Possible to dodge a bullet?

The human body is not designed to A. Move precisely when the bullet is released, and B. Even if it did, it wouldn’t have the muscle to push its mass out of the way in time until the bullet was far enough for it to.


I was a bullet catcher, as well as a dodger, and mortar bait, and a IED crater once, and a desktop paperweight, and a punching bag, and I think I was even a voodoo doll for someone else once…

Yeah… I’m fucking right. Airborne Infantry, Iraq 2006-2007.
Like, a million guys did it too, so… what’s so fucking hard to grasp? I think even Turtle had claim to have a military background, Iambigious, Joker… ask them realistically if any could Dodge a bullet. Its simply not possible, unless your like, firing some super advanced high power rifle from a mile away… but that’s hypothetical as fuck and honestly can’t realistically do the calculations.

If you believe otherwise, your a crack head. Period. Bullets move really, really fast… unless it’s a simround.

I dunno about rubber bullets or beanbags shot out… sum rounds yeah, you can Dodge them, artillery Dodge it.

Neuroplasticity isn’t able to make a nervous system operate the brain to muscular action faster than the speed if sound, which is how fast (and even faster) many bullets go.

This has been known forever… soldiers used to chide one another during the civil war for ducking when they heard the cannon, impossible to Dodge them… you hear them as fast as they hit. Doesn’t keep the noobs from trying.

No monk or anyone can beat this, it’s biologically impossible. Only Muad’dib can.

As I said. those very few who do it, do it by moving before the gun is fired, not out-running the bullet.
… as was shown in that video.

Never shot one. Never set one on fire. Dodged a lot of bullets though. :wink:

I change my stance, I know a guy who dodged a richochet.

And no… you can’t out move a trigger… sorry. Your wrong now and forever.

If I did a Vinn Diagram, I would have a circle with Truth in it, and a circle with you in it, and never shall they meet.

I think your the same James Saint who always was in philosophy house on Second Life… how do you think Birric would react to this bullshit? He would rip you up, do a myth busters like video on you.

… is just a dumb thing to say by someone who just hasn’t met anyone capable. Although I haven’t done that particular feat, in my younger years, I accomplished as much myself. You just have to be seriously tuned into anticipation.

I have never been on Second Life. And I don’t know who Birric might be, but no one is going to “rip me up”. If you think they actually know something of a topic or theory that I am discussing (unlike yourself), ask them to come on over. Let’s see if they at least can get on the topic itself (unlike yourself).

Only 2 people can dodge bullets. Boris the bullet dodger, and Remo Williams. Wait…3 people. The Chinese guy who taught Remo Williams how to dodge bullets.

Listen, watch, anticipate, and don’t be there.

Or more universally:
“Clarify, Verify, Instill, and Reinforce the Perception of Hopes and Threats unto Anentropic Harmony”


You’re in hostage situation, and I’m guessing here, but 99% of the time it’s going to end with nobody taking a bullet. So if you just stay calm and don’t try to be a hero, the odds are in your favor. Cooperate with him and you’ll have a better chance of catching him off guard, if you decide that you must do something. But if you are pretty sure that this guy is going to start knocking people off, you’re better off doing something rather than just standing there, like a jacked deer. But if you’re going to try this technique you’re suggesting, all I can say is “good luck!” If you are going to do something … anything … your best bet is to do it when he is not expecting it, when he is distracted, and when his gun is not trained on you. Unfortunately, when most people decide they have to do something, their instinct is to turn and run … right down his line of fire. If you’re standing reasonably close, you’d have a better chance if you head straight for his rear … anything that forces him to readjust his stance is going to buy you a couple of extra seconds.

You’re in hostage situation, and I’m guessing here, but 99% of the time it’s going to end with nobody taking a bullet. So if you just stay calm and don’t try to be a hero, the odds are in your favor. Cooperate with him and you’ll have a better chance of catching him off guard, if you decide that you must do something. But if you are pretty sure that this guy is going to start knocking people off, you’re better off doing something rather than just standing there, like a jacked deer. But if you’re going to try this technique you’re suggesting, all I can say is “good luck!” If you are going to do something … anything … your best bet is to do it when he is not expecting it, when he is distracted, and when his gun is not trained on you. Unfortunately, when most people decide they have to do something, their instinct is to turn and run … right down his line of fire. If you’re standing reasonably close, you’d have a better chance if you head straight for his rear … anything that forces him to readjust his stance is going to buy you a couple of extra seconds.

