient mathematics of the Joker’s purpose, which was to regulate the aesthetics of the aristocracy and provide intelligent comment to the aristocracy, similar to the checks and balance of the Trinity of the American Government. When the aesthetics of the King, Queen, and Joker falls, then the aesthetics of the Knight falls, then the aesthetics of the commoner falls, and we have the shitshow we have today.

The originality comes from the fact that I wore this visage not so long ago as about 7-8 years. If I’m not mistaken, that largely dwarfs laughing mans existence in the capacity of these forums.

You never even tried to understand this case, but nice try with the ineffective insult.

I told laughing man once that I fixed the Jokers twistedness. So… When I said I would prove that I had done what he could never do…

Finish yourself off, clean up and lock the door on your way out, please.

You know, that has no relevancy at all to anything that truly matters in existence.

The joker in this capacity represents a reformed Nero from Roman times. As Nero was needed as twisted and insane by the people themselves to perform to his arts of twisted chaos to push them and his competitors to bring about his death to cause the chain of successors to push them forward toward a future renewal, the reincarnation of Nero as Joker signified the complete reformation from twisted insanity to seemingly twisted sanity as he wore the mask and emulated perfectly what he knew he was no longer, which caused Heath Ledger to get caught up for even he could not see that far past that twisted nature into the actual reform for how far the joker went into the depths of insanity itself to make sure that it would be the first and last in terms of insanity to end once and for all a dead and broken cycle as the Joker largely earned his entrance into a better state of mind. Something that even the laughing man could not see. Those who were forced to fill an office in such terms as necessity to the growth of humanity and furthering of society are often given two lives in that regard in this eternity amongst the others they might live: one into the twisted insanity, and one out the other side and back into the light of day.

You want to call it a shitshow, but what do you actually know of the state of the world or what’s going on when you yourself still largely believe and buy into so many things that you have to take on faith to be true, still largely believing that so many things are forced to tell the truth to the world.

You will get caught up and twisted up in something you can’t get free of while trying to discern the tangled skein of the worlds politics to figure it all out, and it will be largely dissatisfying to you when you realize the truth. Good luck hunting, though.

Keep smoking that crack pipe under a highway underpass.

Mickey Mouse of all things? Shakes head

You know what, I think you would be a great fictional writer of some kind.

That’s a invitation to be your autobiographical ghost writer?

No, I don’t think so. You’d fuck it up somehow.

What if we were to imagine all of Merlin’s most recent posts, in the voice of Trixie? Specifically, when she is angry?

That’s how I’ve always imagined them.