
One Liner.

I did NOT say that you changed the content of the opening post. Why are you always changing the subject of somebody’s post? Do you know how such a behavior is called?


You have changed the prepositions of my texts, and by doing this you have changed the content and meaning of my whole text (post).

Sources: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=190648&p=2622243#p2622232 .

Arminus, I stuck to the OP and didn’t change the OP and, as far as I am aware, the OP continues to be the current topic of discusion.

Who said that you did? NOBODY.

That does not allow you to change the content of other posts. They are not your posts. And this posts stuck to the opening post and did never change the opening post.

Arminus, as I said, I stuck to the OP.

Only perhaps. But one fact is that you faked the content and meaning of other posts.

Arminus, I stuck to the OP and had no intention of changing the OP (otherwise I would have started another thread).

There are deserving recipients. To those we extend that “us” which unfortunately highlights others who abuse the system and remain “them”. It is a myth to think that everyone can make it in America, but I would say that it is a myth that has served us well. Let me put it in another way. You might be a complete atheist physician who nonetheless encourages the belief in what you otherwise consider a myth due to its salutary effects in the lives of patients whose will to live is fading. Present setbacks are no guarantee for future failures and thus calling the belief that you can make it in America a myth is itself a myth, a conclusion that exceeds the evidence available. (This reminds me a lot of A. Camus argument against suicide). The point is that maybe, for the sake of argument, some people cannot and will not make it in America, we don’t know until they are willing to try themselves. Even when they fail today it does not mean that they are helpless forever. each person’s situation has to be evaluated on it’s own rather than passing judgment on our species as a whole or jumping to the conclusion that self-improvement, in America, is a myth.

We don’t have 100% employment and so if a welfare cheat stays home and milks the system then this is great as it enables the genuine job seeker to get a job.

Where are all those jobs other than the ones that pay minimum wage? Can you raise a family on minimum wage? Nowadays it takes husband, wife and children all working to buy necessities.

I think we have to remember that the period after WWII (cultural stability, economic growth, winning over evil, prosperity and the Golden Age of Capatalism) is over and we are now paying the price for our indulgences.

So capitalism wanes. What’s next?

It means there are consequences to actions and we need to accept those consequences (as individuals who were a part of those actions) first (rather than blame others).

Sounds ideal; but, can you imagine politics in the U.S. without the blame game?

No I cannot, but I know for a fact that I am not a politician and so my duty is to act.

Rightly so.

The legacy of we seen as I in the US appears to be–

  1. genocide of indigenous people
  2. slavery
  3. child labor
  4. robber barons
  5. child labor
  6. women as second-class citizens
  7. welfare recipients as undeserving

Your missing the raping of nature, war mongering and the cultural genocide of other nations (child labor is twice in your list).

And what about the very bad healthcare system?

The health care system is awesome if you are wealthy.

Your statement underlines my statement: The United States have the worst healthcare system of all so-called “first world” nations.