Question For Athiests


I do not know the creator but merely have some ideas/guesses about him. But yes, I had and still use to have some limited interactions occasionally with such intermediate entities during meditation and otherwise also, who are between humans and the creator.

With love,

I died once. I got better.

Depends on where you are stabbed, most of the time people can survive it. Depends on what type of sickness, most of the time people survive that too. So I don’t see how that’s being within death… People can be shot in the head and not die… Not all types of death are painful.

Arbiter of Change

The fact that life does not go on forever has nothing to do with at times looking for comfort and needing it.
Are you less human than the rest of us AofC? That’s just a rhetorical question. I’m not accusing you of being less human.
Looking for and needing comfort at times is not hedonistic.
If you didn’t value those things and at times receive them what value and meaning would life have for you?


Well, just between you and me, we also at times experience death - it just isn’t the “final” moment.

We can’t really know either if what comes after death is a state of non-existence - at least on some plane.
Do you believe/feel/think that your body is the greatest part of yourself, AofC?
The brain eventually does give up but is it possible that we linger like the scent of the rose somewhere in space but longer. And where exactly does the scent of the rose go after we feel it has dissipated? lol

Death is simply a transition from one state to another. From consciousness to non consciousness. It is perfectly natural and I have
no reason at all to be afraid of it none whatsoever. No one who is dead has ever complained about it and neither will I when I die

I live for knowledge and want to carry on learning till my very last day

There are a lot of possibilities? How do you know hell is not real?

I mean, you were spontenously born into this world for no reason, how do you know you will not spontaneously find yourself in other worlds/bodies for no reason.

I do not know but at this moment in time I have no reason to think that death is any thing more than the cessation of consciousness so that is why I think this

you have no reason to think death is anything, the only evidence you have is pointing to the existence of consciousness

The reason I have is that the dead stay dead and unless anything contradicts that it will remain the default position

However when I do die I will know for certain what death is [ as everyone will ] and so the point is rather academic


Do you mean your moment RIGHT before death – or what it is to die at the moment after death?
If there is absolutely NOTHING, what is it that you can know in the moment after death? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!1

Very true Arc but if this is the case then it matters not since I shall be
spending the rest of eternity in a state of pain free non consciousness

“You” wont be spending it, there would be no you, no spending, no eternity of nothing, 0*0 is nothing, not infinity.

Keep doing your blind faith arguments and see where that goes.

Remember you are the one who believes in the afterlife not me

You are one that believe in eternal non-existence. Thats more absurd than any afterlife I can imagine.

You only want an after life because your life in the here and now is so terrible
But assuming what I think is true you will have no more suffering after you die

Nowhere near. The afterlife you can imagine is way more absurd because I am not imagining mine at all
I have every intention however of dying just to see what death is actually like so I will find out you know

Were Trixie a happy bunny she would not care about the afterlife
So go find a nice lesbian then spend the rest of your life with her

Nope. My argument isn’t ad emotionum. My argument is logic and reason

If I was a playboy bunny I’d still care about the after life because I’d have a higher IQ than all the other playboy bunnies.

That is the advantage of being human. Humans can make the serum of genius, with the serum of genius they can map the reincarnation equations. Bunny’s are not aware of their cyclic existence, they have no idea they will be humans someday.