Religion is irrational, so what?

LOL, sorry but religion is often a tool to manipulate individuals to cede their freedom of thought to faith. That is, it is a tool of control, a control you have fallen to.

Keep your faith, if it gives you peace, but please do not try to control others because of your beliefs as certain religious leaders attempt to control our government with thier religion, and I do hope you know who I mean.

And what does this have to do with logic?

Many who are not religious know more regarding religion than many of the devout.

But all faiths are permitted in the USA, as long as they to not preach violence, hate, and promote the violation of our laws. Satanism is a legal religion in the US, and the military recognized it as a legitimate faith. Did I misunderstand your claim??

Hi m r n

I’ve often thought about this. It is one reason I am fond of the following quote:

There is a lot of truth to this. We worship an influential politician because they make us feel justified in our opinions though politics helps create them.

But is religious worship really a challenge when a large group is drawing strength from each other in mass worship of what they believe justifies them through a concept of a deity? It seems to me that much of worship is just a different style of politics in that it appeals to egotism. The real challenge of religion for me isn’t worship but the willingness to be open to the impartial experience of oneself so as to receive what the essence of religion offers.

i don’t think anyone should believe in anything irrational.

i think religion is not irrational. some things are beyond reason, these things are not within the comprehension of reason, but instead of below reason, it is above.

I’m curious as to what is meant by “religion is beyond reason”. Below, above, beyond, whatever, you are still saying that religion is other than reasonable. What do you mean by this?

cuz after all, there’s such a thing called faith. that you believe because you have faith.

but it’s not that believing in something that requires faith makes the whole thing altogether contradictive with reason.

being unreasonable is not quite the word… it’s more like. it’s reasonable and more.


there are two persons who are best friends. A and B. B betrayed A. B ran away. A, however, much later found B in a deep shit and decided to forgive him and take care of him. B was grateful. but B betrayed A again. A found B again and forgave him again and helped him out again. B, however, ended up commiting suicide.

of course there’s such a thing called “the power of love”. That you want to say that because love is so powerful, it all makes sense now. But the power itself seems to go beyond reasons. The fact that the man can forgive someone who was supposedly his best friend and betrayed him outright, your reason by right tells u to be cautious and all. He probably was and decided to give him another chance.

I’m not giving you a perfect example, but it’s just a rough one. It’s up to you to decide whether his actions were irrational or beyond reason. It’s a thin line altogether.