Real black magic

If magic was real then I would be doing it, and I’m not, so it isn’t.

Ironmutt,Kolibri, and Palerider.

I am not going to spoonfeed you my philosophy, and it is obviously too much work for any of you to do some reading.

I am completely sure nada one of you has read the Satanic Bible, so anything you say is coming straight out of your ass. Then why pretend to know?

The height of pretentiousness.

But hey, filtering out closed minded pretentious dumbasses is part of why we call it Satanism. Seems to be working :slight_smile:

A step in the right direction might be to learn what the word ‘satan’ means in the original hebrew.

Of course, I am fairly sure you are all too lazy to actually do any research on your own, so enjoy your frozen preconceptions.

PS - Irondog…Alderian hit it on the head…I come to a religious forum to learn more about the mental illness that is deity worship…I find it interesting.

One time while tripping on LSD I controled the TV reception with my thoughts. I’m not kidding.

I believe that it was coincidence, though. What, do you think I believe in ESP? Hardly.

When I was a kid I used to stare at marbles four hours trying to move them with telekinesis.


Are you sure? :wink:

Why do you think the definition of a word matters? The common association/perception is what is important.

Maybe I should make it clear that I have nothing against the belief behind Satanism, I’d just wish they would call themselves something that isn’t asociated with the most negative concept in christianity.

It is threads like this that explain how George W. Bush could become president to me and how someone can blow himself up in the name of a hypothetical deity.

The more retardation becomes perplexing to me, the more it serves to explain much of the absurdity I witness daily.

Things make sense and this without any magic, black or white.

Every time I’m seduced by the idea of letting go, of being more emotional, intuitive, rather than rational and thinking, as a certain someone urges us in another thread, I’m faced with this type of mind and I see how pathetic the human mind is, how wanting, how needy, how full of corrupting feelings and desires and emotions.

Well, Dr. S if it was real, and I was doing it, then that would be the smoke screen that I would put up. Hell, I’m not doing it!

On a serious note, I have always seen my ability in real life to be charming and weave a good storyor argument as a kind of magic. I have noticed the lightbulb go on over more than a few heads and felt like I just cast a spell. In a way advertising is kind of like a spell of sorts. So, it’s all how you look at it.

Pft, nice ad homiem argument. Because we believe something else we are somehow corrupted, weak minded human beings?


You’re still having some fun though!

No offense, but you are very young aren’t you?
The ‘common’ preception changes with the wind. Actual definitions do not.

You should read ‘the compleat witch’. An interesting delve into applied psychology.

Do you have an author on that one? I’m half afraid to read it though, due to any potential revelations.

Oh, I don’t know Satanism has been associated with Satan for centuries. Is a single willow not a willow even though a quick wind may snap it in two at any moment?

Anton LaVey :slight_smile:
It was later retitled ‘the Satanic Witch’


You are confusing becoming open with escapism which is very prevelent in New Age circles.

Christianity would agree with you as to our present nature:

Gotta watch that heart.

1:Satanism didn’t exist before 1966
2:False analogy.

Eh, I lose. It’s a valid analogy though, just because the association may change tomorrow does not change what the association as currently.

Well often times what “magick” is defined as becomes something that different than one would think. Crowely basically borrowed rituals and yoga techniques from other cultures and combined then with sex, diccerent sexual techniques. It wastn and isnt some “put 5 ingredients in a cauldron and poof turn someone into a frog”.

Its more like some psuedo-psychology, like a more out there form on NLP or something it seems.

Dr. S,

I had never heard of that one. I will have to pick it up of order it.

Wearing black is a sign of ill-balance? Since when? And if so, wouldn’t that make Priests (or any holy person that wears black) and Judges (or any authoritive person who wears black) the worst of this sort?
I almost want to laugh at your post, but I’m too tired. :frowning: