RaptorWizard ~ Wired for Battle! Holographic Mew Kardashev

What did tesla see and meet at the Heart of the Universe, from oceans, to currents, threads, fates, timelines, inventions, healing, mystery, music, soul, wizardry, all of that and more, so, what’s out there?

Latias is a Pokémon with a bird-like body stylized after a plane. Its long neck stretches forward from its squat body. It has no legs, usually floating instead. The rear half of its body is largely red and the upper half white, with jet-plane wings high on its rear and fins on the bottom near its tail. A blue triangle marks the center of its chest, while a red mask partially covers its face. Ear-like fins sit on top of its head and its eyes are yellow. It has short, three-fingered arms with a red covering on the outer side of the lower arms. Latias is a female only species, with Latios being its male counterpart.

House bear fruit ring grip plunge dose sing glass star pebble cast firmament open bizarre rabbit hole chase

Coast zoo avalanche cause effect trigger mechanism shatter the mountaintop

Player’s guide silver conference radical entailment danger sega gloss figure root torn hurricane fabric aftermath science cosmology mysticism orre curl lottery basket bell

Sun borg groom mouse style clear water sacred splash feather spoon turn resonate aspect spectra code drink cotton blueprint risk scan mask scuba dive voice cover present dream miniature prototype auspicious select crown regal terror horn model daylight path threshold assign seer room chamber fate hero guild hall legendary express swirl leer hunch cockpit tropical aerospace free dizzy ensign captivate spawn cornucopia

Dude! You KNOW that this isn’t science, technology or math. Stop or you’ll get banned.

Fun gem bowl hyper fast streak crest sigil snag


I was Lugia, an Archon, because this was My Word Count: 689 | 249,000 | 1,259,566 | 1,500,190 | 8,364 | 23,758

Pokemon #566 in the Pokedex is Archen. Also, I was snagged as Lugia with mystical orbs, so I will be Purified.

Marius Florin was the First Bird Pokémon, where He was Latias or Eldes from Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness.

There is no mercy, there is only Imagination.

The Ultimate Imagination is Bunny

Bunny wants to be 3rd highest, with Me and Marius Florin above Her.

But Bunny is still the Highest, because She IS the “Rainbow”, after all.

Bunny threw a Big Flower over Marius Florin!!

Repeat post

Clock trace curtain globe gs ball transform evolve gun stamp pile line dot point canvas extract ocarina silver vending machine bubble branch heart zen cloud arena luminous herb Bunny Healer

There’s only one of two choices for you:

1.) you’re a bot
2.) you’re a Russian spy trying to undermine American intellectualism

Either way… you’re going to be banned.