Don’t try to use a recipe if you don’t have the ingredients.

If you cannot listen well enough, cannot watch well enough, or cannot anticipate well enough, then don’t use that recipe. That recipe is for those who happened to be conditioned for it.

Again, the question of the thread was not “What is good advice”, but rather, “Is it possible”.

Guys, I said it was possible to dodge “a” bullet, not a spam of bullets.

I also said a handgun bullet travelling at 800 fps, which is low end. A high end handgun has velocity of 1,100 fps.

You cannot dodge a rifle at 60 feet away, so I dont know why turd is pulling military examples. Also, I said you can only dodge a headshot at 60 feet away, you cannot dodge a bodyshot because noone has body reflexes of 76 ms (1/13th of a second.)

Since bullets go faster than sound you obviously dodge when you see the gunflash. In time crisis the enemies use laser sights and tracers so it is easier to dodge.

If someone doesn’t have laser sights or tracers, it is a crap shoot for both of you, neither of you know where he bullets are going. Iron sighs are garbage and hard to hit moving targets with, so moving in random directions is your best bet.

It is fairly easy to dodge rifle or sniper bullets at 500 feet away or higher. Simply wait for the flash, and take cover. Only thing you couldnt dodge is a sniper because it goes 5,000 fps.

I myself have dodged a spam of automatic weapons before at only 20 feet away, I dodged about 300 shots.

Have you or James ever fired a gun before?

I’m getting Pizza.

James… your full of shit, I demand a demonstration on your part. No excuses of old age, just do it.

Trixie, I encourage to Dodge a barrage of nighttime tracer rounds at the far end of a a firing range, we can make it 700-800… even 900 meters to make you comfortable. The bullets light up real well at night so you can see. Its faster than the eye can make sense of it, and they bounce the fuck all over. Best of luck ballerina.

If it was this fucking easy to dodge bullets, army would issue swords to the infantry to smack bullets away and cut down the enemy… bullets move really fucking fast.

Really fucking fast.

Shove it up your ass with your strawman egocentric bullshit.

You might could dodge a bullet shot at you by that dude Quigley down under. His gun was old as fuck and he shot from a long long way in the distance.

Straw man Egocentricism? I have valid expert opinion on this, it’s like arguing with a Astronaut who went on a space walk what Zero Gravity is like. It was my job for four years. You ain’t dodging shit, my testimony will be accepted in any court, my government validation is assured, I passed the right courses to qualify to make this statement competently. Period. No way around this, that’s a solid certain fact.

Besides, becoming emotionally distressed, attacking my posts in other unrelated threads over in the sociology department isn’t evidence your proceeding on scientific opinion, or rational thought, but Egotistical Butthurt. Maybe if you study Michael of Ephesus’ writings on Aristotle’s concept Science and Empericism, more than just a glance rejection to make yourself look knowledgeable and cool among others, you might grasp where you went wrong… might even start making coherent arguments that go somewhere other than sterile circles.

The goal isn’t to ape science talk, which you can’t do, but oathfibd new ways to philosophize within science, to expand its frontiers. Not to take a defiant shit on the simplest, most time honored concepts we have, such as simple ruler drop tests taught in every class room, in favor of egotistical dodging.

Maybe you ARE a straw man? Hmmmmm… what shall you ask the wizard for when you visit Oz?


Your not showing scientific acumen by his measure, maybe pass as learned, but… yeah, you fall foul and short. Whole science section is a joke cause you don’t take science seriously. Its evident by your lack of critical approach, or ability to grasp when higher principles emerge… your a one track repetitive robot that has to be right no matter what. As a result, this section has stagnated, and nobody takes you seriously enough to debate save numerologists or alchemists. Its a sad dead end, moves at a snail pace, because James MUST be right at any cost.

Its obviously not because your right, cause your not… this thread is evidence. Its not because your a badass at the top of your game… easily ten guys on this site can top you. Its… why bother? I mention science and math all the time, but you’ve so discredited this forum I discuss it in piecemeal elsewhere. You dont get the hints I’m dropping with birthing a chickenegg, is the ocean tea, Telelogy of Prairie Oysters posts… I’m pointing out that the methods used by the members on this site is really that low, largely because nobody wants to bother with it, cause your adding up and dicking over every thread. We have years of stagnation. Now we gotta settle this arm wrestling in other threads cause your emotionally distraught someone identified you for what you are, a silly boring dumbass. This thread is evidence enough… but I could give a laundry list of others.

