Long live the Cubic Creation Principle of all Life and Nature-TimeCube!

Nothing to add to that whatsoever. Eloquently, articulately perfect. Well done.

Well, didn’t anyone add anything to the list of CRAP ? Well then I shall add some more false religions:

  1. Capitalism- free market economy MYTH. This is another subtle one, they think everyone can become rich etc. only a very small amount of people get anywhere and anyways it is tied up with that other false religion called MONEY.

  2. Economy. This is a FALSE SCIENCE. All it talks about are really very vague abstract concepts, that no one really can understand. Economic growth for example can mean anything; if more bombs are dropped in crappy Iraq more factories produce more bombs to kill etc, there you get economic growth which in the end means nothing…

Anyways, bear in mind that I do SUCK alot.

If you don’t believe in the clown called god, you can’t believe in anything. Or anything you believe in is god with a MASK. He masks himself, he puts on a disguise and hoses people through other IDOLS. If you believe in the christ, then you can only believe in him and only completely dedicate yourself to him 24 hours a day, every thought, don’t eat, don’t drink, pure adoration to absolutely nothing.

When you really reach a point of not believing in NOTHING, then you are truly spiritual and absolutely free. Free your minds, hand yourselves over to your own devices, be yourself.

Transhumanism is another kind of religion, I like the part of Paradise Engineering, who knows this may be the future.

Everything is impossible, amazing, cannot be understood, we are totally clueless about everything.

changed to make the above statement correct.


(when you believe in nothing like yourself, then the statements you’ve made are true. Being an atheist is easy, you simply have to deny god… of course, the only thing easier then denying god, is denying everything, like you yourself have.)

Nameta9 wrote:

I understand you, and I understand your purpose. But I want you to ask yourself a question, why are you on this forum? You are expressing an idea, a formulation of thought, something you believe in; are you worshipping?

This is what I suggest. Give up. When I say this, I dont mean give up your search for truth or God or whatever it might be, but I mean yield. Just live, let the wind blow you. Basically, stop fighting yourself, and stop fighting others, just let things be.

You “know” that you don’t know anything, therefore you know something. You “know” that logic, common sense, reason, coherence, etc are bull. You “know” language in able to write your sentences.

You don’t have to believe a word I am saying, but I don’t think you should be too suprised when no one embraces your line of thought.

Adam , your creature of habit is showing , do you mind the rest of us would like a calm thread going , please and thank you.

What do you mean my “creature of habit is showing?”

All I was doing was pointing out that Nameta9’s nihilism is not going to be widely accepted among students of philosophy, because it is not coherent. I was just pointing out the contradictions, and why it is really hard to accept any philosophy where the thinker claims he does not know anything.

To believe is simply to hold as true and real; your list of falsehoods only reflects a lack of understanding of each member of the list. If a man doesn’t even think of himself as real, he would decry his own identity; ‘I am not’. Where are you going to get with that?

Does the word ‘everything’ include that sentence?

The freedom you want is pointless. Too much freedom is just chaos, too little is stagnation. Your attempt at cutting away every boundary of belief is pushing toward chaos. To give a simple example: You believe all beliefs are false, therefore your belief is false.

If that belief is false, then there would in fact be knowledge. That is why nihilism makes no sense. Claiming that no knowledge is possible really means that knowledge is possible. It is too contradictory of a philosophy to take seriously.

Adam11, nicely said.

If you mean that you’re having fun playing with nameta9, then you’re the one who should give him enough respect to respond seriously (or not at all).

What’s so wrong with organization? With form? What is it that you do think has value–besides being contradictory–in a philosophical sense? Obviously, you think something does, otherwise you wouldn’t put forth the effort to post all of your (organized) capital letters here.

Why does jesus speak to little children ? Why did god not want Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil ? because god wants us to be as innocent as possible, to not know anything at all, to be as innocent as Eve who did not even run away when a snake talked to her. Even a 3 year old child would run away today if an animal talked to her, imagine eating from the tree!

The edge of knowledge always reaches the point of self contradiction. If we are to be without any knowledge as god wants and the bible declares, then even the knowledge in the bible is not to be known. And in fact THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL IS EXACTLY THE BIBLE. God wants us to be as innocent as Eve, like little children, without any knowledge at all, pure and free like little free hippies having fun and sex and music and love etc.

But even this is knowledge, so then it becomes a self contradiction, hence we cannot know anything anyways. Anyways language is like a pretty painting you can say all kinds of mysterious nice verses like “jesus talks to little children and shows himself only to little children” and it seems deep and true but it is just a bunch of mystical CRAP, it is clown talk, everything means nothing, GOD HAVE MERCY ON US.

that’s a pretty long list of false religions. and those are some really big claims.

so if all those are false, what’s true?

Another false religion is NUMBERS. The human mind is obsessed with numbers or more precisely measurements or even more precisely COMPARISONS. I saw a piece of a documentary that was describing a primitive african tribe that had a ritual to see who gets the fattest. This made me think about all the human mind’s obsession with this thought structure.

Formula 1 cars must go FASTER, Gigaflop computers are studied, we must exceed the limits, more production, 10 billion VHS tapes produced, millions of square feet of ABANDONED MALLS in America, etc. I myself love these numbers, all kinds of numbers, nonetheless it is an OBSESSION. Alot of scientific thought is based on MORE precision, MORE gigahertz, MORE everything. Religion measures alot also, extreme pain is hell, extreme pleasure heaven ? Are we closer to reality or KNOW reality deeper when experiencing extreme or MORE pain ? very strange are religions …

We measure and compare because we are totally CLUELESS.

If we could not know anything, then it would be impossible to recognize that lack of knowledge. By saying “we cannot know anything anways,” you are claiming to know something. If it is possible to claim that you know nothing, then there is no reason to believe that other types of knowledge are impossible. If it is possible that other types of knowledge are possible, then your original claim of ignorance is nonsense. Your nihilism is totally self-defeating and incoherent.

If we are clueless, then how are you able to recognize this?

Do you really think I have any answers at all ? I don’t even know what I am talking about, and after reading this thread over I don’t understand any of it at all. I am totally lost.

nameta9 wrote:

Then why continue? Stop having an opinion, its knowledge.

Directly from the Holy Scriptures, or if you prefer THE WORD OF GOD:


"1. And the Son of Man sayeth, I tell you the truth, you can only know
what you already know; 2. you can only know what you have always known, and what you have always known is nothing. 3. Knowledge is like power, it cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed. 4. and they were amazed and awed by what they heard, by such a great revelation. "

i like very much your thoughts namenta9 i have deep sense of God and you are beyound men Adam is the lowest one i think we have been made by same stuff beyound adam from Eve i think Adam is from satan who annoyed God He was innocent too He did’nt know that dum are cruel so he made us on values so we would love being stupid as we are

in fact you are smart as in values they will see you high and how desperate they are to grap anything they can to say i am

Yes we don’t need anything at all to be proud i can see on the extreme how God made us feel paradise in just Him all the world breath is dirtying my soul

Eve must be God that is why she had to eat from the knowledge tree as adam to see the superiority he can’t of God who were forced to say values made Love so we can go back to God with no disturbance to joys of God

i wish we could be stupid beside God