Mandatory Vaccination

Based on his age, he is in the high risk group. So it would probably be a smart move on his part.

Z: Well, I guess we know what person on the forum will be the first in line to get a mandatory vaccination should such become a reality. :laughing:
K: and what of it? why is it so hard to conceive that the only way, we,
yes, we human beings can survive is to work and be, social together……

I have no problem being first in line because I am human and the very nature
of being human is to help and aid other human beings… that is what it
means to be human…to be social… to have each other’s back…

I cannot survive alone and you cannot survive alone…fact…

so what are you going to do about the fact, fact, that we are social creatures,
as defined by evolution?


K: as I am a higher risk candidate, yes, I most likely should get vaccinated…
but I don’t do it for just me, I do it for the fact that I am also protecting
others, my wife, my daughter, my friends, my co-workers…

I have a duty to protect others… a duty given to me by my friend and your friend,


K: and we see the understanding that alone, alone, we are nothing…heading toward the
hills does nothing except help the new, evil world power… it is only by
unifying as one, can we hope to overcome any possible world takeover…

now just include everyone and you have become human, all too human…


I’ll align myself with anybody that opposes world government and globalism as a nationalist but at the end of the day I have my own separate agendas. I of course can set aside my own agendas temporarily if it means going against a much greater enemy where cooperation with others is a matter of survival or just plain necessity.

What’s happening is the order we’ve had for the last 75 years appears to be collapsing.
Look at all the changes Rome went through from 753 BC to 476 AD.
From pagan kingdom, to republic, to pagan empire, to Christian empire, to Germanic outpost.
The more things change…

For better and worse, we’re transitioning from these quasi liberal democratic nation states of ours, to a world state, where bureaucrats, financiers, philanthropists, economists, sociologists, doctors, psychiatrists, scientists, eugenicists, transhumanists and Ai will attempt to reengineer the socioeconomy top-down in all sorts of weird and wild ways we can scarcely imagine now, for the greater good of course, they will tell us.

Some may call it Marxism, state communism, and while perhaps that comes closest to what I’m describing, I’m not sure it entirely fits the bill.
I don’t think they’ll have those working class, ergatocratic pretenses Lenin, Stalin and Mao had.
It’ll be a kind of soft elitism, where people still have a little bit of freedom, a little bit of participation, at least until they’ve fully consolidated their wealth and power, and then it’ll be hard, overt elitism.

Or at least, that’s their plan.
This transition didn’t happen overnight, altho it will seem that way to most, but incrementally the elite coalesced around this idea, over the course of decades, even centuries.

Like Zero Sum says, tomorrow belongs to nobody.
The brave new world won’t be without opposition, and they know that, they’ve had a long time to prepare.
There’ll be a battle between those who want to take us into this new order and their followers, those who want to hold onto the old world, and those who want something else altogether.
And only after the dust has settled will we know who, if anyone at all, has prevailed.

It’ll seem good, to the naïve, it’ll seem like these people are humanitarians.
They’re going to solve all the fake and real crises, they got us into.
Climate change, overpopulation, crime, poverty, the patriarchy, white supremacy, Covid-19, etcetera, all the bullshit they prattle on about in the lamestream media people believe.
Ethnic, racial and sexual diversity will be welcome, but we have to get ideological diversity and people thinking for themselves, as well as people who’re apolitical but just don’t want to be told how to think and what to do, out of the way first.
All those anarchists, libertarians, populists, Nazis, Christian and Islamic fundamentalists, conspiracy theorists, deniers, preppers, truthers, anti-vaxers and so on, if they can’t be co-opted, if they can’t be re-educated, they’ll have to go.

On the other hand, sometimes I wonder, because this current event isn’t working out for them perfectly.
Perhaps Covid-19 is a real threat, and either naturally occurring, or a bioweapon they didn’t intend to release.
Altho it’s giving them the pretext they need to push the authoritarian and population reduction agendas, it’s not giving them the pretext to push the globalist agenda, because some nations have shut their borders in an attempt to prevent further spread of the disease.
In any case, they’ll try to exploit it as best they can for their ongoing agendas.
Some agendas have accelerated, others have slowed to a crawl.
Very interesting, could be a double edged sword for them, one they may not be able to effectively wield.
Agenda or no agenda, it’s most definitely a whirlwind that’ll precipitate changes, expected and unexpected alike.

You can only control, manage, and contain chaos for so very long but the problem with chaos is that it will grow at an exponential rate especially with what we have now, eventually the chaos will be so great they’ll have no way to control, litigate, or manage it any longer. Right now they’re still deluded thinking they can control things but eventually very soon that sentiment will pass which will give into fear, anxiety, and in the end irrational reactions on their part. Normally you can purge or subdue chaos within a population by incentivizing them with something equitable to their collective benefit, however, with a crashing economy compounded with chaos growing at an exponential rate faster than their organized aims at pacifying it that seems very unlikely now.

