Question for the christians


You’ll have to excuse Ned. He’s a bit close minded when it comes to logical pints of view, He wears his veal and refuses to lift it for the fear of what might be. This is why he fights so hard he knows deep within his soul what is true and what is not but lacks the curage to face his fears. And ask…Why.

Ned: Bob is a Muslim he believes thoroly in asking whay and in a logical debate on anything you will loose with him simply because you have one source to quote Ie, the Bible, and he will have many including his the Koran. Plus he does his research in history psychology and probably physics or quantom physics which deal specificaly with the “why”.

And from reading his posts I am guessing he has several degrees in the above.
His posts are well formed well educated and well versed whereas yours are merly thrown together scriptures and the oppinions of you or you congregation.


To be honest I have nothing to write beyond the fact that you are all lacking some understanding of the subject. If only you could add what you think is impossble to your possible list’s, remember the metaphysical does not abide by physical laws therefore for all of your research all of your knowleged you will never find the answer you are searching for until you have opened yourself to the entirety of the unlimited possibilities in the Universe.

The answer is the thing in the back of your mind that in your most ledgable times of realization can see and almost grasp but remains constantly out of reach. What are you not believeing, trying or doing, perhaps to reach the answer it requires you to die or to rid yourself of your caporial form…Perhaps not.

Sin is not what you do or who you are, You are beutiful perfect in your own creation Your weaknesses are merly do to your wants psyche or emotional standpoints, What society tells you is and is not right or wrong, All of these human concepts.

You are you, Magnificent and pure let nothing and noone tell you otherwise. Only in your doubt will you fall.

If I told you the answer it would be the definition of God, Alah, whateveryour name for it is. But you would not see it or grasp its understanding…As a human that is your weakness, But you can become more…and less. Your evolution spiritual/metaphysical/or physical is up to you as is your path down such roads are the one’s you choose to travel. You’ll get there eventualy, everything does. How fast is up to you.

We have to address this issue from both sides. Of course we cannot apply physical rules to the metaphysical, but in what way does the metaphysical influence the physical? I assert that the metaphysical is the ineffable Mystery, which communicates but does not intervene in a physical manner, but instead influences the physical.

I repeat myself: Sin, as it is described in the Bible, is essentially the fall into polarity and the inability to see the universe as a whole. Mankind is left in its one-sidedness, unable to gain the full perspective on life. He is unable to recognise his blindness and assumes, naturally, that his opposite is blind. The fact is that both are blind. Not only that, this polarity also leads to imbalance within the physiology and consequently to illness – which is effectively the illness of the soul, not of the body. The body carries the symptoms and signs of the psychological imbalance.

This is a description of a psychosomatic disorder, which I believe is the true problem of Mankind today. It is also an example of organic failure because of psychic imbalance – in one way, an example to mind under matter and the influence of the metaphysical on the physical.

I don’t know what this means.

This all sounds great, but just isn’t true and not the experience of anyone here. However, what we seem to be lacking is the means to see our own imbalance or sin. Penitential sermons generally lack this perspective and preachers generally harp on about how abhorrent the sin of Mankind is to God, but those listening are either in on the message or they fail to see the claimed abhorrence of their deeds. How could they, seeing as in general it is the accumulation of imbalance that leads to really abhorrent examples?

The fact is that Humankind is caught up in the act of continually giving account of their deeds, intentions and purposes – but it doesn’t matter. “Well meant” is often the opposite to “good”. The multitudes of excuses that we give for not doing the right thing just show that it isn’t a case of not knowing. Paul says in Roman 7, that pious people (and others) are often going to great lengths to achieve righteousness, but it is all piteous, miserable and vain.

There is no-one who achieves it, except the one who stops trying and instead seeks forgiveness. The “righteous” is therefore someone who is aware of his deficits and need for forgiveness. He turns to the God of Unity (Alaha) and asks for reunion and guidance. He seeks the completeness that gives him balance and calmness, and helps him find the aspects of life he is missing for sound judgement.


You have imbalance or sin “not” because you are human but instead because you believe that you do. You are raised or taught so society tells you so or you study and formulate your own oppinion of such. Either way, it is true because on some level you believe that you truly can be no more here than what you are and must learn to live with your imperfections (which are only imperfections because you believe they are).

This is a Universe of illusions, of the mind. What you do and believe your very thoughts influence your reality…

Example: If every morning you wake up and say a list of things you want to happen and put the energy and will into it to make it happen and believe it will, Then some Perhaps not all will. Maybe in perhaps subtle minute ways but they will happen. (This is a scientificly proven fact). Reality= Force x Will/thought. This is not a Universe of the Physical peramiters but one of the barriors of the mind. This world is created every day by your thoughts and actions. Your reality as it is Your…Truth.

While yes this backwater portion of the Universe is bound by Physical laws, those laws only apply so long as you do not know how to break them. Once you learn they become a varible instead of a fixed notation. And can be changed at will. eventualy this whole thing called the physical will become part of the metaphysical and another will have to be created.

Let me ask you a question…

Bob, What is evil or good? What does these very words mean to you or rather in your personal belief and oppinion what is such?

Well, the earth existed before human thought did.
Beliefs are a form of self-determination; they are the channel and direction of all energy that flows through your body system.

Why would this metaphysical seem so glorious? So capable of anything at all? And then only be bale to influence the physical only partially/slightly?

It’s because the “metaphysical” is “smaller” then the “physical”.
It’s because the “metaphysical” is so sub-atomic that it can be used to create new energy/laws/materials “from the ground up”.

Physical laws are the local behavior of material and energy structures.
Physics were studied and built for the sake of the general, physical universe. The unique and the rare neo-micro structures are not abundant biproducts of the big bang, they are new & often “live” forms of energy/matter which have evolved on the smallest scale possible.

Macro-structures – organic bodies – are an example of a life structure slowly evolving within the universe. This does not simply happen on a macro physical scale; it can, has and does happen sub-atomically.

Besides this, things such as human bodies can/do already “create” new forms of material/energy, on a very small scale.

The “metaphysical realm” appears to be so limitless because these new forms of living matter/energy create their own little physical laws.

Physical laws aren’t external control matrixes, they are internal, local behavior, dependent upon structure.

Just thought I’d remind you of that.

Animate eventually assimilating all of the inanimate?
It could happen. It’d take a long time, too.

All words are meant to catagorize behaviors of parts of the universe.

“Evil” has a different meaning for each person.

IMO, “evil” is the most unhealthy thing, whereas “holy” is the most healthy thing.

Social virtue is simply the healing of society.
Corruption, hate, senseless agression, etc. – these make a society unhealthy.

I deny the idea of asking “God” for “forgiveness”. That sounds to me like an un-enlightened, nostalgic craparama.
All that matters is if the person can improve themself.
Saying you’re sorry is a waste of time, it uses up energy and time that could have been used for self-improvement.
Saying sorry helps feed & repel the human hunger for revenge, and naturally unforgiving hate algorythms.
But would a god be capable of hate/offence?
^ It’d not be a very smart/enlightened god, if it was.

The behavior of the semitic gods – I am not impressed with.
I am most likely correct when I say that they each had tulpian origins.
They are man-made, untrue becoming true. Insanity becoming reality.

Hey simplicity,
I think such an endless cycle can only be a source of needless torment, or as Nietzsche would say, the will turned in on itself. Values can be established by man alone; religion is the vehicle used to impose the values of those in power. Surely it´s better to use your intelligence to find your own moral values than to surrender your thought to religious cults?

@ the watcher…

You probably saw the documentary on quantum physics ?