Philosophically Good Movies Thread

Let me guess, Avatar fan? :stuck_out_tongue:

Avatar is not a horror movie. So no, as far as the subject goes not. I admit Avatar was a good movie for it’s type, action, ok the plot was a little corny but then it’s an action film, who’s expecting something clever, I’ve seen better but it aint shit. Apocalypto was better, historically inaccurate but in that film you were constantly being entertained. Avatar tended towards the sentimental poor old Indians thing a little too much, with their awesome if naive knowledge of the planet. White mans guilt, meh build them a casino. :slight_smile:

Dances with wolves did it first. Except the woman he slept with was white not blue.


Yeah blue is a turn off for me on skin. Call me old fashioned but more natural colours like red, yellow and black are kinda in my mindscape. Hell I usually go white, call me conservative.

Troy is a really good movie, I never really understood the haters on this one, sure it was not like Homer wrote it exactly, but it wasn’t bullshit; best example of the story I read, other than The Illiad obviously (class) was by David Gemmel, a trilogy that had all the heart and soul of Homer, without the magic bullshit. By which I mean like Troy it put everything in a context that didn’t rely on myth. A story these days at least does not require the magic, war is war, and the cast are not special in their abilities.

I remember reading the original Illiad at school, and being disappointed we never read all the chapters. It’s a masterpiece of story telling, not as far fetched as The Odyssey, but it loses nothing for that.

I’ve haven’t read the Illiad, I plan to. I read Ulysses when I was younger.

The fact that the movie is differant from the poem makes absolute sense in every way.

  1. Movie adapatations of written stories are always cutting suff out of them due to time constraints.

  2. Why Make an exact copy on film of an epic poem thats been around for over 2,000 years.

  3. The changes in story actually follow along the oral tradition of reinterperating a story while keeping the majority of it the same.

You want suggestions of indie films?
I’ve seen so many…

In search of a midnight kiss
The vicious kind
The entitled
Confessions (one of the best films I have ever seen)
Into Eternity (documentary)
Enter the void (amazing)

I didn’t see Blair Witch nor Super 8.
I hated Cloverfield and Distric 9.
I am really interested in watching chronicle though.

If you didn’t like Cloverfield or District 9, then save yourself the trouble.

All of these movies are so similar that they might as well have been directed by the same person. This is mostly due to the plot, character and “movie flow” limitations of a true first person, or rather first camera perspective.

They are all, as of yet, the purest form of fiction movie-making.

Like the difference between a best-selling horror novel and a well told campfire scary story. I’ll take the campfire story any day of the week.

'Course, not everybody likes movies for the story-telling. Some prefer rich, well structured photography, for example, or dopamine-rich plots and explotions. The former I can understand, and so can any Kubrick fan. The latter is for Transformers fans who haven’t yet discovered that they can get the same effect but better from different kinds of drugs.


Interesting selection, I will have to look into them. :slight_smile:

Generally speaking I like a plot that isn’t some manner of cowboys Vs aliens, or good guys Vs bad guys, multiculture agenda, feminist ~ which so many films are [and I am afraid so many American films especially].

How about aliens that havent come to do any manner of harm to us, that it is they who are vastly superior rather than us measly earthlings e.g. star trek where humans are going around teaching people human politics lol ~ even vulcans who were far more advanced in learning space travel.

It would be nice to see someone come and tell us that we are full of shit, and why!

Mars Attacks is a good counter argument to your argument about aliens, but it’s ok because it is highly satyrical and very funny.

On a more serious note, you can try [youtube][/youtube]

Best goddamn alien movie I can think of by far.

District 9 also involves (relatively) peaceful aliens and almost complete overturning of common Alien Movie stereotypes.

Let’s see… Super 8 doesn’t do bad in that respect either. Cloverfield is basically Godzilla filmed by some dude with a handycam (which in actual production was a very high quality camera, they simply shot it in amateurish shots to maintain the illusion), so kind of an Alien Movie but not really a stereotype breaker. Still, higly enjoyable for the Blair Witch Project inclined.

Umm… Well there was also a movie not long ago with Nichole Kidman with some interesting variations on the Body Snatchers From Outer Space stereotypes, as well as some compelling special effects and higly enjoyable scenes with Nichole Kidman trying to blend in with the Body Snatched.

That’s all the alien that comes to mind, I’ll post more if I remember.

Pi (crazy math-psycho movie)

Vanilla Sky
I was made to watch this, but got a blowjob and didn’t actually watch it. Told it is very philosophical. Fuck Cameron Diaz

Man on the Moon

The Mahabharat (longest movie ever made, gonna take a while- but well worth it for the joys of getting a visual explanation of the text. I’ve spent many fun hours betwixting Nietzscheans ‘quoting’ Hindu ideals only to turn it upside down with a authoritative quote from The Mahabharat that says the exact opposite of what they are trying to push.)

Bhagavad Gita (Nietzsche knew of it through Schopenhauer, as well as via his friend who translated this text. Though it does exhibit eternal return in it, it’s much more advanced than Nietzsche’s Catholic version, and therefor I doubt he read it directly.)

Mencius (awesome children’s series on this Confucian philosopher- I still haven’t finished it, watched it every morning on the way to work on the subway for a while)

Chuang Tzu (one of the few non-christian philosophers to be embraced by the catholic church as a legitimate basis for philosophical interpretation of the bible as opposed to the older greek and roman pagan philosophers- Thomas Merton made the best ‘translation’ of his work I’ve ever came across. Best Cynic in all of asia.

Super 8 totally is a rip off of my childhood.

Pi sucked so bad.

Darren Aronofsky is hailed as a genius but for me he is a hit and miss.

The wrestler and requiem for a dream are great.
On the other hand, pi,black swan and the fountain sucked balls.

I liked pi.

The Adjusment Bureau, God and free will, what more is there. Damn fine romantic action movie too.

Angels are pushing us everywhere!

The Princess Bride

Fantastic movie, but philosophical? It’s just a love story surely. :slight_smile:

“I am Inigo Montoya, you killed my father prepare to die!”


It’s a satirical knight adventure. Any good satire is philosophical.

Anemic Cinema (1926 by Marcel Duchamp)

When Nietzsche Wept (2007)

Pygmalion (1938- George Bernard Shaw)


Birth of a Nation

In the Land of the Blind

The Fountainhead (1949) (by Ayn Rand- its her own screenplay, and if I remember correctly she’s in it)

The Red Badge of Courage (starring Audie Murphy, the most decorated soldier in US history)

Andromeda (4 season series focusing on a Nietzschean Nohilist Jihad against all life and reason for the sake of power)

I worship His Shadow/ Lexx (focuses on Eternal Return and Beyond Good and Evil concepts in a inane, backwards but enjoyable comedy- until you hit the 4th season which is pure Canadian bullshit).

A Short Self Portrait (Salvidor Dali)… Salvidor appears to be the pioneer of Canadian bullshit