Once things become totally out of control they’ll attempt to violently clamp down on the population and probably take some really heavy handed counter measures in the end, but again, this won’t reduce chaos at all, it will only increase it even further.

They’re basically attempting to put out Greek fire with water but essentially the more water they pour onto it the more the fire will become widespread. That’s where we’re at currently. I give it a month or two at the most before we enter the phase of everything breaking down concerning current social order.

Also, once the food supply runs out and the money becomes worthless, it’s game over. Current society will be swept away like a hurricane where it will become virtually unrecognizable overnight.

That will be the time the primitive human reptilian brain becomes activated within the population where cultural morals or ethos will become shedded off. The primal instinctual animal mind will become activated with all its savagery in plain sight for all to see where inexplicable brutality will become the norm. Civility will simply be gone and for a nation like the United States we’ve had very little to begin with for a very long time now.

During the early days of the U.S.S.R. starving during famine they would eat their own dead or mothers would eat their own children in isolated rural villages. Mothers and fathers would sell their own daughters off for a meal if they could get one, you get the general idea here.

…at least she wasn’t tortured. :open_mouth:

This sounds ominous… what is each side offering? :stuck_out_tongue:

Why does humanity constantly request us to ‘pick a side’? My best forte is fence-setting, it’s what I do best.

The fact that the vaccine and anaesthetic administers don’t know what is in the thing that they are administering is very worrying, as they are supposed to offer guidance on allergens and allergies, but they don’t… they simply say take it or leave it… there are no alternative products. Why?

When push comes to shove with the total dissolution of society itself everybody will be forced to pick a side and fence sitters won’t fare well under such circumstances.

Human beings are tribal and with the breakdown of civilization everybody will be forced to pick an emerging side or faction.

Those that refuse to will become easy targets for the large organized groups that emerge from all of this and will be heavily outnumbered. You either align with a particular faction or you become massacred, that’s the way collapsed societies work. It’s a lot like living in prison or on the streets really, alliances are formed and cast in survival situations where it becomes necessary to do so.

Speaking of prisons, lone individuals that refuse to pick a side to align with don’t fare too well overtime.

As a lone individual you’re heavily limited in what you can and cannot do in a survival situation especially when you’re outnumbered by very large competing groups of people.

That’s all very old-fashioned… how about a new way of thinking and being… the old way has lost its utility, and us our way.

I can’t see that happening here, but I can’t speak for elsewhere on the globe…

Perhaps those prisons are being relieved of petty crims, so that they can be filled with the crims that they will be swooping down on and rounding up, of which I have seen evidence of already.

If you aren’t queuing for food or taking state-approved exercise/taking a short walk, then what are you doing? of which the extensive CCTV everywhere will aid the MPS and military in the endeavour… the extensive test-runs all last year had everyone talking, and now, here we are.

Society changes coming and going, but human nature is eternal or constant.

What I said will happen everywhere once society breaks down falling into total lawlessness and chaos.

I live in a rural town of less than two thousand people, mass surveillance isn’t a thing here like it is in a major metropolitan city where you live.

The segment later edited out of the recorded interview.


Not surprisingly, they already have certificates in Chy-na but what’s just as scary is Taobao (Chy-na’s Ebay) is selling fake vax certificates for people who haven’t been vaxed but want to travel. #-o

Bill Gates has a hard on for vaccines.
He just loves them.
That’s all he talks about.
Whenever he sees a poor person get inoculated, he gets weak in the knees, and his heart flutters.
Guy’s got a vaccine fetish.
Must be having the time of his life right now.
He’s seeing everything he’s dreamt about since he became a billionaire come true.

I’m in, as long as the Antifa Anarchists don’t prattle on about the patriarchy, white supremacy and veganism, cause then i’ll have to shoot them.

Sounds like a great idea for a dystopian fiction novel or film, but if they roll out in the rest of the west what they just rolled out in Denmark, it could be reality very soon.

We can’t survive without being alone sometimes either.
And doing things by ourselves, for ourselves.
And thinking for ourselves.

Sometimes it pays to exploit others.
Just stating a fact, not saying I go around exploiting others for my own selfish gain, but I’d be lying if I said I never have.

While nothing goes perfectly according to plan, I think there’s a chance the NWO will get most or much of what it wants, and there’s a chance it’ll be destroyed.
We’ll just have to see how it all unfolds.
And what they want is a two class society, no in between, where they use Ai, cybernetics, genetic engineering and nanotech to create a master and a slave race, until the slave race can be completely replaced by machines.
Of course this’ll all take centuries or millennia, won’t happen overnight.