Official: Post a Picture of Yourself

Funny,though, Ec, before I saw Your picture I didn’t see You this way. Now that I see You, it collides with my earlier conception. I pictured You older, and more of an aesthete, meaning slender. maybe You were that way before? Could that be it?

Your eyes speak volumes, no doubt about that…

Your expression to me kind of conveys that you just lost your best friend or your dog or cat. Pretty blue eyes.

I just like your jacket.

=) So you might walk up to me and say you like my jacket and then we’d converse. I can understand since you know so much about my philosophy of life and how I word things, but you would find me an easy person to talk to IRL. You’re just being stubborn =)

I don’t walk up to people. People walk up to me.

You really should write “fuck this” on the back cover of your book. That’d be very charming… baby.

You’re crazy phon. I just thought you might want to know =) I once did a decypher puzzle that read: “If you stay in your bathtub, the whole world will come to you.” It stuck with me. But it’s not really true.

Yeah, sorry about all that.

Somehow this drove me to panic.
(for one thing I started to imagine a book about archaeology)

[edit - this thread is not my natural habitat. ]

I am amused.

Notice that his jacket is blue… like his eyes… like his tuque, like the jackets hanging behind him, like the water canister, like the portrait hanging behind him (Star Wars he says), like the table behind him (looking propped up on something else), like the bowl sitting on the bluish radiator-looking-thingy on his right (our left).

Yet the walls behind him are reddish-brown… like his shirt, like his skin.

Ecmandu, are you sure this isn’t Photoshopped? You did say:

Why would this panic you?

I see Ancient Greece in both your pic that you posted and in your avatar… also, interestingly, with themes of blue and red.

Even the knot hole to the left of his head is blue.

Blue is the dominant color in my eyes… however, if I wear a tan shirt, light tan, it will pull out the tan flecks in my eyes and make them look tan. When there’s blue around me, it pulls out the blue more because there’s more blue in my eyes anyways. I remember I used to have a tan shirt and when I wore it, it was obvious to me and others that my eyes took on a light tan shade. My eyes don’t take on a dark brown shade ever. I didn’t see this post phon. No this is just photo booth… not doctored in any way. The shirt that had this effect was almost a white brown, not quite cream though. It was a very light tan.

Oddly enough though… if you look really close at my eyes, the flecks are actually orange, but if I wear an orange shirt, they don’t look orange, it’s only if I wear light tan that they take on light tan. shrug I don’t know why.

Do you live on the north pole?

No… pacific northwest when this was happening. I haven’t owned a tan short in years… this one was long sleeved with buttons.

Why did you ask him that, FC? By the way, I like the red and blue combination.
But more importantly, why did you ask him that?

I just figured it out… at first i thought it was about refractive light with this kinda boring eye discussion, but then I realized it was because I’m wearing gear appropriate for the north pole. The reason i wear this Jacket is because my favorite weather is snow, and I’ve been in below 60 weather with it, so I had to wear this type of gear, and in sunny california wearing it reminds me of the snow, which I miss so much. It’s totally psychological. Oddly enough, all the gear breathes so well, that even in 100 degree weather, it doesn’t change my temperature.

Yes. And the setting. It seems like you are coming back from an expedition.

PS about the color of your eyes, it may also be the webcam, because when I had a macbook with a webcam that I made self portraits with I also came out with strikingly blue eyes, almost unnatural.

(I mean I do have blue eyes but the webcam made them bluer)