If I recall, I’m not even the first to point this out… doesn’t a mathematician show up periodically to tell you to stop? It is embarrassing to those of us involved in pure mathematics to see someone bumbling around with nary a concept of how the mind works, how mathematics is based on organic functions of the mind, the need to mince your claims against peer review, to be humble enough to admit your wrong. You can’t adapt and improve yourself until you can admit it… you can’t talk science by yelling LOUDER and lowering the participants IQ, turning everyone away from the discussion.

You can’t dodge bullets, period. No amount of getting angry, ambushing other threads, crying to Carleas that you got sand in your clit and it hurts from your brush up with me will work. You are so very wrong in this it’s not funny, it’s sad. We all let you get away with stuff over the years, but I’m saying enough is enough. You managed to break the mold on stupid with this one, and it’s not a,proud accomplishment. Go back to pretending like you know how to generate gravity plating, it’s cute, very trekkie. Works in subspace as well, and at warp speed.

And no, believe it or not, I’m not going to be impressed with your impulsive response, or intimidated by lame ambushes in other forums. You want this to end, go back to the basis of science, let others get a word in, express their bad ideas for a while, grow competent. Offer just a trickle if occasional criticism… it’s a fucking philosophy site. I’m not even that hard on most of the Nietzscheans as you are… maybe I could accept bit if you were knowledgeable and correct, but you rarely are. This section of the site is a catatonic desert, and your the bumbleweed tumbling around.

Again… not impressed with how bad as a you are, your ability to cry scarecrow, ad homine, your anger… your wrong forever and ever, times infinity on this topic. If you want me to change my opinion, change the manner of your posts. Let others get a edge in occasionally. I can dominate every thread I am in if I so choose, bit I usually back off for the benefit of others. Ill drop hints, won’t come fully out for months to years with people fucked up in their thinking… I value self development and exploration of new ideas, confidence and experience. No one can do this with your overbearing approach. Its not impressing anyone, just shows how very, very little you are. How many times have I seen poor Phyllo give up, frustrated. You never get it. There is more to science than being a narrow minded dick.

Que Zoots mentioning Bretano mentioning George of Ephesus, and Iambigous making some silly remark about how awesome Zoots is. I already know.


Read the damn OP. One question was asked, “IS IT POSSIBLE?”

You have EXACTLY ZERO Experience with that issue.

Only a sniper shoots from a long way off, but the sniper relies on taking his victim by surprise, so no chance of getting out of the way, because you’ll never see it coming. But from a long way off, yeah, you will see the muzzle flash a second or two before the bullet hits. The problem here is you won’t know which way to duck to avoid the bullet. If you jump out of the way, you’re assuming his aim is dead on, but this might not be the case. You could dive to the right only to get hit by a bullet that was off a little to the right. So at a distance, dodging a bullet isn’t really dodging a bullet -it’s luck. If you see an assassin off in the distance taking aim at you, the same principles apply as if he were up close: Don’t wait for him to pull the trigger; start running right away. It’d take a damn good sniper to hit a moving target from a long distance.

Speed of sound = In dry air at 20 °C, the speed of sound is 343.2 metres per second (1,126 ft/s)

Speed of a bullet varies greatly, but many handguns have a muzzle velocity well below the speed of sound. At 100 yards, most varieties are travelling well below the speed of sound. Here’s a table:


So yes, often you can even hear the bullet before it hits, but if you still think it’s possible to dodge a bullet, try this experiment with a cat. Say there’s an unwelcome cat hanging around your back door. Go out there with a pitcher of water, and walk up to the cat. The cat will probably sit there unperturbed until you actually start to throw the water, but once you begin to throw, he’ll uncoil like a spring and shoot like a rocket across your lawn. I doubt if many humans have speed and reflexes like this; nevertheless, you can likely hit him with a few sprinkles before he gets out of the way, and that water is a lot slower than a bullet. I know this, because one of my neighbors has a cat farm or something, and I’ve had to do this many a time.

They have tried the sniper dodge trick … 400 yrds … didn’t work. The flash is too small to get enough attention from the brain even when watching for it and any less than that leaves less than 500 ms to register and move the torso. Perhaps a shaolin priest might.

I don’t understand the problem. Of course you can dodge a bullet. It’s not logically or physically impossible. I haven’t read the thread so what’s the deal james. Are you saying it can’t be done?

If all it takes is for object X to move from point A to point B before bullet Y moves from point C to point A, for a bullet to be “dodged”, then the answer to the question is decidedly “yes, one can dodge a bullet.”