Moving Again.

Why? :sunglasses:

We’ve been having a wonderful three days together so there is no threat of that happening. :wink:

Speaking of sharks, last night I had a dream I was stuck in a virtual reality sim. It felt real…I was with my family…there was a Great Flood…had to escape from the shark in the giant pool…then we went into the house closed the door so the shark couldn’t follow us in.
We could change our avatars at will, and we were playing some kind of real life Clue game so I decided to customize my avatar, there were a bunch of English lady’s (primps) who looked like Jack Nicholson’s Joker with lipstick, a permagrin and a ridiculous purple outfit with ornate flowers everywhere, so I put that as my avatar to scare my parents. I thought it was funny.
There was this one avatar with Lisa Simpson as an incest tranny, I quickly zoomed through it though because I didn’t want my parents to think I was a perv. Hey, I didn’t even know that avatar was in there, I was new to this game as anyone else, I didn’t program the dang thing, don’t look at me.

That sounds like an interesting dream. I don’t dream often myself and usually when I do I can’t remember what they are most of the time.

I heard it helps if you eat cheese, both to remember them and make your dreams more bizarre.

I eat plenty of cheese, I’m a cheese fiend. Still nothing…

I don’t know, but google might have the answer.

Did she kick you out yet?

Nope, we’re getting along really great. Upon the rare chance I do get kicked out Turd which is a long shot I am going to come to your house next sleeping on your couch, drinking your beer, and followed by eating you out of home with midnight refrigerator raiding.

If you’re living in a tent Turd your sleeping bag, cot, and camping equipment will disappear overnight. I make good on my promises also…

I sleep in the woods, naked in the leaf coverage. Ants bite my ass constantly.

I’ll steal your water canteen, I don’t give a damn. I’ll take a big shit in the middle of your camping spot.

You can do what you want with my old canteen, it’s strapped to some soldiers never used kit, only brought out during inspections, up in Fairbanks or some shit place. Many soldiers get tired of having to clean to perfection their equipment, or fret over stuff being stolen, so keep a kit in perfect condition for the higher ups to look at, then use their better quality, dingy shit the rest of the time.

Canteens are diseased, unfit for human consumption. Ant water in it automatically becomes non-potable.

I used Easy Off to clean my weapons after a while (never scented), as I could care less than sit around for hours. I was yelled at once when attached to another unit for not staying up all night, cleaning my weapon… I said go ahead, find dirt on it… he was a former Drill Sargent, still couldn’t find carbon or dirt anywhere. How? Soaked my shit in it… went nappy afterwards. Gave my extra cans to the team cleaning the M240s.

Me and ManiacalMongoose found a spacious new home to live in finally as of today. We’re both moving into it on the twentieth of this month. I’m starting a new warehouse full-time gig next week on Tuesday. Currently together life couldn’t be any better for the both of us. I’ll finally have more time when I’m not working to devote to writing and going back to school part-time in the evenings.

Will you give up on anarchism nihilism and become a decent person, and visit your daughter, and pay taxes, and run for city council in 15 years?

Giving up on anarchist nihilism? …Only upon my last dying breath…

A decent person? What’s that look like? Is that a model American conservative tax payer like yourself?

No, my plans are a bit more insidious, insurrectionary, and corrosive than all of that boring twattle. Time is on my side.

Too bad fortune is against you.

No, fortune favors me very greatly. Your interpretations are of no significance to me.

United States