Science Cannot Replace Religion

Einstein said something like “Religion (moral values if you like) without science is blind, Science without religion (moral values if you like) is lame.”

I find a complimentary relationship between religion and science, minus the institutions that took role as scientists and God’s spokespeople on the state of the cosmos.

Oh dear Antii, please don’t make an appeal to popularity or tradition.

An appeal to tradition support slavery just as easily as God.

An appeal to popularity supports useing penacillin on viruses. (Which doesn’t work, btw.)

More importantly, neither confers and real justification to a claim.

That somebody famous said something does not make it true. Do you have any arguments to support your claim?

jamespetts wrote:

No I don’t. I agree with him however. An argument for this claim would drag in metaphysics and an adherence to something greater than us…and we wouldn’t want that now would we?

Science will replace religion when it has lost its way…
Science will replace religion when it stops to follow its own principles…
Science will replace religion when it deems itself ruler over people…
Science will replace religion when hypocritical most priests (scientists) seek only glory for themselves over their own work…
Science will replace religion when it asks its disciples to accept its doctrine (theories) without proof…

How I will weep if that day ever arrives. :cry:

Whyever not?


You gave lot of interesting feedback, many thanks. I should like to discuss in more detail and from many perspectives of your comments but I have no time reseurces now. However, I try to give some short comments.

Antti: You are right, philosophy is aiming to true understanding. People are also looking for releif and survival from the philosophy and ethics, however, without the God they cannot offer this salvation.

Antti: I feel important to take also the religion into account in the science because religion and faith are aspects which affect on the development on the science and conclusions. Too many research fellows try to forgot this aspect totally.

Antti: My purpose is not to appeal popularity or tradition. I do not know the reason, but I want to DO something when I meet ideas, actions or opinions which are not OK in my mind. Writing is one way to affect on these evils. I feel that too many people are silent and do not open their mouth when their meet the social oppression.


Well, one of the few things what we can count on in this world is that our God loves us.


If god really loves us, why was he so cruel, so fucking cruel to make us so empty, so sad, so terribly useless?


Your were looking for evidences of God and eternal life in your long list of comments. This make me reconsider my thoughs. The situation is really absurd:

  • The atheist cannot see the evidences of the God and eternal life before he/she has the faith but he cannot have the faith because he cannot see the evidences.

  • The believer sees the evidences but he do not need them anymore because he/she has the faith.

In any case in this decision situation the king and the slave are equal. Atleast this is the great thing.



I have pondered this very same question and the most logical reason what I have found is that in the cotton wool we could not strive for love, justice, mercy and forgiveness. We could not understand what is the pain and suffering in the paradise.


Many thanks for your comments.

I made again some revision to the original text using the comments and feedback what I have got. I hope that the latest version is slightly better than the earlier one.
